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Functions in Invoice 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_invoice_get_installed_system_locales ./ Returns installed locales on the system 1
_invoice_get_invoice_items ./ Form helper function to get all invoice items 1
_invoice_get_invoice_totals ./ Helper function to calculate invoice totals 5
_invoice_get_new_invoice_number ./ Helper function to get invoice id 2
_invoice_get_possible_date_arguments ./ Returns all possible date arguments 1
_invoice_get_templates ./ Helper function to get the available template names 4
_invoice_get_variable ./ Helper function to get template variables 8
_invoice_money_format ./ Alternative for the default PHP money_format() function 1
_invoice_round ./ Helper function to get a rounded value 4
_invoice_round_and_format_money ./ Returns a rounded and formatted number according to the locale set on the invoice settings page 6
_invoice_user_has_admin_access_to_invoice ./ Returns if the user has access to administer the given invoice 4
_invoice_vat_percent_to_decimal ./ Converts a VAT value in percent to decimal 5
_make_sure_node_promote_flag_is_off ./ Makes sure that node promote flag is off 2


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