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public function ImagemagickExecManagerInterface::runOsShell in ImageMagick 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/ImagemagickExecManagerInterface.php \Drupal\imagemagick\ImagemagickExecManagerInterface::runOsShell()

Executes a command on the operating system.

This differs from ::runOsCommand in the sense that here the command to be executed and its arguments are passed separately.


string $command: The command to run.

string $arguments: The arguments of the command to run.

string $id: An identifier for the process to be spawned on the operating system.

string &$output: (optional) A variable to assign the shell stdout to, passed by reference.

string &$error: (optional) A variable to assign the shell stderr to, passed by reference.

Return value

int|bool The operating system returned code, or FALSE if it was not possible to execute the command.

1 method overrides ImagemagickExecManagerInterface::runOsShell()
ImagemagickExecManager::runOsShell in src/ImagemagickExecManager.php
Executes a command on the operating system.


src/ImagemagickExecManagerInterface.php, line 95


Provides an interface for ImageMagick execution managers.




public function runOsShell($command, $arguments, $id, &$output = NULL, &$error = NULL);