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instagram_block.lib.php in Instagram Block 7

Instagram classes to integrate with the Instagram API.


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 * @file
 * Instagram classes to integrate with the Instagram API.
class InstagramRequest {

   * @var array $response.
  protected $response;

   * @var array $config
  protected $config;

   * @var array $values
  protected $values;

   * Constructs the request object.
   * @param array $config
   * @param array $values
  public function __construct(array $config, array $values) {
    $this->config = $config;
    $this->values = $values;

   * Builds a request for {user} media.
  public function requestUserMedia() {
    $url = '';
    $params = array(
      'access_token' => $this->config['access_token'],
      'count' => $this->values['count'],
    $this->response = $this
      ->request($url, $params, 'GET');

   * Builds a request for {tag} media
  public function requestTagMedia() {
    $url = "" . $this->values['tag'] . "/media/recent/";
    $params = array(
      'access_token' => $this->config['access_token'],
      'count' => $this->values['count'],
    $this->response = $this
      ->request($url, $params, 'GET');

   * Performs a request.
   * @param string $url
   * @param array $params
   * @param string $method
   * @throws \Exception
  protected function request($url, $params = array(), $method = 'GET') {
    $data = '';
    if (count($params) > 0) {
      if ($method == 'GET') {
        $url .= '?' . http_build_query($params, '', '&');
      else {
        $data = http_build_query($params, '', '&');
    $headers = array();
    $headers['Authorization'] = 'Oauth';
    $headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
    $response = $this
      ->doRequest($url, $headers, $method, $data);
    if (!isset($response->error)) {
      return $response->data;
    else {
      $error = $response->error;
      if (!empty($response->data)) {
        $data = $this
        if (isset($data->error)) {
          $error = $data->error;
        elseif (isset($data->meta)) {
          $error = new Exception($data->meta->error_type . ': ' . $data->meta->error_message, $data->meta->code);
      watchdog('instagram_block', $error);

   * Actually performs a request.
   * This method can be easily overriden through inheritance.
   * @param string $url
   *   The url of the endpoint.
   * @param array $headers
   *   Array of headers.
   * @param string $method
   *   The HTTP method to use (normally POST or GET).
   * @param array $data
   *   An array of parameters
   * @return
   *   stdClass response object.
  protected function doRequest($url, $headers, $method, $data) {
    return drupal_http_request($url, array(
      'headers' => $headers,
      'method' => $method,
      'data' => $data,

   * Parses the response.
  protected function parse_response($response) {

    // - json_decode large integer issue
    $length = strlen(PHP_INT_MAX);
    $response = preg_replace('/"(id|in_reply_to_status_id)":(\\d{' . $length . ',})/', '"\\1":"\\2"', $response);
    return json_decode($response);

   * Get an array of InstagramPosts objects.
  public function get_instagram_posts() {
    $response = $this

    // Check on successfull call
    if ($response) {
      $posts = array();
      foreach ($response->data as $post) {
        $posts[] = new InstagramPost($post);
      return $posts;
    else {
      return array();


 * InstagramPost implementation class
class InstagramPost {

   * @var string $id.
  protected $id;

   * @var InstagramUser $user.
  public $user;

   * @var string $created.
  public $created;

   * @var string $type.
  public $type;

   * @var string $link.
  public $link;

   * @var InstagramLocation $location.
  public $location;

   * @var InstagramComment $caption.
  public $caption;

   * @var array $comments
   *   Array of InstagramComments.
  public $comments;

   * @var integer $comment_count.
  public $comment_count;

   * @var array $likes
   *   Array of InstagramLikes.
  public $likes;

   * @var array $images
   *   Array of Image links.
  public $images;

   * @var integer $like_count.
  public $like_count;

   * Constructor for the InstagramPost class
  public function __construct($instagram_post) {
    $this->id = $instagram_post->id;
    $this->user = new InstagramUser($instagram_post->user);
    $this->created = $instagram_post->created_time;
    $this->type = $instagram_post->type;
    $this->link = $instagram_post->link;
    $this->images = $instagram_post->images;
    if (!empty($instagram_post->location)) {
      $this->location = new InstagramLocation($instagram_post->location);
    if (!empty($instagram_post->caption)) {
      $this->caption = new InstagramComment($instagram_post->caption);
    if ($instagram_post->comments->count && !empty($instagram_post->comments->data)) {
      $this->comment_count = $instagram_post->comments->count;
      $this->comments = $this
    if ($instagram_post->likes->count && !empty($instagram_post->likes->data)) {
      $this->like_count = $instagram_post->likes->count;
      $this->likes = $this

   * Builds an InstagramComment.
  protected function get_comments($data) {
    $comments = array();
    foreach ($data as $comment) {
      $comments[] = new InstagramComment($comment);
    return $comments;

   * Builds an InstagramLike.
  protected function get_likes($data) {
    $likes = array();
    foreach ($data as $like) {
      $likes[] = new InstagramLike($like);
    return $likes;


 * InstagramUser class.
class InstagramUser {

   * @var string $id.
  protected $id;

   * @var string $username.
  public $username;

   * @var string $website.
  public $website;

   * @var string $full_name.
  public $full_name;

   * @var string $bio.
  public $bio;

   * @var string $profile_picture
   *   URL to the image src.
  public $profile_picture;

   * Constructor for the InstagramUser class.
  public function __construct($user) {
    $this->profile_picture = $user->profile_picture;
    $this->id = $user->id;
    $this->full_name = $user->full_name;
    $this->username = $user->username;
    if (!empty($user->website)) {
      $this->website = $user->website;
    if (!empty($user->bio)) {
      $this->bio = $user->bio;


 * InstagramLocation class.
class InstagramLocation {

   * @var string $id.
  protected $id;

   * @var string $name.
  public $name;

   * @var string $latitude.
  public $latitude;

   * @var string $longitude.
  public $longitude;

   * Constructor for the InstagramLocation class.
  public function __construct($location) {
    if (isset($this->id)) {
      $this->id = $location->id;
    if (isset($this->name)) {
      $this->name = $location->name;
    if (isset($location->latitude)) {
      $this->latitude = $location->latitude;
    if (isset($location->longitude)) {
      $this->longitude = $location->longitude;


 * InstagramComment class.
class InstagramComment {

   * @var string $id.
  protected $id;

   * @var string $text.
  public $text;

   * @var InstagramUser $from.
  public $from;

   * @var string $created.
  public $created;

   * Constructor for the InstagramComment class.
  public function __construct($comment) {
    $this->id = $comment->id;
    $this->text = $comment->text;
    $this->from = new InstagramUser($comment->from);
    $this->created = $comment->created_time;


 * InstagramLike class.
class InstagramLike {

   * @var string $id.
  protected $id;

   * @var string $username.
  public $username;

   * @var string $full_name.
  public $full_name;

   * @var string $profile_picture.
   *   URL to the image src.
  public $profile_picture;

   * Constructor for the InstagramLike class.
  public function __construct($like) {
    $this->profile_picture = $like->profile_picture;
    $this->id = $like->id;
    $this->username = $like->username;
    $this->full_name = $like->full_name;



Namesort descending Description
InstagramComment InstagramComment class.
InstagramLike InstagramLike class.
InstagramLocation InstagramLocation class.
InstagramPost InstagramPost implementation class
InstagramRequest @file Instagram classes to integrate with the Instagram API.
InstagramUser InstagramUser class.