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instagram-block-image.tpl.php in Instagram Block 7

Default theme implementation of an Instagram image link.

Available variables:

  • post: The entire data array returned from the Instagram API request.
  • href: The url to the Instagram post page.
  • src: The source url to the instagram image.
  • width: The display width of the image.
  • height: The display height of the image.


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 * @file
 * Default theme implementation of an Instagram image link.
 * Available variables:
 * - post: The entire data array returned from the Instagram API request.
 * - href: The url to the Instagram post page.
 * - src: The source url to the instagram image.
 * - width: The display width of the image.
 * - height: The display height of the image.
<a class="group" target="_blank" data-instagram-rel="1" href="<?php

print $href;
  <img alt="<?php

print $caption;
?>" style="float: left; margin: 0 5px 5px 0px; width: <?php

print $width;
?>px; height: <?php

print $height;
?>px;" src="<?php

print $src;