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public function ImagefieldSlideshowFieldFormatter::viewElements in Imagefield Slideshow 8

Builds a renderable array for a field value.


\Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface $items: The field values to be rendered.

string $langcode: The language that should be used to render the field.

Return value

array A renderable array for $items, as an array of child elements keyed by consecutive numeric indexes starting from 0.

Overrides FormatterInterface::viewElements


src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/ImagefieldSlideshowFieldFormatter.php, line 290


Plugin implementation of 'imagefield_slideshow_field_formatter' formatter.




public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode) {
  $elements = [];

  // Get the Entity value as array.
  $file = $items

  // Early opt-out if the field is empty.
  $images = $this
    ->getEntitiesToView($items, $langcode);
  if (empty($images)) {
    return $elements;
  $image_style_setting = $this
  $image_style = NULL;
  if (!empty($image_style_setting)) {
    $image_style = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  $image_uri_values = [];
  foreach ($images as $image) {
    $image_uri = $image

    // Get image style URL.
    if ($image_style) {
      $image_uri = ImageStyle::load($image_style
    else {

      // Get absolute path for original image.
      $image_uri = $image

    // Populate image uri's with fid.
    $fid = $image
    $image_uri_values[$fid] = [
      'uri' => $image_uri,

  // Populate the title and alt of images based on fid.
  foreach ([
  ] as $element_name) {
    $field_name = $this->fieldDefinition
    if (array_key_exists($field_name, $file)) {
      foreach ($file[$field_name] as $key => $value) {
        $image_uri_values[$value['target_id']]['alt'] = $value['alt'];
        $image_uri_values[$value['target_id']]['title'] = $value['title'];

  // Enable prev next if only more than one image.
  $prev_next = $this
  if (count($image_uri_values) <= 1) {
    $prev_next = FALSE;
  $elements[] = [
    '#theme' => 'imagefield_slideshow',
    '#url' => $image_uri_values,
    '#prev_next' => $prev_next,
    '#effect' => $this
    '#pause' => $this
    '#speed' => $this
    '#timeout' => $this
    '#pager' => $this

  // Attach the image field slide show library.
  $elements['#attached']['library'][] = 'imagefield_slideshow/imagefield_slideshow';

  // Not to cache this field formatter.
  $elements['#cache']['max-age'] = 0;
  return $elements;