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imagezoom_thumb.tpl.php in Image Zoom 7.2

Template for an Image Zoom thumbnail image.

Available variables:

  • $image: The path to the display image.
  • $zoom: The path to the zoom image.
  • $thumb: The path to the thumbnail image.
  • $width: The width of the thumbnail.
  • $height: The height of the thumbnail.


View source

 * @file
 * Template for an Image Zoom thumbnail image.
 * Available variables:
 * - $image: The path to the display image.
 * - $zoom: The path to the zoom image.
 * - $thumb: The path to the thumbnail image.
 * - $width: The width of the thumbnail.
 * - $height: The height of the thumbnail.

<a href="#" data-image="<?php

print $image;
?>" data-zoom-image="<?php

print $zoom;
  <img src="<?php

print $thumb;
?>" <?php

if ($width) {

  print $width;
  ?>" <?php

?> <?php

if ($height) {

  print $height;
  ?>" <?php

?> />