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function IpBanAdmin::iPBanDisabledBlocksValidate in IP Ban 8

Determine if blocks entered are valid and formatted correctly.


src/Form/IpBanAdmin.php, line 220






function iPBanDisabledBlocksValidate($form, &$form_state) {

  // $disabled_blocks = \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape($form_state['values']['ip_ban_disabled_blocks']);
  // if (!empty($disabled_blocks)) {
  // $disabled_block_array = explode(PHP_EOL, $disabled_blocks);
  // foreach ($disabled_block_array as $disabled_block) {
  // // First determine if the user entered two strings separated by a space.
  // $module_and_delta = explode(',', trim($disabled_block));
  // if (count($module_and_delta) != 2) {
  // form_set_error('ip_ban_disabled_blocks', t('You have one or more blocks with an incorrect format; you must enter exactly one module name and delta name per line, separated by a comma.'));
  // }
  // else {
  // $module = trim($module_and_delta[0]);
  // $delta = trim($module_and_delta[1]);
  // // Second determine if the block entered is a valid block.
  // $disabled_block = db_query('SELECT * FROM {block} WHERE module = :module AND delta = :delta', array(':module' => $module, ':delta' => $delta))->fetchAll();
  // if (empty($disabled_block)) {
  // form_set_error('ip_ban_disabled_blocks', t('You entered at least one invalid module name or delta; see the help text for how to enter the proper module name and delta.'));
  // }
  // // Todo: add check for block enabled status for enabled themes.
  // // If block disabled for all enabled themes (including admin theme),
  // // set form error.
  // }
  // }
  // }