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imagemagick.module in ImageMagick 7

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  1. 8 imagemagick.module

Provides ImageMagick integration.


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 * @file
 * Provides ImageMagick integration.

 * @ingroup image
 * @{

 * Implements hook_image_toolkits().
function imagemagick_image_toolkits() {
  return array(
    'imagemagick' => array(
      'title' => t('ImageMagick'),
      'available' => TRUE,

 * Retrieve settings for the ImageMagick toolkit.
function image_imagemagick_settings() {
  $form['imagemagick_quality'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Image quality'),
    '#size' => 10,
    '#maxlength' => 3,
    '#default_value' => variable_get('imagemagick_quality', 75),
    '#field_suffix' => '%',
    '#element_validate' => array(
    '#description' => t('Define the image quality of processed images. Ranges from 0 to 100. Higher values mean better image quality but bigger files.'),
  $form['imagemagick'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('ImageMagick'),
    '#collapsible' => FALSE,
    '#description' => t('ImageMagick is a stand-alone program for image manipulation. It must be installed on the server and you need to know where it is located. Consult your server administrator or hosting provider for details.'),
  $form['imagemagick']['imagemagick_gm'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Enable <a href="@gm-url">GraphicsMagick</a> support', array(
      '@gm-url' => '',
    '#default_value' => variable_get('imagemagick_gm', 0),
    '#weight' => -5,
  $form['imagemagick']['imagemagick_convert'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Path to the "convert" binary'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('imagemagick_convert', 'convert'),
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#element_validate' => array(
    '#weight' => -10,
    '#description' => t('The complete path and filename of the ImageMagick <kbd>convert</kbd> binary. For example: <kbd>/usr/bin/convert</kbd> or <kbd>C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.3.4-Q16\\convert.exe</kbd>'),

  // Prepare sub-element to output version or errors.
  $form['imagemagick']['version'] = array();
  $form['imagemagick']['#after_build'] = array(
  $form['imagemagick']['imagemagick_debug'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Display debugging information'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('imagemagick_debug', 0),
    '#description' => t('Shows ImageMagick commands and their output to users with the %permission permission.', array(
      '%permission' => t('Administer site configuration'),
  return $form;

 * Form element validation handler for image quality settings field.
function imagemagick_element_validate_quality($element, &$form_state) {
  if (!is_numeric($element['#value']) || $element['#value'] < 0 || $element['#value'] > 100) {
    form_error($element, t('!name must be a value between 0 and 100.', array(
      '!name' => $element['#title'],

 * Form element validation handler for convert executable path setting.
function imagemagick_element_validate_path($element, &$form_state) {
  if ($form_state['values']['image_toolkit'] == 'imagemagick') {

    // During form validation, we want to prevent form submission, so regardless
    // of whether _imagemagick_convert_exec() will trigger a user error (which
    // may not be visible due to the global error_level setting), we also need
    // to trigger a form validation error.
    $status = _imagemagick_check_path($element['#value']);
    if ($status['errors']) {

      // Form API allows only one error per element, so we concatenate possibly
      // multiple errors.
      form_error($element, implode('<br />', $status['errors']));

 * #after_build callback to output ImageMagick version or any errors in image toolkit settings form.
function _imagemagick_build_version($element, &$form_state) {

  // Do not attempt to output version information when the form is submitted.
  // @see imagemagick_element_validate_path()
  if ($form_state['process_input']) {
    return $element;

  // When the form is not submitted and only rendered, attempt to output version
  // information.
  $status = _imagemagick_check_path($form_state['values']['imagemagick_convert']);
  if ($status['errors']) {
    $element['version'] = array(
      '#markup' => '<p class="error">' . implode('<br />', $status['errors']) . '</p>',
  else {
    $element['version'] = array(
      '#type' => 'item',
      '#title' => t('Version information'),
      '#markup' => '<pre>' . check_plain(trim($status['output'])) . '</pre>',
      '#description' => t('ImageMagick was found and returns this version information.'),
  return $element;

 * Verifies file path of ImageMagick convert binary by checking its version.
 * @param $file
 *   The user-submitted file path to the convert binary.
 * @return
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - output: The shell output of 'convert -version', if any.
 *   - errors: A list of error messages indicating whether ImageMagick could not
 *     be found or executed.
function _imagemagick_check_path($file) {
  $status = array(
    'output' => '',
    'errors' => array(),

  // If only the name of the executable is given, we only check whether it is in
  // the path and can be invoked.
  if ($file != 'convert' && $file != 'gm') {

    // Check whether the given file exists.
    if (!is_file($file)) {
      $status['errors'][] = t('The specified ImageMagick file path %file does not exist.', array(
        '%file' => $file,
    elseif (!is_executable($file)) {
      $status['errors'][] = t('The specified ImageMagick file path %file is not executable.', array(
        '%file' => $file,

  // In case of errors, check for open_basedir restrictions.
  if ($status['errors'] && ($open_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir'))) {
    $status['errors'][] = t('The PHP <a href="@php-url">open_basedir</a> security restriction is set to %open-basedir, which may prevent to locate ImageMagick.', array(
      '%open-basedir' => $open_basedir,
      '@php-url' => '',

  // Unless we had errors so far, try to invoke convert.
  if (!$status['errors']) {
    $result = _imagemagick_convert_exec('-version', $status['output'], $error, $file);

    // _imagemagick_convert_exec() triggers a user error upon failure, but
    // during form validation all errors need to be reported.
    if ($error !== '') {

      // $error normally needs check_plain(), but file system errors on Windows
      // use a unknown encoding. check_plain() would eliminate the entire string.
      $status['errors'][] = $error;
  return $status;

 * Scales an image to the specified size.
 * @param $image
 *   An image object. The $image->resource, $image->info['width'], and
 *   $image->info['height'] values will be modified by this call.
 * @param $width
 *   The new width of the resized image, in pixels.
 * @param $height
 *   The new height of the resized image, in pixels.
 * @return
 *   TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
 * @see image_resize()
function image_imagemagick_resize(stdClass $image, $width, $height) {
  $image->ops[] = '-resize ' . (int) $width . 'x' . (int) $height . '!';
  $image->info['width'] = $width;
  $image->info['height'] = $height;
  return TRUE;

 * Rotates an image the given number of degrees.
 * @param $image
 *   An image object. The $image->resource, $image->info['width'], and
 *   $image->info['height'] values will be modified by this call.
 * @param $degrees
 *   The number of (clockwise) degrees to rotate the image.
 * @param $background
 *   An hexadecimal integer specifying the background color to use for the
 *   uncovered area of the image after the rotation. E.g. 0x000000 for black,
 *   0xff00ff for magenta, and 0xffffff for white. For images that support
 *   transparency, this will default to transparent. Otherwise it will
 *   be white.
 * @return
 *   TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
 * @see image_rotate()
function image_imagemagick_rotate(stdClass $image, $degrees, $background = NULL) {
  if (!isset($background)) {
    $background = 'transparent';
  elseif (is_int($background)) {
    $background = '#' . str_pad(dechex($background), 6, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
  else {
    $background = strtr($background, array(
      '0x' => '#',
  $image->ops[] = '-background ' . escapeshellarg($background) . ' -rotate ' . (double) $degrees;
  return TRUE;

 * Crops an image to the given coordinates.
 * @param $image
 *   An image object. The $image->resource, $image->info['width'], and
 *   $image->info['height'] values will be modified by this call.
 * @param $x
 *   The starting x offset at which to start the crop, in pixels.
 * @param $y
 *   The starting y offset at which to start the crop, in pixels.
 * @param $width
 *   The width of the cropped area, in pixels.
 * @param $height
 *   The height of the cropped area, in pixels.
 * @return
 *   TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
 * @see image_crop()
function image_imagemagick_crop(stdClass $image, $x, $y, $width, $height) {

  // Even though the crop effect in Drupal core does not allow for negative
  // offsets, ImageMagick supports them. Also note: if $x and $y are set to
  // NULL then crop will create tiled images so we convert these to ints.
  $image->ops[] = sprintf('-crop %dx%d%+d%+d!', $width, $height, $x, $y);
  $image->info['width'] = $width;
  $image->info['height'] = $height;
  return TRUE;

 * Converts an image into grayscale.
 * @param $image
 *   An image object. The $image->resource value will be modified by this call.
 * @return
 *   TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
 * @see image_desaturate()
function image_imagemagick_desaturate(stdClass $image) {
  $image->ops[] = '-colorspace GRAY';
  return TRUE;

 * Creates an image resource from a file.
 * @param $image
 *   An image object. The $image->resource value will populated by this call.
 * @return
 *   TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
 * @see image_load()
function image_imagemagick_load(stdClass $image) {
  $image->ops = array();
  drupal_alter('imagemagick_load', $image);
  return $image;

 * Writes an image resource to a destination file.
 * @param $image
 *   An image object.
 * @param $destination
 *   A string file URI or path where the image should be saved.
 * @return
 *   TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
 * @see image_save()
function image_imagemagick_save(stdClass $image, $destination) {
  $context = array(
    'destination' => $destination,
  drupal_alter('imagemagick_save', $image, $context);
  return _imagemagick_convert($image->source, $destination, $image->ops);

 * Get details about an image.
 * @param $image
 *   An image object.
 * @return
 *   FALSE, if the file could not be found or is not an image. Otherwise, a
 *   keyed array containing information about the image:
 *   - width: Width in pixels.
 *   - height: Height in pixels.
 *   - extension: Commonly used file extension for the image.
 *   - mime_type: MIME type ('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png').
 * @see image_get_info()
function image_imagemagick_get_info(stdClass $image) {
  $details = FALSE;
  $data = getimagesize(drupal_realpath($image->source));
  if (isset($data) && is_array($data)) {
    $extensions = array(
      '1' => 'gif',
      '2' => 'jpg',
      '3' => 'png',
    $extension = isset($extensions[$data[2]]) ? $extensions[$data[2]] : '';
    $details = array(
      'width' => $data[0],
      'height' => $data[1],
      'extension' => $extension,
      'mime_type' => $data['mime'],
  return $details;

 * Calls the convert executable with the specified filter.
function _imagemagick_convert($source, $destination, $args) {

  // Backup original paths for alter hook context.
  $source_original = $source;
  $destination_original = $destination;
  $source = drupal_realpath($source);
  $destination = drupal_realpath($destination);
  $destination_format = '';
  $args['quality'] = '-quality ' . escapeshellarg(variable_get('imagemagick_quality', 75));

  // Allow other modules to alter the ImageMagick command line parameters.
  $context = array(
    'source' => &$source,
    'source_original' => $source_original,
    'destination' => &$destination,
    'destination_original' => $destination_original,
    'destination_format' => &$destination_format,
  drupal_alter('imagemagick_arguments', $args, $context);

  // If the format of the derivative image was changed, concatenate the new
  // image format and the destination path, delimited by a colon.
  // @see
  // @see hook_imagemagick_arguments_alter()
  if ($destination_format !== '') {
    $destination_format .= ':' . $destination;
  else {
    $destination_format = $destination;

  // GraphicsMagick arguments:
  // gm convert [options] input output
  // @see
  if (variable_get('imagemagick_gm', 0)) {
    array_unshift($args, 'convert');
    $args[] = escapeshellarg($source);
    $args[] = escapeshellarg($destination_format);
  else {
    array_unshift($args, escapeshellarg($source));
    $args[] = escapeshellarg($destination_format);
  $command_args = implode(' ', $args);
  if (_imagemagick_convert_exec($command_args, $output, $error) !== TRUE) {
    return FALSE;
  return file_exists($destination);

 * Executes the ImageMagick convert executable as shell command.
 * @param $command_args
 *   A string containing arguments to pass to the convert command, which must
 *   have been passed through escapeshellarg() already.
 * @param &$output
 *   (optional) A variable to assign the shell stdout to, passed by reference.
 * @param &$error
 *   (optional) A variable to assign the shell stderr to, passed by reference.
 * @param $convert_path
 *   (optional) A custom file path to the convert binary. Internal use only.
 * @return mixed
 *   The return value depends on the shell command result:
 *   - Boolean TRUE if the command succeeded.
 *   - Boolean FALSE if the shell process could not be executed.
 *   - Error exit status code integer returned by the executable.
function _imagemagick_convert_exec($command_args, &$output = NULL, &$error = NULL, $convert_path = NULL) {

  // $convert_path is only passed from the system-wide image toolkit form, on
  // which the path to convert is configured.
  // @see _imagemagick_check_path()
  if (!isset($convert_path)) {

    // By using a default of NULL, we force users to setup the toolkit through
    // the image toolkit administration UI. Sites enforcing a path via
    // settings.php should know what they are doing.
    $convert_path = variable_get('imagemagick_convert', NULL);
    if (!isset($convert_path)) {
      return FALSE;

  // Use Drupal's root as working directory to resolve relative paths correctly.
  $drupal_path = DRUPAL_ROOT;
  if (strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Win32') || strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'IIS')) {

    // Use Window's start command with the /B flag to make the process run in
    // the background and avoid a shell command line window from showing up.
    // @see
    // Use /D to run the command from PHP's current working directory so the
    // file paths don't have to be absolute.
    $convert_path = 'start "ImageMagick" /D ' . escapeshellarg($drupal_path) . ' /B ' . escapeshellarg($convert_path);
  $command = $convert_path . ' ' . $command_args;
  $descriptors = array(
    // stdin
    0 => array(
    // stdout
    1 => array(
    // stderr
    2 => array(
  if ($h = proc_open($command, $descriptors, $pipes, $drupal_path)) {
    $output = '';
    while (!feof($pipes[1])) {
      $output .= fgets($pipes[1]);
    $error = '';
    while (!feof($pipes[2])) {
      $error .= fgets($pipes[2]);
    $return_code = proc_close($h);

    // Display debugging information to authorized users.
    if (variable_get('imagemagick_debug', FALSE) && user_access('administer site configuration')) {
      debug($command, t('ImageMagick command'), TRUE);
      if ($output !== '') {
        debug($output, t('ImageMagick output'), TRUE);
      if ($error !== '') {
        debug($error, t('ImageMagick error'), TRUE);

    // If ImageMagick returned a non-zero code, trigger a PHP error that will
    // be caught by Drupal's error handler, logged to the watchdog and
    // eventually displayed to the user if configured to do so.
    if ($return_code != 0) {

      // If there is no error message, clarify this.
      if ($error === '') {
        $error = t('No error message.');

      // Format $error with as full message, passed by reference.
      $error = t('ImageMagick error @code: !error', array(
        '@code' => $return_code,
        '!error' => $error,

      // @todo Use watchdog() instead? Would hide errors from users during
      //   normal operation, regeardless of error_level setting.
      trigger_error($error, E_USER_ERROR);

      // ImageMagick exited with an error code, return it.
      return $return_code;

    // The shell command was executed successfully.
    return TRUE;

  // The shell command could not be executed.
  return FALSE;

 * @} End of "ingroup image".


Namesort descending Description
imagemagick_element_validate_path Form element validation handler for convert executable path setting.
imagemagick_element_validate_quality Form element validation handler for image quality settings field.
imagemagick_image_toolkits Implements hook_image_toolkits().
image_imagemagick_crop Crops an image to the given coordinates.
image_imagemagick_desaturate Converts an image into grayscale.
image_imagemagick_get_info Get details about an image.
image_imagemagick_load Creates an image resource from a file.
image_imagemagick_resize Scales an image to the specified size.
image_imagemagick_rotate Rotates an image the given number of degrees.
image_imagemagick_save Writes an image resource to a destination file.
image_imagemagick_settings Retrieve settings for the ImageMagick toolkit.
_imagemagick_build_version #after_build callback to output ImageMagick version or any errors in image toolkit settings form.
_imagemagick_check_path Verifies file path of ImageMagick convert binary by checking its version.
_imagemagick_convert Calls the convert executable with the specified filter.
_imagemagick_convert_exec Executes the ImageMagick convert executable as shell command.