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public function ToolkitImagemagickTest::testManipulations in ImageMagick 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 tests/src/Functional/ToolkitImagemagickTest.php \Drupal\Tests\imagemagick\Functional\ToolkitImagemagickTest::testManipulations()
  2. 8.2 tests/src/Functional/ToolkitImagemagickTest.php \Drupal\Tests\imagemagick\Functional\ToolkitImagemagickTest::testManipulations()

Test image toolkit operations.

Since PHP can't visually check that our images have been manipulated properly, build a list of expected color values for each of the corners and the expected height and widths for the final images.

@dataProvider providerManipulationTest


string $binaries: The graphics package binaries to use for testing.


tests/src/Functional/ToolkitImagemagickTest.php, line 107


Tests that core image manipulations work properly through Imagemagick.




public function testManipulations($binaries) {

  // Change the toolkit.
    ->set('toolkit', 'imagemagick')

  // Execute tests with selected binaries.
  // The test can only be executed if binaries are available on the shell
  // path.
    ->set('debug', TRUE)
    ->set('binaries', $binaries)
    ->set('quality', 100)
  $status = \Drupal::service('image.toolkit.manager')
  if (!empty($status['errors'])) {

    // Bots running automated test on d.o. do not have binaries installed,
    // so the test will be skipped; it can be run locally where binaries are
    // installed.
      ->markTestSkipped("Tests for '{$binaries}' cannot run because the binaries are not available on the shell path.");

  // Set the toolkit on the image factory.

  // Test that the image factory is set to use the Imagemagick toolkit.
    ->getToolkitId(), 'imagemagick', 'The image factory is set to use the \'imagemagick\' image toolkit.');

  // Prepare directory.
  file_prepare_directory($this->testDirectory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);

  // Typically the corner colors will be unchanged. These colors are in the
  // order of top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left.
  $default_corners = [

  // A list of files that will be tested.
  $files = [

  // Setup a list of tests to perform on each type.
  $operations = [
    'resize' => [
      'function' => 'resize',
      'arguments' => [
        'width' => 20,
        'height' => 10,
      'width' => 20,
      'height' => 10,
      'corners' => $default_corners,
      'tolerance' => 0,
    'scale_x' => [
      'function' => 'scale',
      'arguments' => [
        'width' => 20,
      'width' => 20,
      'height' => 10,
      'corners' => $default_corners,
      'tolerance' => 0,
    'scale_y' => [
      'function' => 'scale',
      'arguments' => [
        'height' => 10,
      'width' => 20,
      'height' => 10,
      'corners' => $default_corners,
      'tolerance' => 0,
    'upscale_x' => [
      'function' => 'scale',
      'arguments' => [
        'width' => 80,
        'upscale' => TRUE,
      'width' => 80,
      'height' => 40,
      'corners' => $default_corners,
      'tolerance' => 0,
    'upscale_y' => [
      'function' => 'scale',
      'arguments' => [
        'height' => 40,
        'upscale' => TRUE,
      'width' => 80,
      'height' => 40,
      'corners' => $default_corners,
      'tolerance' => 0,
    'crop' => [
      'function' => 'crop',
      'arguments' => [
        'x' => 12,
        'y' => 4,
        'width' => 16,
        'height' => 12,
      'width' => 16,
      'height' => 12,
      'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->white),
      'tolerance' => 0,
    'scale_and_crop' => [
      'function' => 'scale_and_crop',
      'arguments' => [
        'width' => 10,
        'height' => 8,
      'width' => 10,
      'height' => 8,
      'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->black),
      'tolerance' => 100,
    'convert_jpg' => [
      'function' => 'convert',
      'width' => 40,
      'height' => 20,
      'arguments' => [
        'extension' => 'jpeg',
      'mimetype' => 'image/jpeg',
      'corners' => $default_corners,
      'tolerance' => 0,
    'convert_gif' => [
      'function' => 'convert',
      'width' => 40,
      'height' => 20,
      'arguments' => [
        'extension' => 'gif',
      'mimetype' => 'image/gif',
      'corners' => $default_corners,
      'tolerance' => 15,
    'convert_png' => [
      'function' => 'convert',
      'width' => 40,
      'height' => 20,
      'arguments' => [
        'extension' => 'png',
      'mimetype' => 'image/png',
      'corners' => $default_corners,
      'tolerance' => 5,
    'rotate_5' => [
      'function' => 'rotate',
      'arguments' => [
        'degrees' => 5,
        'background' => '#FF00FF',
        'resize_filter' => 'Box',
      'width' => 41,
      'height' => 23,
      'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->fuchsia),
      'tolerance' => 5,
    'rotate_minus_10' => [
      'function' => 'rotate',
      'arguments' => [
        'degrees' => -10,
        'background' => '#FF00FF',
        'resize_filter' => 'Box',
      'width' => 41,
      'height' => 26,
      'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->fuchsia),
      'tolerance' => 15,
    'rotate_90' => [
      'function' => 'rotate',
      'arguments' => [
        'degrees' => 90,
        'background' => '#FF00FF',
      'width' => 20,
      'height' => 40,
      'corners' => [
      'tolerance' => 0,
    'rotate_transparent_5' => [
      'function' => 'rotate',
      'arguments' => [
        'degrees' => 5,
        'resize_filter' => 'Box',
      'width' => 41,
      'height' => 23,
      'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->transparent),
      'tolerance' => 0,
    'rotate_transparent_90' => [
      'function' => 'rotate',
      'arguments' => [
        'degrees' => 90,
      'width' => 20,
      'height' => 40,
      'corners' => [
      'tolerance' => 0,
    'desaturate' => [
      'function' => 'desaturate',
      'arguments' => [],
      'height' => 20,
      'width' => 40,
      // Grayscale corners are a bit funky. Each of the corners are a shade of
      // gray. The values of these were determined simply by looking at the
      // final image to see what desaturated colors end up being.
      'corners' => [
        array_fill(0, 3, 76) + [
          3 => 0,
        array_fill(0, 3, 149) + [
          3 => 0,
        array_fill(0, 3, 29) + [
          3 => 0,
        array_fill(0, 3, 225) + [
          3 => 127,
      // @todo tolerance here is too high. Check reasons.
      'tolerance' => 17000,

  // Prepare a copy of test files.
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    foreach ($operations as $op => $values) {

      // Load up a fresh image.
      $image = $this->imageFactory
        ->get('public://' . $file);
      if (!$image
        ->isValid()) {
          ->fail("Could not load image {$file}.");
        continue 2;

      // Check that no multi-frame information is set.

      // Perform our operation.
        ->apply($values['function'], $values['arguments']);

      // Save and reload image.
      $file_path = $this->testDirectory . '/' . $op . substr($file, -4);
      $image = $this->imageFactory

      // @todo Suite specifics, temporarily adjust tests.
      $package = $image
      if ($package === 'graphicsmagick') {

        // @todo Issues with crop and convert on GIF files, investigate.
        if (in_array($file, [
        ]) && in_array($op, [
        ])) {

      // Reload with GD to be able to check results at pixel level.
      $image = $this->imageFactory
        ->get($file_path, 'gd');
      $toolkit = $image

      // Check MIME type if needed.
      if (isset($values['mimetype'])) {
          ->assertEqual($values['mimetype'], $toolkit
          ->getMimeType(), "Image '{$file}' after '{$op}' action has proper MIME type ({$values['mimetype']}).");

      // To keep from flooding the test with assert values, make a general
      // value for whether each group of values fail.
      $correct_dimensions_real = TRUE;
      $correct_dimensions_object = TRUE;

      // Check the real dimensions of the image first.
      $actual_toolkit_width = imagesx($toolkit
      $actual_toolkit_height = imagesy($toolkit
      if ($actual_toolkit_height != $values['height'] || $actual_toolkit_width != $values['width']) {
        $correct_dimensions_real = FALSE;

      // Check that the image object has an accurate record of the dimensions.
      $actual_image_width = $image
      $actual_image_height = $image
      if ($actual_image_width != $values['width'] || $actual_image_height != $values['height']) {
        $correct_dimensions_object = FALSE;
        ->assertTrue($correct_dimensions_real, "Image '{$file}' after '{$op}' action has proper dimensions. Expected {$values['width']}x{$values['height']}, actual {$actual_toolkit_width}x{$actual_toolkit_height}.");
        ->assertTrue($correct_dimensions_object, "Image '{$file}' object after '{$op}' action is reporting the proper height and width values.  Expected {$values['width']}x{$values['height']}, actual {$actual_image_width}x{$actual_image_height}.");

      // JPEG colors will always be messed up due to compression.
      if ($image
        ->getType() != IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {

        // Now check each of the corners to ensure color correctness.
        foreach ($values['corners'] as $key => $corner) {

          // The test gif that does not have transparency has yellow where the
          // others have transparent.
          if ($file === 'image-test-no-transparency.gif' && $corner === $this->transparent && $op != 'rotate_transparent_5') {
            $corner = $this->yellow;

          // The test jpg when converted to other formats has yellow where the
          // others have transparent.
          if ($file === 'image-test.jpg' && $corner === $this->transparent && in_array($op, [
          ])) {
            $corner = $this->yellow;

          // Get the location of the corner.
          switch ($key) {
            case 0:
              $x = 0;
              $y = 0;
            case 1:
              $x = $image
                ->getWidth() - 1;
              $y = 0;
            case 2:
              $x = $image
                ->getWidth() - 1;
              $y = $image
                ->getHeight() - 1;
            case 3:
              $x = 0;
              $y = $image
                ->getHeight() - 1;
          $color = $this
            ->getPixelColor($image, $x, $y);
            ->colorsAreClose($color, $corner, $values['tolerance'], $file, $op);

  // Test creation of image from scratch, and saving to storage.
  foreach ([
  ] as $type) {
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->createNew(50, 20, image_type_to_extension($type, FALSE), '#ffff00');
    $file = 'from_null' . image_type_to_extension($type);
    $file_path = $this->testDirectory . '/' . $file;
      ->assertEqual(50, $image
      ->getWidth(), "Image file '{$file}' has the correct width.");
      ->assertEqual(20, $image
      ->getHeight(), "Image file '{$file}' has the correct height.");
      ->assertEqual(image_type_to_mime_type($type), $image
      ->getMimeType(), "Image file '{$file}' has the correct MIME type.");
      ->save($file_path), "Image '{$file}' created anew from a null image was saved.");

    // Reload saved image.
    $image_reloaded = $this->imageFactory
      ->get($file_path, 'gd');
    if (!$image_reloaded
      ->isValid()) {
        ->fail("Could not load image '{$file}'.");
      ->assertEqual(50, $image_reloaded
      ->getWidth(), "Image file '{$file}' has the correct width.");
      ->assertEqual(20, $image_reloaded
      ->getHeight(), "Image file '{$file}' has the correct height.");
      ->assertEqual(image_type_to_mime_type($type), $image_reloaded
      ->getMimeType(), "Image file '{$file}' has the correct MIME type.");
    if ($image_reloaded
      ->getType() == IMAGETYPE_GIF) {
        ->assertEqual('#ffff00', $image_reloaded
        ->getTransparentColor(), "Image file '{$file}' has the correct transparent color channel set.");
    else {
        ->assertEqual(NULL, $image_reloaded
        ->getTransparentColor(), "Image file '{$file}' has no color channel set.");

  // Test failures of CreateNew.
  $image = $this->imageFactory
    ->createNew(-50, 20);
    ->isValid(), 'CreateNew with negative width fails.');
    ->createNew(50, 20, 'foo');
    ->isValid(), 'CreateNew with invalid extension fails.');
    ->createNew(50, 20, 'gif', '#foo');
    ->isValid(), 'CreateNew with invalid color hex string fails.');
    ->createNew(50, 20, 'gif', '#ff0000');
    ->isValid(), 'CreateNew with valid arguments validates the Image.');

  // Test saving image files with filenames having non-ascii characters.
  $file_names = [
    'greek εικόνα δοκιμής.png',
    'russian Тестовое изображение.png',
    'simplified chinese 测试图片.png',
    'japanese 試験画像.png',
    'arabic صورة الاختبار.png',
    'armenian փորձարկման պատկերը.png',
    'bengali পরীক্ষা ইমেজ.png',
    'hebraic תמונת בדיקה.png',
    'hindi परीक्षण छवि.png',
    'viet hình ảnh thử nghiệm.png',
    'viet \'with quotes\' hình ảnh thử nghiệm.png',
    'viet "with double quotes" hình ảnh thử nghiệm.png',
  foreach ($file_names as $file) {
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->createNew(50, 20, 'png');
    $file_path = $this->testDirectory . '/' . $file;
    $image_reloaded = $this->imageFactory
      ->get($file_path, 'gd');
      ->isValid(), "Image file '{$file}' loaded successfully.");

  // Test handling a file stored through a remote stream wrapper.
  $image = $this->imageFactory

  // Source file should be equal to the copied local temp source file.
    ->assertEqual(filesize('dummy-remote://image-test.png'), filesize($image

  // Destination file should exists, and destination local temp file should
  // have been reset.
    ->assertEqual('dummy-remote://remote-image-test.png', $image
    ->assertIdentical('', $image

  // Test retrieval of EXIF information.
  $image_files = [
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'imagemagick') . '/misc/test-exif.jpeg',
      'orientation' => 8,
      'path' => 'public://image-test.jpg',
      'orientation' => NULL,
      'path' => 'public://image-test.png',
      'orientation' => NULL,
      'path' => 'public://image-test.gif',
      'orientation' => NULL,
      'path' => NULL,
      'orientation' => NULL,
  foreach ($image_files as $image_file) {

    // Get image using 'identify'.
      ->set('use_identify', TRUE)
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['orientation'], $image

    // Get image using 'getimagesize'.
      ->set('use_identify', FALSE)
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['orientation'], $image

  // Test multi-frame GIF image.
  $image_files = [
      'source' => drupal_get_path('module', 'imagemagick') . '/misc/test-multi-frame.gif',
      'destination' => $this->testDirectory . '/test-multi-frame.gif',
      'width' => 60,
      'height' => 29,
      'frames' => 13,
      'scaled_width' => 30,
      'scaled_height' => 15,
      'rotated_width' => 33,
      'rotated_height' => 26,

  // Get images using 'identify'.
    ->set('use_identify', TRUE)
  foreach ($image_files as $image_file) {
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['width'], $image
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['height'], $image
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['frames'], $image

    // Scaling should preserve frames.
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['scaled_width'], $image
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['scaled_height'], $image
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['frames'], $image

    // Rotating should preserve frames.
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['rotated_width'], $image
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['rotated_height'], $image
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['frames'], $image

    // Converting to PNG should drop frames.
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['rotated_width'], $image
      ->assertIdentical($image_file['rotated_height'], $image