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protected function ToolkitSetupTrait::setUpToolkit in ImageMagick 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 tests/src/Kernel/ToolkitSetupTrait.php \Drupal\Tests\imagemagick\Kernel\ToolkitSetupTrait::setUpToolkit()

Sets up the image toolkit.


string $toolkit_id: The id of the toolkit to set up.

string $toolkit_config: The config object of the toolkit to set up.

array $toolkit_settings: The settings of the toolkit to set up.

10 calls to ToolkitSetupTrait::setUpToolkit()
EventSubscriberTest::testEventSubscriber in tests/src/Functional/EventSubscriberTest.php
Test module's event subscriber.
ToolkitImagemagickFileMetadataTest::testFileMetadata in tests/src/Functional/ToolkitImagemagickFileMetadataTest.php
Test image toolkit integration with file metadata manager.
ToolkitImagemagickFileMetadataTest::testSourceLocalPath in tests/src/Functional/ToolkitImagemagickFileMetadataTest.php
Tests getSourceLocalPath() for re-creating local path.
ToolkitImagemagickTest::testArgumentsLegacy in tests/src/Functional/ToolkitImagemagickTest.php
Test legacy arguments handling.
ToolkitImagemagickTest::testManipulations in tests/src/Functional/ToolkitImagemagickTest.php
Test image toolkit operations.

... See full list


tests/src/Kernel/ToolkitSetupTrait.php, line 47


Trait to manage toolkit setup tasks common across tests.




protected function setUpToolkit($toolkit_id, $toolkit_config, array $toolkit_settings) {
  if ($this instanceof KernelTestBase) {

  // Change the toolkit.
    ->set('toolkit', $toolkit_id)

  // Configure the toolkit.
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  foreach ($toolkit_settings as $setting => $value) {
      ->set($setting, $value);

  // Check that ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick binaries are installed, and
  // mark the test skipped if not.
  if ($toolkit_id === 'imagemagick') {
    $status = \Drupal::service('image.toolkit.manager')
    if (!empty($status['errors'])) {
        ->markTestSkipped("Tests for '{$toolkit_settings['binaries']}' cannot run because the binaries are not available on the shell path.");

  // Set the toolkit on the image factory.
  $this->imageFactory = \Drupal::service('image.factory');