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8 calls to inline_entity_form_get_element() in Inline Entity Form 8

InlineEntityFormComplex::closeChildForms in src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/InlineEntityFormComplex.php
Button #submit callback: Closes all open child forms in the IEF widget.
InlineEntityFormComplex::closeForm in src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/InlineEntityFormComplex.php
Button #submit callback: Closes a form in the IEF widget.
InlineEntityFormComplex::submitCloseRow in src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/InlineEntityFormComplex.php
Button #submit callback: Closes a row form in the IEF widget.
InlineEntityFormComplex::submitConfirmRemove in src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/InlineEntityFormComplex.php
Remove form submit callback.
inline_entity_form_cleanup_form_state in ./inline_entity_form.module
Button #submit callback: Cleans up form state for a closed entity form.
inline_entity_form_cleanup_row_form_state in ./inline_entity_form.module
Button #submit callback: Cleans up form state for a closed entity row form.
inline_entity_form_open_form in ./inline_entity_form.module
Button #submit callback: Opens a form in the IEF widget.
inline_entity_form_open_row_form in ./inline_entity_form.module
Button #submit callback: Opens a row form in the IEF widget.