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image_effects_text_test.module in ImageCache Actions 7

Code for the Image Effects Text test feature.


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 * @file
 * Code for the Image Effects Text test feature.

 * Implements hook_image_default_styles().
function image_effects_text_test_image_default_styles() {
  $styles = array();

  // Exported image style: text-test-position-orientation.
  $styles['text-test-position-orientation'] = array(
    'name' => 'text-test-position-orientation',
    'effects' => array(
      115 => array(
        'label' => 'Overlay (watermark)',
        'help' => 'Choose the file image you wish to use as an overlay, and position it in a layer on top of the canvas.',
        'effect callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_image',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_form',
        'summary theme' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_summary',
        'module' => 'imagecache_canvasactions',
        'name' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas',
        'data' => array(
          'xpos' => 'left',
          'ypos' => 'top',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'path' => 'module://image_effects_text_test/grid800x600.png',
        'weight' => '-10',
      116 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => '100',
          'ypos' => '200',
          'halign' => 'left',
          'valign' => 'top',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => '100,200 left,top',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '-8',
      117 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => 'left+300',
          'ypos' => 'top+200',
          'halign' => 'left',
          'valign' => 'center',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => 'left+300,top+200 left,center',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '3',
      118 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => 'right-300',
          'ypos' => '200+top',
          'halign' => 'left',
          'valign' => 'bottom',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => 'right-300,200+top left,bottom',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '4',
      119 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => 'center-300',
          'ypos' => '100+center',
          'halign' => 'center',
          'valign' => 'top',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => 'center-300,100+center center,top',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '5',
      120 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => '-100+center',
          'ypos' => 'center+100',
          'halign' => 'center',
          'valign' => 'center',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => '-100+center,center+100 center,center',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '6',
      121 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => '-200+right',
          'ypos' => 'bottom-200',
          'halign' => 'center',
          'valign' => 'bottom',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => '-200+right,bottom-200 center, bottom',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '7',
      122 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => '300',
          'ypos' => '500',
          'halign' => 'right',
          'valign' => 'top',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => '300,500 right,top',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '8',
      123 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => 'right-center+100',
          'ypos' => 'bottom-100',
          'halign' => 'right',
          'valign' => 'center',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => 'right-center+100,bottom-100 right,center',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '9',
      124 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => 'right-100',
          'ypos' => 'bottom-100',
          'halign' => 'right',
          'valign' => 'bottom',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => 'right-100,bottom-100 right,bottom',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '10',

  // Exported image style: text-test-rotate-wrt-alignment.
  $styles['text-test-rotate-wrt-alignment'] = array(
    'name' => 'text-test-rotate-wrt-alignment',
    'effects' => array(
      125 => array(
        'label' => 'Schalen',
        'help' => 'Door te schalen worden de originele verhoudingen behouden. Als één van de dimensies wordt ingevuld zal de andere worden berekend.',
        'effect callback' => 'image_scale_effect',
        'dimensions callback' => 'image_scale_dimensions',
        'form callback' => 'image_scale_form',
        'summary theme' => 'image_scale_summary',
        'module' => 'image',
        'name' => 'image_scale',
        'data' => array(
          'width' => '800',
          'height' => '',
          'upscale' => 0,
        'weight' => '1',
      126 => array(
        'label' => 'Overlay (watermark)',
        'help' => 'Choose the file image you wish to use as an overlay, and position it in a layer on top of the canvas.',
        'effect callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_image',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_form',
        'summary theme' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_summary',
        'module' => 'imagecache_canvasactions',
        'name' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas',
        'data' => array(
          'xpos' => 0,
          'ypos' => 0,
          'alpha' => '100',
          'path' => 'module://image_effects_text_test/grid800x600.png',
        'weight' => '2',
      127 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => '100',
          'ypos' => '200',
          'halign' => 'left',
          'valign' => 'bottom',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '45',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => '100,200 45 left,bottom',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '3',
      128 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => '300',
          'ypos' => '200',
          'halign' => 'center',
          'valign' => 'center',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '66.67',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => '300,200 66.67 center,center',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '4',
      129 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => '500',
          'ypos' => '200',
          'halign' => 'right',
          'valign' => 'top',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '90',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => '500,200 45 right,top',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '5',
      130 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => '100',
          'ypos' => '500',
          'halign' => 'left',
          'valign' => 'bottom',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '-30',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => '100,500 -30 left,bottom',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '7',
      131 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => '300',
          'ypos' => '500',
          'halign' => 'center',
          'valign' => 'center',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '-45',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => '300,500 -45 center,center',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '8',
      132 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '18',
          'xpos' => '600',
          'ypos' => '400',
          'halign' => 'right',
          'valign' => 'top',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '000000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '-90',
          'fontfile' => 'module://image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => '600,400 -90 right,top',
          'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'',
        'weight' => '9',

  // Exported image style: text-test-utf8-multi-line-color-transparency.
  $styles['text-test-utf8-multi-line-color-transparency'] = array(
    'name' => 'text-test-utf8-multi-line-color-transparency',
    'effects' => array(
      133 => array(
        'label' => 'Overlay (watermark)',
        'help' => 'Choose the file image you wish to use as an overlay, and position it in a layer on top of the canvas.',
        'effect callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_image',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_form',
        'summary theme' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_summary',
        'module' => 'imagecache_canvasactions',
        'name' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas',
        'data' => array(
          'xpos' => 'left',
          'ypos' => 'top',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'path' => 'module://image_effects_text_test/grid800x600.png',
        'weight' => '-10',
      114 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '20',
          'xpos' => '100',
          'ypos' => '100',
          'halign' => 'left',
          'valign' => 'top',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => 'FF0000',
          'alpha' => '100',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'sites/all/modules/imagecache_actions/image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => 'top+100,left+100: é è à ù ç Ö ÿ ‘ ’ “ ” ° ² ³ € x ÷',
          'php' => 'if (!$image_context[\'entity\']) {
  return \'No referring entity\';
$entity_type = \'node\';
$field_name = \'my_field\';
$entity = $image_context[\'entity\'];
$field = field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, $field_name);
if ($field) {
  return isset($field[0][\'value\']) ? $field[0][\'value\'] : \'No field value\';
        'weight' => '-9',
      135 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '50',
          'xpos' => '100',
          'ypos' => '200',
          'halign' => 'left',
          'valign' => 'top',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => '0000FF',
          'alpha' => '90',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'sites/all/modules/imagecache_actions/image_effects_text/Komika_display.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'text',
          'text' => 'Hello World!\\nOlá, mundo\\\\nHej världen',
          'php' => 'if (!$image_context[\'entity\']) {
  return \'No referring entity\';
$entity_type = \'node\';
$field_name = \'my_field\';
$entity = $image_context[\'entity\'];
$field = field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, $field_name);
if ($field) {
  return isset($field[0][\'value\']) ? $field[0][\'value\'] : \'No field value\';
        'weight' => '-8',
      134 => array(
        'label' => 'Tekst',
        'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.',
        'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE,
        'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form',
        'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect',
        'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary',
        'module' => 'image_effects_text',
        'name' => 'image_effects_text',
        'data' => array(
          'size' => '50',
          'xpos' => '400',
          'ypos' => 'bottom-100',
          'halign' => 'center',
          'valign' => 'bottom',
          'RGB' => array(
            'HEX' => 'FFFFFF',
          'alpha' => '50',
          'angle' => '0',
          'fontfile' => 'arial.ttf',
          'text_source' => 'php',
          'text' => 'Hello World!',
          'php' => 'return "Hello World!\\nOlá, mundo\\\\nHej världen";
        'weight' => '-7',
  return $styles;