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public function Ip2CountryManager::updateDatabase in IP-based Determination of a Visitor's Country 8

Updates the database.

Truncates ip2country table then reloads from ftp servers. These steps are performed within a transaction to ensure that no data is lost if the update fails.


string $registry: Regional Internet Registry from which to get the data. Allowed values are afrinic, apnic, arin (default), lacnic, or ripe.

bool $md5_checksum: Whether to compare the MD5 checksum downloaded from the RIR with the MD5 checksum calculated locally to ensure the data has not been corrupted. Default is FALSE because RIRs don't always provide a checksum.

int $batch_size: The number of rows to write to the database at one time. Increasing this value will consume more memory but will take less time and make fewer database queries. Default is 200.

Return value

int|false FALSE if database update failed. Otherwise, returns the number of rows in the updated database.

Overrides Ip2CountryManagerInterface::updateDatabase


src/Ip2CountryManager.php, line 66


The ip2country.manager service.




public function updateDatabase($registry = 'arin', $md5_checksum = FALSE, $batch_size = 200) {
  $registry = mb_strtolower(trim($registry));

  // FTP files.
  if ($registry == 'afrinic') {

    // The afrinic NIC only holds its own data, unlike every other NIC.
    $ftp_urls = [
  else {

    // Note, arin doesn't play by the file-naming rules.
    $ftp_urls = [

  // Set a run-time long enough so the script won't break.
  // 10 * 60 = 10 minutes!
  Environment::setTimeLimit(10 * 60);

   * Load all the new data into a temporary table so the module still works
   * while we're downloading and validating the new data.

  // Ensure temporary table is missing.

  // Obtain schema for {ip2country} table.
  $schema = drupal_get_module_schema('ip2country', 'ip2country');

  // Create an empty table identical to the {ip2country} table.
    ->createTable('ip2country_temp', $schema);

  // Prepare a query for insertions into the temporary table.
  $query = $this->connection

  // Download data files from the chosen registry.
  $entries = 0;
  $summary_records = 0;
  foreach ($ftp_urls as $ftp_file) {

    // Replace Registry source with chosen registry.
    $ftp_file = str_replace('ftp.ripe', 'ftp.' . $registry, $ftp_file);

    // RipeNCC is named ripe-ncc on APNIC registry.
    if ($registry == 'apnic') {
      $ftp_file = str_replace('stats/ripencc/', 'stats/ripe-ncc/', $ftp_file);

    // File delegated-ripencc-latest is named
    // delegated-ripencc-extended-latest on LACNIC registry.
    if ($registry == 'lacnic') {
      $ftp_file = str_replace('delegated-ripencc', 'delegated-ripencc-extended', $ftp_file);

    // Fetch the FTP file using cURL.
    $txt = $this
    if ($txt == FALSE) {

      // Fetch failed.
        ->warning('File empty or not found on @registry server: @ftp_file', [
        '@registry' => mb_strtoupper($registry),
        '@ftp_file' => $ftp_file,
      return FALSE;
    if ($md5_checksum) {

      // Fetch the MD5 checksum using cURL.
      $md5 = $this
        ->fetchPage($ftp_file . '.md5');
      if ($md5 == FALSE) {

        // Fetch failed.
          ->warning('File not found on @registry server: @ftp_file.md5', [
          '@registry' => mb_strtoupper($registry),
          '@ftp_file' => $ftp_file,
        return FALSE;

      // Verify MD5 checksum.
      $temp = explode(" ", $md5);

      // ARIN returns two fields, MD5 is in first field.
      // All other RIR return four fields, MD5 is in fourth field.
      $md5 = isset($temp[3]) ? trim($temp[3]) : trim($temp[0]);

      // Compare checksums.
      if ($md5 != md5($txt)) {

        // Checksums don't agree, so drop temporary table,
        // add watchdog entry, then return error.
          ->warning('Validation of database from @registry server FAILED. MD5 checksum provided for the @ftp_file registry database does not match the calculated checksum.', [
          '@registry' => mb_strtoupper($registry),
          '@ftp_file' => $ftp_file,
        return FALSE;

    // Break the FTP file into records.
    $lines = explode("\n", $txt);

    // Free up memory.

    // Loop over records.
    $summary_not_found = TRUE;
    foreach ($lines as $line) {

      // Trim each line for security.
      $line = trim($line);

      // Skip comment lines and blank lines.
      if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '#' || $line == '') {

      // Split record into parts.
      $parts = explode('|', $line);

      // We're only interested in the ipv4 records.
      if ($parts[2] != 'ipv4') {

      // Save number of ipv4 records from summary line.
      if ($summary_not_found && $parts[5] == 'summary') {
        $summary_not_found = FALSE;
        $summary_records += $parts[4];

      // The registry that owns the range.
      $owner_registry = $parts[0];

      // The country code for the range.
      $country_code = $parts[1];

      // Prepare the IP data for insert.
      $ip_start = (int) ip2long($parts[3]);
      $ip_end = (int) ip2long($parts[3]) + (int) $parts[4] - 1;
      $range_length = (int) $parts[4];

      // Insert range into the prepared query.
        'ip_range_first' => min($ip_start, $ip_end),
        'ip_range_last' => max($ip_start, $ip_end),
        'ip_range_length' => $range_length,
        'country' => $country_code,
        'registry' => $owner_registry,

      // If we have prepared enough rows (= batch size) to be inserted,
      // insert these rows simultaneously into temporary table.
      if ($entries > 0 && $entries % $batch_size == 0) {

      // Keep track of where we are.

    // Insert remaining rows (< batch size) into temporary table.

    // Free up memory.

  // Validate temporary table.
  // Check row count matches number of rows reported in the summary record.
  if ($summary_records == $entries) {

    // Start transaction.
    $txn = $this->connection
    try {

      // Must do this in a transaction so that both functions succeed.
      // Because if one works but the other doesn't we're in trouble.
        ->renameTable('ip2country_temp', 'ip2country');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

      // Something failed, so roll back transaction and delete temporary
      // table. The {ip2country} table will remain unchanged by this update
      // attempt.
        ->info('Exception in transaction while swapping in new DB table.', [
      return FALSE;

    // Commit transaction.

    // Record the time of update.
      ->set('ip2country_last_update', $this->timeService
      ->set('ip2country_last_update_rir', $registry);

    // Return count of records in the table.
    return $entries;
  else {

    // Validation failed, so drop temporary table, add watchdog entry,
    // then return error.
      ->warning('Validation of database from @registry server FAILED. Server summary reported @summary rows available, but @entries rows were entered into the database.', [
      '@registry' => mb_strtoupper($registry),
      '@summary' => $summary_records,
      '@entries' => $entries,
    return FALSE;