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ImagemagickExecManager.php in ImageMagick 8.3

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  1. 8.2 src/ImagemagickExecManager.php




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namespace Drupal\imagemagick;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Timer;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxyInterface;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;

 * Manage execution of ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick commands.
class ImagemagickExecManager implements ImagemagickExecManagerInterface {
  use StringTranslationTrait;

   * Replacement for percentage while escaping.

   * Whether we are running on Windows OS.
   * @var bool
  protected $isWindows;

   * The app root.
   * @var string
  protected $appRoot;

   * The execution timeout.
   * @var int
  protected $timeout = 60;

   * The current user.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxyInterface
  protected $currentUser;

   * The logger service.
   * @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
  protected $logger;

   * The configuration factory.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface
  protected $configFactory;

   * The format mapper service.
   * @var \Drupal\imagemagick\ImagemagickFormatMapperInterface
  protected $formatMapper;

   * The messenger service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface
  protected $messenger;

   * Constructs an ImagemagickExecManager object.
   * @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
   *   A logger instance.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory
   *   The config factory.
   * @param string $app_root
   *   The app root.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxyInterface $current_user
   *   The current user.
   * @param \Drupal\imagemagick\ImagemagickFormatMapperInterface $format_mapper
   *   The format mapper service.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface $messenger
   *   The messenger service.
  public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, string $app_root, AccountProxyInterface $current_user, ImagemagickFormatMapperInterface $format_mapper, MessengerInterface $messenger) {
    $this->logger = $logger;
    $this->configFactory = $config_factory;
    $this->appRoot = $app_root;
    $this->currentUser = $current_user;
    $this->formatMapper = $format_mapper;
    $this->messenger = $messenger;
    $this->isWindows = substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) === 'WIN';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFormatMapper() : ImagemagickFormatMapperInterface {
    return $this->formatMapper;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setTimeout(int $timeout) : ImagemagickExecManagerInterface {
    $this->timeout = $timeout;
    return $this;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getPackage(string $package = NULL) : string {
    if ($package === NULL) {
      $package = $this->configFactory
    return $package;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getPackageLabel(string $package = NULL) : string {
    switch ($this
      ->getPackage($package)) {
      case 'imagemagick':
        return $this
      case 'graphicsmagick':
        return $this
        return $package;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function checkPath(string $path, string $package = NULL) : array {
    $status = [
      'output' => '',
      'errors' => [],

    // Execute gm or convert based on settings.
    $package = $package ?: $this
    $binary = $package === 'imagemagick' ? 'convert' : 'gm';
    $executable = $this
      ->getExecutable($binary, $path);

    // If a path is given, we check whether the binary exists and can be
    // invoked.
    if (!empty($path)) {

      // Check whether the given file exists.
      if (!is_file($executable)) {
        $status['errors'][] = $this
          ->t('The @suite executable %file does not exist.', [
          '@suite' => $this
          '%file' => $executable,
      elseif (!is_executable($executable)) {
        $status['errors'][] = $this
          ->t('The @suite file %file is not executable.', [
          '@suite' => $this
          '%file' => $executable,

    // In case of errors, check for open_basedir restrictions.
    if ($status['errors'] && ($open_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir'))) {
      $status['errors'][] = $this
        ->t('The PHP <a href=":php-url">open_basedir</a> security restriction is set to %open-basedir, which may prevent to locate the @suite executable.', [
        '@suite' => $this
        '%open-basedir' => $open_basedir,
        ':php-url' => '',

    // Unless we had errors so far, try to invoke convert.
    if (!$status['errors']) {
      $error = NULL;
        ->runOsShell($executable, '-version', $package, $status['output'], $error);
      if ($error !== '') {
        $status['errors'][] = $error;
    return $status;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function execute(string $command, ImagemagickExecArguments $arguments, string &$output = NULL, string &$error = NULL, string $path = NULL) : bool {
    switch ($command) {
      case 'convert':
        $binary = $this
          ->getPackage() === 'imagemagick' ? 'convert' : 'gm';
      case 'identify':
        $binary = $this
          ->getPackage() === 'imagemagick' ? 'identify' : 'gm';
    $cmd = $this
      ->getExecutable($binary, $path);
    if ($source_path = $arguments
      ->getSourceLocalPath()) {
      if (($source_frames = $arguments
        ->getSourceFrames()) !== NULL) {
        $source_path .= $source_frames;
      $source_path = $this
    if ($destination_path = $arguments
      ->getDestinationLocalPath()) {
      $destination_path = $this

      // If the format of the derivative image has to be changed, concatenate
      // the new image format and the destination path, delimited by a colon.
      // @see
      if (($format = $arguments
        ->getDestinationFormat()) !== '') {
        $destination_path = $format . ':' . $destination_path;
    switch ($command) {
      case 'identify':
        switch ($this
          ->getPackage()) {
          case 'imagemagick':

            // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
            // ImageMagick syntax:
            // identify [arguments] source
            // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
            $cmdline = $arguments
              ->toString(ImagemagickExecArguments::PRE_SOURCE) . ' ' . $source_path;
          case 'graphicsmagick':

            // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
            // GraphicsMagick syntax:
            // gm identify [arguments] source
            // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
            $cmdline = 'identify ' . $arguments
              ->toString(ImagemagickExecArguments::PRE_SOURCE) . ' ' . $source_path;
      case 'convert':
        switch ($this
          ->getPackage()) {
          case 'imagemagick':

            // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
            // ImageMagick syntax:
            // convert input [arguments] output
            // @see
            // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
            $cmdline = '';
            if (($pre = $arguments
              ->toString(ImagemagickExecArguments::PRE_SOURCE)) !== '') {
              $cmdline .= $pre . ' ';
            $cmdline .= $source_path . ' ' . $arguments
              ->toString(ImagemagickExecArguments::POST_SOURCE) . ' ' . $destination_path;
          case 'graphicsmagick':

            // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
            // GraphicsMagick syntax:
            // gm convert [arguments] input output
            // @see
            // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
            $cmdline = 'convert ';
            if (($pre = $arguments
              ->toString(ImagemagickExecArguments::PRE_SOURCE)) !== '') {
              $cmdline .= $pre . ' ';
            $cmdline .= $arguments
              ->toString(ImagemagickExecArguments::POST_SOURCE) . ' ' . $source_path . ' ' . $destination_path;
    $return_code = $this
      ->runOsShell($cmd, $cmdline, $this
      ->getPackage(), $output, $error);
    if ($return_code !== FALSE) {

      // If the executable returned a non-zero code, log to the watchdog.
      if ($return_code != 0) {
        if ($error === '') {

          // If there is no error message, and allowed in config, log a
          // warning.
          if ($this->configFactory
            ->get('log_warnings') === TRUE) {
              ->warning("@suite returned with code @code [command: @command @cmdline]", [
              '@suite' => $this
              '@code' => $return_code,
              '@command' => $cmd,
              '@cmdline' => $cmdline,
        else {

          // Log $error with context information.
            ->error("@suite error @code: @error [command: @command @cmdline]", [
            '@suite' => $this
            '@code' => $return_code,
            '@error' => $error,
            '@command' => $cmd,
            '@cmdline' => $cmdline,

        // Executable exited with an error code, return FALSE.
        return FALSE;

      // The shell command was executed successfully.
      return TRUE;

    // The shell command could not be executed.
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function runOsShell(string $command, string $arguments, string $id, string &$output = NULL, string &$error = NULL) : int {
    $command_line = $command . ' ' . $arguments;
    $output = '';
    $error = '';
    $process = new Process($command_line, $this->appRoot);
    try {
      $output = utf8_encode($process
      $error = utf8_encode($process
      $return_code = $process
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      $error = $e
      $return_code = $process
        ->getExitCode() ? $process
        ->getExitCode() : 1;
    $execution_time = Timer::stop('imagemagick:runOsShell')['time'];

    // Process debugging information if required.
    if ($this->configFactory
      ->get('debug')) {
        ->debugMessage('@suite command: <pre>@raw</pre> executed in @execution_timems', [
        '@suite' => $this
        '@raw' => print_r($command_line, TRUE),
        '@execution_time' => $execution_time,
      if ($output !== '') {
          ->debugMessage('@suite output: <pre>@raw</pre>', [
          '@suite' => $this
          '@raw' => print_r($output, TRUE),
      if ($error !== '') {
          ->debugMessage('@suite error @return_code: <pre>@raw</pre>', [
          '@suite' => $this
          '@return_code' => $return_code,
          '@raw' => print_r($error, TRUE),
    return $return_code;

   * Logs a debug message, and shows it on the screen for authorized users.
   * @param string $message
   *   The debug message.
   * @param string[] $context
   *   Context information.
  public function debugMessage(string $message, array $context) {
      ->debug($message, $context);
    if ($this->currentUser
      ->hasPermission('administer site configuration')) {

      // Strips raw text longer than 10 lines to optimize displaying.
      if (isset($context['@raw'])) {
        $raw = explode("\n", $context['@raw']);
        if (count($raw) > 10) {
          $tmp = [];
          for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
            $tmp[] = $raw[$i];
          $tmp[] = (string) $this
            ->t('[Further text stripped. The watchdog log has the full text.]');
          $context['@raw'] = implode("\n", $tmp);

      // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
        ->t($message, $context), 'status', TRUE);

   * Gets the list of locales installed on the server.
   * @return string
   *   The string resulting from the execution of 'locale -a' in *nix systems.
  public function getInstalledLocales() : string {
    $output = '';
    if ($this->isWindows === FALSE) {
        ->runOsShell('locale', '-a', 'locale', $output);
    else {
      $output = (string) $this
        ->t("List not available on Windows servers.");
    return $output;

   * Returns the full path to the executable.
   * @param string $binary
   *   The program to execute, typically 'convert', 'identify' or 'gm'.
   * @param string $path
   *   (optional) A custom path to the folder of the executable. When left
   *   empty, the setting imagemagick.settings.path_to_binaries is taken.
   * @return string
   *   The full path to the executable.
  protected function getExecutable(string $binary, string $path = NULL) : string {

    // $path is only passed from the validation of the image toolkit form, on
    // which the path to convert is configured. @see ::checkPath()
    if (!isset($path)) {
      $path = $this->configFactory
    $executable = $binary;
    if ($this->isWindows) {
      $executable .= '.exe';
    return $path . $executable;

   * Escapes a string.
   * PHP escapeshellarg() drops non-ascii characters, this is a replacement.
   * Stop-gap replacement until core issue #1561214 has been solved. Solution
   * proposed in #1502924-8.
   * PHP escapeshellarg() on Windows also drops % (percentage sign) characters.
   * We prevent this by replacing it with a pattern that should be highly
   * unlikely to appear in the string itself and does not contain any
   * "dangerous" character at all (very wide definition of dangerous). After
   * escaping we replace that pattern back with a % character.
   * @param string $arg
   *   The string to escape.
   * @return string
   *   An escaped string for use in the ::execute method.
  public function escapeShellArg(string $arg) : string {

    // Put the configured locale in a static to avoid multiple config get calls
    // in the same request.
    static $config_locale;
    $current_locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0);
    if (!isset($config_locale)) {
      $config_locales = explode(' ', $this->configFactory
      $temp_locale = !empty($config_locales) ? setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $config_locales) : FALSE;
      $config_locale = $temp_locale ?: $current_locale;
    if ($this->isWindows) {

      // Temporarily replace % characters.
      $arg = str_replace('%', static::PERCENTAGE_REPLACE, $arg);
    if ($current_locale !== $config_locale) {

      // Temporarily swap the current locale with the configured one.
      setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $config_locale);
    $arg_escaped = escapeshellarg($arg);
    if ($current_locale !== $config_locale) {

      // Restore the current locale.
      setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $current_locale);

    // Get our % characters back.
    if ($this->isWindows) {
      $arg_escaped = str_replace(static::PERCENTAGE_REPLACE, '%', $arg_escaped);
    return $arg_escaped;



Namesort descending Description
ImagemagickExecManager Manage execution of ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick commands.