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function InactiveUserTest::drupalCreateInactiveUser in Inactive User 6

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  1. 7 inactive_user.test \InactiveUserTest::drupalCreateInactiveUser()

Creates a drupal user and sets as inactive for a value of seconds.


integer $seconds: number of seconds the user has been inactive.

Return value

stdclass Created user object.

4 calls to InactiveUserTest::drupalCreateInactiveUser()
InactiveUserTest::testInactiveUserBlocking in ./inactive_user.test
Check inactive user blocking and notifications are working
InactiveUserTest::testInactiveUserDeleting in ./inactive_user.test
Check inactive user deleting and notifications are working
InactiveUserTest::testInactiveUserNotification in ./inactive_user.test
Check inactive user and administrator notifications are working
InactiveUserTest::testInactiveUserWithContentDeleting in ./inactive_user.test
Check inactive user (with content) deleting and notifications are working


./inactive_user.test, line 453
Test the basic functions of the Inactive User module.


Inactive user module testcase.


function drupalCreateInactiveUser($seconds = 0) {

  // Create a default user
  $account = $this

  // Mark as inactive..
  $timestamp = time() - $seconds;
  db_query('UPDATE {users} SET login = %d, created = %d, access = %d WHERE uid = %d', $timestamp, $timestamp, $timestamp, $account->uid);

  // Verify inactivity.
  $access = db_result(db_query("SELECT access FROM {users} WHERE uid = %d", $account->uid));
    ->assertEqual($timestamp, $access, t('User successfully updated as inactive since %date.', array(
    '%date' => format_date($timestamp),
  return $account;