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6 calls to InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::getDBPrefix() in Instapage plugin 8.3

InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::getPageSlugs in core/connectors/InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector.php
Pulls slugs used by WordPress pages.
InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::getPostSlugs in core/connectors/InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector.php
Gets the list of slugs used by WP posts.
InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::getTermSlugs in core/connectors/InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector.php
Gets the list of slugs used by WP terms.
InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::isProhibitedPageSlug in core/connectors/InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector.php
Checks if given slug is prohibited in terms of publishing a landing page. If it's free - will return false. Otherwise an array with slug details will be returned
InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::isProhibitedPostSlug in core/connectors/InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector.php
Checks if given slug is prohibited in terms of publishing a landing page. If it's free - will return false. Otherwise an array with slug details will be returned
InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::isProhibitedTermSlug in core/connectors/InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector.php
Checks if given slug is prohibited in terms of publishing a landing page. If it's free - will return false. Otherwise an array with slug details will be returned