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inline_conditions.module in Inline Conditions 7

Extends Drupal 7 with a new field type to manage rules conditions directly from a field.


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 * @file
 * Extends Drupal 7 with a new field type to manage rules conditions directly
 * from a field.

// Inline conditions own constants.

// Load all Field module hooks for Inline Conditions.
module_load_include('inc', 'inline_conditions', 'inline_conditions.field');

 * Implements hook_menu().
function inline_conditions_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['inline_conditions/autocomplete/%/%/%'] = array(
    'title' => 'Inline Conditions Autocomplete',
    'page callback' => 'inline_conditions_autocomplete_callback',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => TRUE,
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function inline_conditions_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  return array(
    'inline_conditions_table' => array(
      'render element' => 'element',

 * Returns HTML for an individual inline conditions widget.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - element: A render element representing the widget.
 * @ingroup themeable
 * @return string
 *   The HTML to be rendered.
function theme_inline_conditions_table($variables) {
  $element = $variables['element'];

  // Initialize the variable which will store our table rows.
  foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
    if (is_numeric($key) && $key > 0) {

      // Render the logical operator form element and pop it into the upper row.
      $rows[] = array(
        'data' => array(
            'data' => $element[$key]['condition_logic_operator'],
            'colspan' => 4,
    if (is_numeric($key)) {
      $rows[] = array(
        'data' => array(
          // Column: "Apply to".
            'data' => $element[$key]['condition_name'],
          // Column: "Settings".
            'data' => $element[$key]['condition_settings'],
          // Column: "Negate".
            'data' => $element[$key]['condition_negate'],
          // Column: "Remove".
            'data' => $element[$key]['remove_condition'],

  // Render action buttons.
  $rows[] = array(
    'data' => array(
        'data' => array(
        'colspan' => 4,
  return theme('table', array(
    'header' => array(
      t('Apply to'),
    'rows' => $rows,
    'attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
    'caption' => isset($element['#caption']) ? $element['#caption'] : NULL,

 * Implements hook_modules_enabled().
function inline_conditions_modules_enabled() {

  // New modules might offer additional inline conditions.

 * Implements hook_modules_disabled().
function inline_conditions_modules_disabled() {

 * Implements hook_hook_info().
function inline_conditions_hook_info() {
  $hooks['inline_conditions_info'] = array(
    'group' => 'inline_conditions',
  $hooks['inline_conditions_info_alter'] = array(
    'group' => 'inline_conditions',
  $hooks['inline_conditions_build_alter'] = array(
    'group' => 'inline_conditions',
  return $hooks;

 * Menu callback: autocomplete the label of an entity.
 * Assumes "tag mode" (multiple allowed entries).
 * Mostly stolen from entityreference.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   The entity type.
 * @param bool $product_mode
 *   Boolean indicating whether to limit taxonomy terms to vocabularies used by
 *   commerce_product bundles.
 * @param bool $single
 *   Indicate a single value autocomple field.
 * @param string $string
 *   The label of the entity to query by.
function inline_conditions_autocomplete_callback($entity_type, $product_mode, $single = FALSE, $string = '') {
  $matches = array();
  $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
  if ($product_mode) {
    $product_node_types = commerce_product_reference_node_types();
    $product_node_types = array_keys($product_node_types);

  // Single mode.
  if ($single) {

    // Get the current string from field.
    $tag_last = $string;
  else {

    // The user enters a comma-separated list of tags.
    // We only autocomplete the last tag.@
    $tags_typed = drupal_explode_tags($string);
    $tag_last = drupal_strtolower(array_pop($tags_typed));
    if (!empty($tag_last)) {
      $prefix = count($tags_typed) ? implode(', ', $tags_typed) . ', ' : '';
  if (!empty($tag_last)) {
    $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
      ->entityCondition('entity_type', $entity_type);
      ->propertyCondition($entity_info['entity keys']['label'], $tag_last, 'CONTAINS');
      ->addTag($entity_type . '_access');
      ->range(0, 10);
    if ($entity_type == 'node') {

      // Limit the query to product display node types.
      if ($product_mode) {
          ->entityCondition('bundle', $product_node_types);

      // If there are no access control modules enabled, and the user does not
      // have permission to bypass node access, limit the nodes to 'published'.
      if (!user_access('bypass node access') && !count(module_implements('node_grants'))) {
          ->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED);
    elseif ($entity_type == 'taxonomy_term' && $product_mode) {

      // Gather all vocabularies referenced from term reference fields on
      // product display node types.
      $vids = array();
      $vocabulary_data = taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names();
      foreach (field_info_instances('commerce_product') as $instance) {
        foreach ($instance as $field_name => $field_properties) {
          $field = field_info_field($field_name);
          if ($field['type'] == 'taxonomy_term_reference') {
            $vocabulary_name = $field['settings']['allowed_values'][0]['vocabulary'];
            $vids[] = $vocabulary_data[$vocabulary_name]->vid;

      // Limit the query to only those vocabularies.
      if ($vids) {
          ->propertyCondition('vid', array_unique($vids));
    $results = $query
    if (!empty($results[$entity_type])) {
      $entities = entity_load($entity_type, array_keys($results[$entity_type]));
      foreach ($entities as $entity_id => $entity) {
        $label = entity_label($entity_type, $entity);
        $label = check_plain($label);
        $key = "{$label} ({$entity_id})";

        // Strip things like starting/trailing white spaces,
        // line breaks and tags.
        $key = preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', str_replace("\n", '', trim(decode_entities(strip_tags($key)))));

        // Names containing commas or quotes must be wrapped in quotes.
        if (strpos($key, ',') !== FALSE || strpos($key, '"') !== FALSE) {
          $key = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $key) . '"';
        $matches[$prefix . $key] = '<div class="reference-autocomplete">' . $label . '</div>';

 * Private Callback: Ensure that autocomplete is valid.
 * @param array $element
 *   Current element array.
 * @param array $form_state
 *   The form state array.
 * @param array $form
 *   the form array.
function _inline_conditions_autocomplete_validate($element, &$form_state, $form) {
  $value = array();

  // If a value was entered into the autocomplete...
  if (!empty($element['#value'])) {
    $entities = drupal_explode_tags($element['#value']);
    $value = array();
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {

      // Take "label (entity id)', match the id from parenthesis.
      if (preg_match("/.+\\((\\d+)\\)/", $entity, $matches)) {
        $value[] = array(
          'target_id' => $matches[1],

  // Update the value of this element with only the entity ids.
  form_set_value($element, $value, $form_state);

 * Property callback for IC module.
function inline_conditions_field_property_callback(&$info, $entity_type, $field, $instance, $field_type) {

  // Apply the default behavior.
  entity_metadata_field_default_property_callback($info, $entity_type, $field, $instance, $field_type);

  // Alter both getter & setter callbacks.
  $property =& $info[$entity_type]['bundles'][$instance['bundle']]['properties'][$field['field_name']];
  $property['getter callback'] = 'inline_conditions_entity_metadata_field_property_get';
  $property['setter callback'] = 'inline_conditions_entity_metadata_field_property_set';

 * Callback for getting field property values.
function inline_conditions_entity_metadata_field_property_get($entity, array $options, $name, $entity_type, $info) {
  $field = field_info_field($name);
  $langcode = entity_metadata_field_get_language($entity_type, $entity, $field, isset($options['language']) ? $options['language']->language : LANGUAGE_NONE, TRUE);
  $values = array();
  if (isset($entity->{$name}[$langcode])) {
    foreach ($entity->{$name}[$langcode] as $delta => $rows) {
      $values[$delta] = $rows;

  // For an empty single-valued field, we have to return NULL.
  return $field['cardinality'] == 1 ? $values ? reset($values) : NULL : $values;

 * Callback for setting field property values.
 * TODO: to be tested...
function inline_conditions_entity_metadata_field_property_set($entity, $name, $value, $langcode, $entity_type) {
  $field = field_info_field($name);
  $langcode = entity_metadata_field_get_language($entity_type, $entity, $field, $langcode);
  $values = $field['cardinality'] == 1 ? array(
  ) : (array) $value;
  $items = array();
  foreach ($values as $delta => $value) {
    if (isset($delta)) {
      $items[$delta] = $value;
  $entity->{$name}[$langcode] = $items;

  // Empty the static field language cache, so the field system picks up any
  // possible new languages.

 * Defines a callback to add condition(s) to the given rule.
 * When a rule is being built, it goes over the $field_values, and for each
 * condition it calls the conditions "build" function.
 * @param RulesReactionRule $rule
 *   The parent rule.
 * @param array $field_values
 *   An array of values from an inline_conditions field.
 * @see hook_inline_conditions_build_alter()
function inline_conditions_build(RulesReactionRule $rule, $field_values) {
  if (!empty($field_values)) {

    // Initialising the variables needed to later build the rule.
    $or = $and = $temp = NULL;

    // Loop over field values.
    foreach ($field_values as $delta => $value) {

      // Give a chance to others module to alter the current field value.
      drupal_alter('inline_conditions_build', $value);

      // Get the condition info.
      $info = inline_conditions_get_info($value['condition_name']);

      // Ensure we got the condition and we have settings for the rule
      // condition.
      if (!$info || empty($value['condition_settings'])) {

      // Fulfill the parameters variable with the expecting values.
      $parameters = array(
        'entity:select' => $info['entity type'],
      ) + $value['condition_settings'];

      // Find the condition name in order to be attached on the passed rule.
      $name = isset($info['rule condition name']) ? $info['rule condition name'] : $value['condition_name'];
      $condition = rules_condition($name, $parameters)

      // Find out if we need to add a OR / AND condition before the one defined
      // in the current field value.
      if (isset($value['condition_logic_operator'])) {
        switch ($value['condition_logic_operator']) {
            if (is_null($and)) {
              $and = rules_and();

            // Attach the condition in the "AND" group.

            // Try to add the condition stored in temp variable in the current
            // group.
            if (isset($temp)) {
          case INLINE_CONDITIONS_OR:
            if (is_null($or)) {
              $or = rules_or();

            // Attach the condition in the "OR" group.

            // Try to add the condition stored in temp variable in the current
            // group.
            if (isset($temp)) {

      // No logical operator found, so we put the condition in the temp array.
      $temp = $condition;

    // Add conditions based on logical operators groups to passed rule.
    if (!is_null($and)) {
    if (!is_null($or)) {

    // If a condition is still present in the temp var, attach it to the rule
    // using an AND operator.
    if (isset($temp)) {

 * Returns the info array of a condition.
 * @param string $condition_name
 *   The condition name for which the info shall be returned, or NULL to return
 *   an array with info about all conditions.
 * @return array
 *   An array of conditions.
function inline_conditions_get_info($condition_name = NULL) {
  $conditions =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($conditions)) {
    $conditions = array();
    foreach (module_implements('inline_conditions_info') as $module) {
      foreach (module_invoke($module, 'inline_conditions_info') as $condition => $condition_info) {
        $condition_info += array(
          // Remember the providing module.
          'module' => $module,
          'callbacks' => array(),

        // Provide default callbacks based on condition name when they are using
        // the MODULE_CONDITION condition name's naming pattern.
        $callback_prefix = $condition;
        if (strpos($callback_prefix, $module . '_') !== 0) {
          $callback_prefix = $module . '_' . $condition;
        $condition_info['callbacks'] += array(
          'configure' => $callback_prefix . '_configure',
          'build' => $callback_prefix . '_build',
        $conditions[$condition] = $condition_info;
    drupal_alter('inline_conditions_info', $conditions);
  if (isset($condition_name)) {
    return !empty($conditions[$condition_name]) ? $conditions[$condition_name] : FALSE;
  else {
    return $conditions;

 * Get inline conditions per type.
 * Return an array of defined inline conditions for the passed entity type and
 * component type (if specified by the condition).
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   The type of the entity available to the rule.
 * @param string $parent_entity_type
 *   The type of the parent entity (that contains the IC field).
 *   Used for comparison if a condition defines one as well.
 * @return array
 *   An array of conditions.
function inline_conditions_get_info_by_type($entity_type, $parent_entity_type) {
  $conditions = inline_conditions_get_info();

  // Prepare the list of conditions to be returned.
  // Filter first by entity type, then by parent entity type, if available.
  $filtered_conditions = array();
  foreach ($conditions as $condition_name => $condition_info) {
    if ($condition_info['entity type'] != $entity_type) {
    if (isset($condition_info['parent entity type']) && $condition_info['parent entity type'] != $parent_entity_type) {
    $filtered_conditions[$condition_name] = $condition_info;
  return $filtered_conditions;

 * Get inline conditions per module name.
 * @param string $module
 *   The module name.
 * @return array
 *   An array of inline conditions keyed by module name.
function inline_conditions_get_info_by_module($module = NULL) {
  $filtered_conditions = array();
  foreach (inline_conditions_get_info() as $name => $condition) {
    $filtered_conditions[$condition['module']][$name] = $condition;

  // Apply module filter if it's set.
  if (!empty($module)) {
    $filtered_conditions = !empty($filtered_conditions[$module]) ? array(
      $module => $filtered_conditions[$module],
    ) : array();
  return $filtered_conditions;

 * Returns an options list of inline conditions per type.
 * @param array $condition_info
 *   An array of inline conditions.
 * @return array
 *   An array of inline conditions keyed by condition machine name.
function inline_conditions_options_list($condition_info) {

  // Complete an array ready to be used as value for a select form element.
  $condition_list = array(
    '' => t('- All -'),
  foreach ($condition_info as $condition_name => $info) {
    $condition_list[$condition_name] = $info['label'];
  return $condition_list;


Namesort descending Description
inline_conditions_autocomplete_callback Menu callback: autocomplete the label of an entity.
inline_conditions_build Defines a callback to add condition(s) to the given rule.
inline_conditions_entity_metadata_field_property_get Callback for getting field property values.
inline_conditions_entity_metadata_field_property_set Callback for setting field property values.
inline_conditions_field_property_callback Property callback for IC module.
inline_conditions_get_info Returns the info array of a condition.
inline_conditions_get_info_by_module Get inline conditions per module name.
inline_conditions_get_info_by_type Get inline conditions per type.
inline_conditions_hook_info Implements hook_hook_info().
inline_conditions_menu Implements hook_menu().
inline_conditions_modules_disabled Implements hook_modules_disabled().
inline_conditions_modules_enabled Implements hook_modules_enabled().
inline_conditions_options_list Returns an options list of inline conditions per type.
inline_conditions_theme Implements hook_theme().
theme_inline_conditions_table Returns HTML for an individual inline conditions widget.
_inline_conditions_autocomplete_validate Private Callback: Ensure that autocomplete is valid.
