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8 calls to imagepicker_image_check_functions() in Image Picker 6.2

imagepicker_copy_form in ./
Function to generate the copy form
imagepicker_import_form in ./
Function to display the image import form.
imagepicker_postlet_do in contribs/imagepicker_postlet/imagepicker_postlet.module
Function to process the postlet applet callbacks
imagepicker_postlet_upload in contribs/imagepicker_postlet/imagepicker_postlet.module
Function to display the postlet applet
imagepicker_settings_form in ./
Function to display the imagepicker admin settings form
imagepicker_settings_form_validate in ./
Validate settings form
imagepicker_upload_form in ./
imagepicker_user_config_admin_form in ./
Submit form