public function ImagemagickToolkit::getPackageLabel in ImageMagick 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/ImagemagickToolkit.php \Drupal\imagemagick\Plugin\ImageToolkit\ImagemagickToolkit::getPackageLabel()
Gets a translated label of the binaries package in use.
string $package: (optional) Force the package.
Return value
string A translated label of the binaries package in use, or the $package argument.
4 calls to ImagemagickToolkit::getPackageLabel()
- ImagemagickToolkit::buildConfigurationForm in src/
Plugin/ ImageToolkit/ ImagemagickToolkit.php - Form constructor.
- ImagemagickToolkit::checkPath in src/
Plugin/ ImageToolkit/ ImagemagickToolkit.php - Verifies file path of the executable binary by checking its version.
- ImagemagickToolkit::imagemagickExec in src/
Plugin/ ImageToolkit/ ImagemagickToolkit.php - Executes the convert executable as shell command.
- ImagemagickToolkit::runOsShell in src/
Plugin/ ImageToolkit/ ImagemagickToolkit.php - Executes a command on the operating system.
- src/
Plugin/ ImageToolkit/ ImagemagickToolkit.php, line 414
- ImagemagickToolkit
- Provides ImageMagick integration toolkit for image manipulation.
public function getPackageLabel($package = NULL) {
switch ($this
->getPackage($package)) {
case 'imagemagick':
return $this
case 'graphicsmagick':
return $this
return $package;