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README.txt in Inactive User 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5 README.txt
  2. 6 README.txt
The inactive_user module provides Drupal administrators with an automatic
way to manage inactive user accounts.  This module has two goals:  to help
keep users coming back to your site by reminding them when they've been away
for a configurable period of time, and to cleanup unused accounts.

One or more of the following actions can be automatically taken for users that
have exceeded configurable periods of inactivity:
  - send an email to the user
  - send an email to the site administrator
  - block the account (a warning can first be issued, and notification can
     be sent to the user and/or site administrator when the action occurs)
  - delete the account (a warning can first be issued, and notification can
     be sent to the user and/or site administrator when the action occurs)
  - optionally prevent deletion of user that have created site content

All events triggered by this module are logged via the watchdog.

Installation and configuration:
Enable the module at Administer->Site Building->Modules.
Database tables will be automatically created.
Grant the 'change inactive user settings' permission to the appropriate roles.
Configure as desired at Administer->User configuration->Inactive users.

 - Drupal 6.x
 - Working crontab

 - Written by Jeremy Andrews <>
 - Converted to 4.7 by Dries Knapen <>
 - Converted to 5.0 by Adam Cowell <> and Larry Garfield <>
 - Converted to 6.x by Tim Lievens and David Norman <>
 - Currently maintained by Larry Garfield <> and David Norman <>


View source
  1. Overview:
  2. --------
  3. The inactive_user module provides Drupal administrators with an automatic
  4. way to manage inactive user accounts. This module has two goals: to help
  5. keep users coming back to your site by reminding them when they've been away
  6. for a configurable period of time, and to cleanup unused accounts.
  7. One or more of the following actions can be automatically taken for users that
  8. have exceeded configurable periods of inactivity:
  9. - send an email to the user
  10. - send an email to the site administrator
  11. - block the account (a warning can first be issued, and notification can
  12. be sent to the user and/or site administrator when the action occurs)
  13. - delete the account (a warning can first be issued, and notification can
  14. be sent to the user and/or site administrator when the action occurs)
  15. - optionally prevent deletion of user that have created site content
  16. All events triggered by this module are logged via the watchdog.
  17. Installation and configuration:
  18. ------------------------------
  19. Enable the module at Administer->Site Building->Modules.
  20. Database tables will be automatically created.
  21. Grant the 'change inactive user settings' permission to the appropriate roles.
  22. Configure as desired at Administer->User configuration->Inactive users.
  23. Requires:
  24. --------
  25. - Drupal 6.x
  26. - Working crontab
  27. Credits:
  28. -------
  29. - Written by Jeremy Andrews
  30. - Converted to 4.7 by Dries Knapen
  31. - Converted to 5.0 by Adam Cowell and Larry Garfield
  32. - Converted to 6.x by Tim Lievens and David Norman
  33. - Currently maintained by Larry Garfield and David Norman