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protected function ScaleAndCrop::validateArguments in ImageMagick 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/Operation/imagemagick/ScaleAndCrop.php \Drupal\imagemagick\Plugin\ImageToolkit\Operation\imagemagick\ScaleAndCrop::validateArguments()
  2. 8 src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/Operation/imagemagick/ScaleAndCrop.php \Drupal\imagemagick\Plugin\ImageToolkit\Operation\imagemagick\ScaleAndCrop::validateArguments()

Validates the arguments.

Image toolkit operation implementers should place any argument validation in this method, throwing an InvalidArgumentException when an error is encountered.

Validation typically includes things like:

  • Checking that width and height are not negative.
  • Checking that a color value is indeed a color.

But validation may also include correcting the arguments, e.g:

  • Casting arguments to the correct type.
  • Rounding pixel values to an integer.

This base implementation just returns the array of arguments and thus does not need to be called by overriding methods.


array $arguments: An associative array of arguments to be used by the toolkit operation.

Return value

array The validated and corrected arguments array.


\InvalidArgumentException If one or more of the arguments are not valid.

\Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException If the plugin does not define a default for an optional argument.

Overrides ImageToolkitOperationBase::validateArguments


src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/Operation/imagemagick/ScaleAndCrop.php, line 40


Defines imagemagick Scale and crop operation.




protected function validateArguments(array $arguments) {

  // Fail if no dimensions available for current image.
  if (is_null($this
    ->getWidth()) || is_null($this
    ->getHeight())) {

    // @todo \InvalidArgumentException is incorrect, but other exceptions
    // would not be managed by toolkits that implement ImageToolkitBase.
    // Change to \RuntimeException when
    // is committed.
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No image dimensions available for the image '{$this->getPluginDefinition()['operation']}' operation");
  $actual_width = $this
  $actual_height = $this
  $scale_factor = max($arguments['width'] / $actual_width, $arguments['height'] / $actual_height);
  $arguments['x'] = (int) round(($actual_width * $scale_factor - $arguments['width']) / 2);
  $arguments['y'] = (int) round(($actual_height * $scale_factor - $arguments['height']) / 2);
  $arguments['resize'] = [
    'width' => (int) round($actual_width * $scale_factor),
    'height' => (int) round($actual_height * $scale_factor),
    'filter' => $arguments['filter'],

  // Fail when width or height are 0 or negative.
  if ($arguments['width'] <= 0) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid width ('{$arguments['width']}') specified for the image 'scale_and_crop' operation");
  if ($arguments['height'] <= 0) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid height ('{$arguments['height']}') specified for the image 'scale_and_crop' operation");
  return $arguments;