You are here in ImageCache Actions 6.2

extension to imageapi, provide an overlay action for blending two layers, preserving transparency.

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 * @file extension to imageapi, provide an overlay action for blending two
 * layers, preserving transparency.

// Not sure where this library will live between upgrade versions.
// Be careful to not conflict with another copy of myself.
if (!function_exists('imageapi_image_overlay')) {

   * Place one image over another
   * @param $image
   *   Base imageapi object.
   * @param $overlay
   *   May be a filename or an imageAPI object
   * @param $x
   *   Position of the overlay
   * @param $y
   *   Position of the overlay
   * @param $alpha
   *   Transparency of the overlay from 0-100. 0 is totally transparent. 100
   * (default) is totally opaque.
   * @param $reverse
   *   BOOL flag to indicate the 'overlay' actually goes under the image. As
   * the imageapi callbacks modify the $image object by reference, this is needed
   * to replace the old image resource with the new one.
   * @return bool success
   * @ingroup imageapi
  function imageapi_image_overlay($image, $layer, $x, $y, $alpha = 100, $reverse = FALSE) {
    if (is_string($layer)) {
      if (!file_exists($layer)) {
        trigger_error("Image file does not exist. Attempted to overlay {$layer}", E_USER_ERROR);
        return FALSE;
      $layer = imageapi_image_open($layer);

    // else $layer had better be an image handle
    $x = imagecache_actions_keyword_filter($x, $image->info['width'], $layer->info['width']);
    $y = imagecache_actions_keyword_filter($y, $image->info['height'], $layer->info['height']);
    return imageapi_toolkit_invoke('overlay', $image, array(

   * Place one image over another
   * This modifies the passed image by reference
   * This func is nominated for inclusion in imageapi package. Until then, we do
   * it ourselves.
   * NOTE that the PHP libraries are not great at merging images SO we include a
   * library that does it pixel-by-pixel which is INCREDIBLY inefficient. If this
   * can be improved, in a way that supports all transparency, please let us know!
   * A watermark is layer onto image, return the image. An underlay is image onto
   * layer, return the layer. Almost identical, but seeing as we work with
   * resource handles, the handle needs to be swapped before returning.
   * @ingroup imageapi
   * @param $image
   *   Base imageapi object.
   * @param $overlay
   *   May be a filename or an imageAPI object
   * @param $x
   *   Position of the overlay
   * @param $y
   *   Position of the overlay
   * @param $alpha
   *   Transparency of the overlay from 0-100. 0 is totally transparent. 100
   * (default) is totally opaque.
   * @param $reverse
   *   BOOL flag to indicate the 'overlay' actually goes under the image. As
   * the imageapi callbacks modify the $image object by reference, this is needed
   * to replace the old image resource with the new one.
   * @return bool success
  function imageapi_gd_image_overlay($image, $layer, $x, $y, $alpha = 100, $reverse = FALSE) {
    if (empty($layer->resource)) {
      trigger_error("Invalid input to " . __FUNCTION__ . " 'layer' is not a valid resource");

      #dpm($layer); dpm(debug_backtrace());
      return FALSE;

    // If the given alpha is 100%, we can use imagecopy - which actually works,
    // Is more efficient, and seems to retain the overlays partial transparancy
    // Still does not work great for indexed gifs though?
    if ($alpha == 100 && $layer->info['mime_type'] != 'image/gif') {
      imagealphablending($image->resource, TRUE);
      imagesavealpha($image->resource, TRUE);
      imagealphablending($layer->resource, TRUE);
      imagesavealpha($layer->resource, TRUE);
      imagecopy($image->resource, $layer->resource, $x, $y, 0, 0, $layer->info['width'], $layer->info['height']);

      #imagealphablending($image->resource, FALSE);
    else {

      // Else imagecopymerge fails and we have to use the slow library
      module_load_include('inc', 'imagecache_actions', 'watermark');
      $watermark = new watermark();
      $image->resource = $watermark
        ->create_watermark($image->resource, $layer->resource, $x, $y, $alpha);
    if ($reverse) {

      // When doing underlay, It's the second image object that we really care about.
      // Update that with the result
      $layer->resource = $image->resource;
      $layer->info = $image->info;
    return TRUE;

   * Improvements on this are welcomed!
   * Please be aware of the limitations of imagemagick libraries out there - the
   * versions distributed on hosted servers (if any) are often several years
   * behind. Using the latest imagemagick release features will make this function
   * unusable in real deployments.
   * I've now spent DAYS testing different versions.
   * @param $image
   *   Base imageapi object.
   * @param $layer
   *   May be a filename or an imageAPI object, gets placed on top
   *   If using reverse, this is going to be the result we carry on working with.
  function imageapi_imagemagick_image_overlay(&$image, &$layer, $x = 0, $y = 0, $alpha = 100, $reverse = FALSE) {
    $layer_filepath = $layer->source;

    # TODO - alpha channels

    # I spent ages on the docs, but it appears my version of convert does not support -merge, -watermark or -dissolve

    // Bloody libraries - I tried  [6.2.8 06/11/08] because thats what I could get for my distro.
    // [6.4.5 2009-06-04] (todays latest via ubuntu) is just as bad.
    // Arguments require a + in front, unless they are negative.
    if ($x >= 0) {
      $x = "+{$x}";
    if ($y >= 0) {
      $y = "+{$y}";
    $geometry_arg = " -geometry {$x}{$y} ";
    $compose_arg = " ";
    $alpha_arg = " ";
    $source_image = "'{$layer_filepath}'";
    if ($alpha != 100) {

      // Can't get this to work as documented

      #$alpha_arg = " -compose dissolve -set \"option:compose:args\" $alpha,100 ";

      #$alpha_arg = " -compose dissolve -define compose:args=$alpha,100 ";

      // Instead do an incredibly convoluted work-around!!
      // Set the alpha transparency on the overlay image itself before blending
      // Uses a preliminary sub-process to change the overlay image first.
      $source_image = "\\( '{$layer_filepath}' -channel Opacity -evaluate Multiply " . $alpha / 100 . " \\)";

    // Normally, second image goes on top of the first. Simple
    if (!$reverse) {
      $image->ops[] = "  {$source_image} {$geometry_arg} {$compose_arg} -composite ";
    else {

      // If in reverse, we cannot stop the first image from being the
      // first in the imagemagick queue. the +swap argument seems to be what we need.
      $compose_arg = ' +swap';
      $image->ops[] = "  {$source_image} {$geometry_arg} {$compose_arg} -composite ";
      $layer->ops = array_merge($layer->ops, $image->ops);
      $layer->info = $image->info;

    // TODO - I may end up with a different sized image from doing this?
    // How to let the object know?

    return TRUE;