You are here in ImageCache Actions 6.2

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 * @file Helper functions for the text2canvas action for imagecache
 * @author Dan Morrison
 * Individually configurable rounded corners logic contributed by canaryMason
 * 2009 03
 * Better algorithm for trimming rounded corners from donquixote 
 * 2009 09
 * Image mask contributed by sydneyshan
 * 2011 06
if (!function_exists('imageapi_image_overlay')) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'imagecache_actions', 'imageapi_image_overlay');
if (!function_exists('imagecache_actions_pos_form')) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'imagecache_actions', 'utility-form');
if (!function_exists('imagecache_actions_keyword_filter')) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'imagecache_actions', 'utility');


 * Use a given image to mask the current canvas
 * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
 * @param $action array of settings for this action
 * @return a form definition
function canvasactions_imagemask_form($action) {

  // TODO: add offset/positioning/scaling support - currently the mask is applied to the supplied image without resizing and positioned at (0,0)
  $form['path'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('file name'),
    '#default_value' => $action['path'],
    '#description' => t('File may be in the "files/" folder, or relative to the Drupal siteroot. This action will convert your image to a 32 bit PNG. Reference a grayscale image where black is transparent and white is opaque. The referenced mask will be applied to the top left of the image.'),
    '#element_validate' => array(
  return $form;

 * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module
function theme_canvasactions_imagemask($element) {
  $data = $element['#value'];
  $filepath = $data['path'];
  if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
    $filepath = file_create_path($data['path']);
  $file_url = url($filepath);
  return "file path: <a href='{$file_url}'>" . basename($data['path']) . "</a>";

 * Apply the given image file to the canvas as a mask
 * Implementation of hook_image()
 * @param $image
 * @param $action
function canvasactions_imagemask_image(&$image, $action = array()) {

  // Search for full (siteroot) paths, then file dir paths, then relative to the current theme
  $filepath = $action['path'];
  if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
    $filepath = file_create_path($action['path']);
  if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
    trigger_error("Failed to load mask image {$filepath}.", E_USER_ERROR);
    return FALSE;
  $mask = imageapi_image_open($filepath, $image->toolkit);

  // TODO: (sydneyshan) Consider best way to add offset support - I assume we would position the mask somewhere (top/left/offset px etc) and choose if the surrounding area is white or black (opaque or transparent) using an extra form element (radio). Assess exsiting positioning code first to reduce duplication of code. Pass the results to the following function as array($mask, $actions). Perhaps add a 'scale mask to fit image'/'scale image to fit mask'/'no scale' radio group?
  return imageapi_toolkit_invoke('imagemask', $image, array(

 * Convert the image to PNG and apply an image-based transparency mask using GD
 * &$image is an array expected to contain the details of the image to be masked
 * $mask is an array expected to contain the details of the mask image
function imageapi_gd_image_imagemask(&$image, $mask = array()) {
  $newPicture = imagecreatetruecolor($image->info['width'], $image->info['height']);
  imagesavealpha($newPicture, true);
  imagealphablending($newPicture, true);
  imagefill($newPicture, 0, 0, imagecolorallocatealpha($newPicture, 0, 0, 0, 127));

  // Perform pixel-based alpha map application
  for ($x = 0; $x < $image->info['width']; $x++) {
    for ($y = 0; $y < $image->info['height']; $y++) {
      $alpha = imagecolorsforindex($mask->resource, imagecolorat($mask->resource, $x, $y));
      $alpha = 127 - floor($alpha['red'] / 2);
      $color = imagecolorsforindex($image->resource, imagecolorat($image->resource, $x, $y));
      imagesetpixel($newPicture, $x, $y, imagecolorallocatealpha($newPicture, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $alpha));

  // Copy back to original picture
  $image->resource = $newPicture;

  // ensure the final image is a PNG due to transparency:
  $image->info['extension'] = 'png';
  $image->info['mime_type'] = 'image/png';
  return TRUE;

 * Convert the image to PNG and apply an image-based transparency mask using ImageMagick
 * &$image is an array expected to contain the details of the image to be masked
 * $mask is an array expected to contain the details of the mask image
function imageapi_imagemagick_image_imagemask(&$image, $mask = array()) {

  //TODO: ensure the original image mask is retained (may be a multi-step operation)
  $image->ops[] = "'{$mask->source}' -alpha Off -compose CopyOpacity -composite";

  // ensure the final image is a PNG due to transparency:
  $image->info['extension'] = 'png';
  $image->info['mime_type'] = 'image/png';
  return TRUE;


 * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
 * Settings for preparing a canvas.
 * @param $action array of settings for this action
 * @return a form definition
function canvasactions_definecanvas_form($action) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'imagecache_actions', 'utility-color');
  if (imageapi_default_toolkit() != 'imageapi_gd') {
    drupal_set_message('Define Canvas not currently supported by using imagemagick. This effect requires GD image toolkit only.', 'warning');
  $defaults = array(
    'RGB' => array(
      'HEX' => '#333333',
    'under' => TRUE,
    'exact' => array(
      'width' => '',
      'height' => '',
      'xpos' => 'center',
      'ypos' => 'center',
    'relative' => array(
      'leftdiff' => '',
      'rightdiff' => '',
      'topdiff' => '',
      'bottomdiff' => '',
  $action = array_merge($defaults, (array) $action);
  $form = array(
    'RGB' => imagecache_rgb_form($action['RGB']),
    'help' => array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#value' => t('Enter no color value for transparent. This will have the effect of adding clear margins around the image.'),
      '#prefix' => '<p>',
      '#suffix' => '</p>',
    'under' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Resize canvas <em>under</em> image (possibly cropping)'),
      '#default_value' => $action['under'],
      '#description' => t('If <em>not</em> set, this will create a solid flat layer, probably totally obscuring the source image'),
  $form['info'] = array(
    '#value' => t('Enter values in ONLY ONE of the below options. Either exact or relative. Most values are optional - you can adjust only one dimension as needed. If no useful values are set, the current base image size will be used.'),
  $form['exact'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#title' => 'Exact size',
    'help' => array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#value' => t('Set the canvas to a precise size, possibly cropping the image. Use to start with a known size.'),
      '#prefix' => '<p>',
      '#suffix' => '</p>',
    'width' => array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Width'),
      '#default_value' => $action['exact']['width'],
      '#description' => t('Enter a value in pixels or percent'),
      '#size' => 5,
    'height' => array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Height'),
      '#default_value' => $action['exact']['height'],
      '#description' => t('Enter a value in pixels or percent'),
      '#size' => 5,
  $form['exact'] = array_merge($form['exact'], imagecache_actions_pos_form($action['exact']));
  if (!$action['exact']['width'] && !$action['exact']['height']) {
    $form['exact']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
  $form['relative'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#title' => t('Relative size'),
    'help' => array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#value' => '<p>' . t('Set the canvas to a relative size, based on the current image dimensions. Use to add simple borders or expand by a fixed amount. Negative values may crop the image.') . '</p>',
    'leftdiff' => array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('left difference'),
      '#default_value' => $action['relative']['leftdiff'],
      '#size' => 6,
      '#description' => t('Enter an offset in pixels.'),
    'rightdiff' => array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('right difference'),
      '#default_value' => $action['relative']['rightdiff'],
      '#size' => 6,
      '#description' => t('Enter an offset in pixels.'),
    'topdiff' => array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('top difference'),
      '#default_value' => $action['relative']['topdiff'],
      '#size' => 6,
      '#description' => t('Enter an offset in pixels.'),
    'bottomdiff' => array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('bottom difference'),
      '#default_value' => $action['relative']['bottomdiff'],
      '#size' => 6,
      '#description' => t('Enter an offset in pixels.'),
  if (!$action['relative']['leftdiff'] && !$action['relative']['rightdiff'] && !$action['relative']['topdiff'] && !$action['relative']['bottomdiff']) {
    $form['relative']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
  $form['#submit'][] = 'canvasactions_definecanvas_form_submit';
  return $form;

 * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module
function theme_canvasactions_definecanvas($element) {
  $action = $element['#value'];
  if ($action['exact']['width'] || $action['exact']['width']) {
    $output = $action['exact']['width'] . 'x' . $action['exact']['height'];
    $output .= " (" . $action['exact']['xpos'] . ', ' . $action['exact']['ypos'] . ") ";
  else {
    $output = ' left:' . $action['relative']['leftdiff'];
    $output .= ' right:' . $action['relative']['rightdiff'];
    $output .= ' top:' . $action['relative']['topdiff'];
    $output .= ' bottom:' . $action['relative']['bottomdiff'];
  $output .= theme('imagecacheactions_rgb', $action['RGB']);
  $output .= $action['under'] ? t(" <b>under</b> image ") : t(" <b>over</b> image ");
  return $output;

 * Implementation of hook_image()
 * Creates a solid background canvas
 * Process the imagecache action on the passed image
 * @param $image
 * array defining an image file, including  :
 *   $image- >source as the filename,
 *   $image->info array
 *   $image->resource handle on the image object
function canvasactions_definecanvas_image(&$image, $action = array()) {

  // May be given either exact or relative dimensions.
  if ($action['exact']['width'] || $action['exact']['height']) {

    // Allows only one dimension to be used if the other is unset.
    if (!$action['exact']['width']) {
      $action['exact']['width'] = $image->info['width'];
    if (!$action['exact']['height']) {
      $action['exact']['height'] = $image->info['height'];
    $targetsize['width'] = _imagecache_percent_filter($action['exact']['width'], $image->info['width']);
    $targetsize['height'] = _imagecache_percent_filter($action['exact']['height'], $image->info['height']);
    $targetsize['left'] = _imagecache_keyword_filter($action['exact']['xpos'], $targetsize['width'], $image->info['width']);
    $targetsize['top'] = _imagecache_keyword_filter($action['exact']['ypos'], $targetsize['height'], $image->info['height']);
  else {

    // calculate relative size
    $targetsize['width'] = $image->info['width'] + $action['relative']['leftdiff'] + $action['relative']['rightdiff'];
    $targetsize['height'] = $image->info['height'] + $action['relative']['topdiff'] + $action['relative']['bottomdiff'];
    $targetsize['left'] = $action['relative']['leftdiff'];
    $targetsize['top'] = $action['relative']['topdiff'];

  // convert from hex (as it is stored in the UI)
  if ($action['RGB']['HEX'] && ($deduced = imagecache_actions_hex2rgba($action['RGB']['HEX']))) {
    $action['RGB'] = array_merge($action['RGB'], $deduced);

  // All the maths is done, now defer to the api toolkits;
  $action['targetsize'] = $targetsize;
  $success = imageapi_toolkit_invoke('definecanvas', $image, array(
  if ($success) {
    $image->info['width'] = $targetsize['width'];
    $image->info['height'] = $targetsize['height'];
  return $success;

 * Draw a color (or transparency) behind an image
 * $targetsize is an array expected to contain a width,height and a left,top
 * offset.
function imageapi_gd_image_definecanvas(&$image, $action = array()) {
  $targetsize = $action['targetsize'];
  $RGB = $action['RGB'];
  $newcanvas = imagecreatetruecolor($targetsize['width'], $targetsize['height']);
  if ($RGB['HEX']) {
    $background = imagecolorallocate($newcanvas, $RGB['red'], $RGB['green'], $RGB['blue']);
  else {

    // No color, attempt transparency, assume white
    $background = imagecolorallocatealpha($newcanvas, 255, 255, 255, 127);
    imagesavealpha($newcanvas, TRUE);
    imagealphablending($newcanvas, FALSE);
    imagesavealpha($image->resource, TRUE);
  imagefilledrectangle($newcanvas, 0, 0, $targetsize['width'], $targetsize['height'], $background);
  if ($action['under']) {
    $canvas_object = (object) array(
      'resource' => $newcanvas,
      'info' => array(
        'width' => $targetsize['width'],
        'height' => $targetsize['height'],
        'mime_type' => $image->info['mime_type'],
        'extension' => $image->info['extension'],
      'toolkit' => $image->toolkit,
    imageapi_image_overlay($canvas_object, $image, $targetsize['left'], $targetsize['top'], 100, TRUE);
  else {
    $image->resource = $newcanvas;
  return TRUE;

 * Draw a color (or transparency) behind an image
 * $targetsize is an array expected to contain a width,height and a left,top 
 * offset.
 * Patched with code at issue
function imageapi_imagemagick_image_definecanvas(&$image, $action = array()) {
  $targetsize = $action['targetsize'];
  $backgroundcolor = $action['RGB']['HEX'] != '' ? '#' . $action['RGB']['HEX'] : 'None';
  $geometry = "";
  if ($targetsize['left'] || $targetsize['top']) {
    $offset = ($targetsize['left'] < 0 ? "-" : "+") . (int) $targetsize['left'] . ($targetsize['top'] < 0 ? "-" : "+") . (int) $targetsize['top'];
    $geometry = "-geometry {$offset}";
  $swap = $action['under'] ? '+swap' : '';
  $compose = "  \\( -size {$targetsize['width']}x{$targetsize['height']} xc:{$backgroundcolor} \\) {$geometry} {$swap} -composite  ";
  $image->ops[] = $compose;
  return TRUE;


 * Place a given image under the current canvas
 * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
 * @param $action array of settings for this action
 * @return a form definition
function canvasactions_canvas2file_form($action) {
  if (imageapi_default_toolkit() != 'imageapi_gd') {
    drupal_set_message('Overlays are not currently supported by using imagemagick. This effect requires GD image toolkit only.', 'warning');
  $defaults = array(
    'xpos' => '0',
    'ypos' => '0',
    'alpha' => '100',
    'path' => '',
    'dimensions' => 'original',
  $action = array_merge($defaults, (array) $action);
  $form = imagecache_actions_pos_form($action);
  $form['alpha'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('opacity'),
    '#default_value' => $action['alpha'],
    '#size' => 6,
    '#description' => t('Opacity: 0-100. Be aware that values other than 100% may be slow to process.'),
  $form['path'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('file name'),
    '#default_value' => $action['path'],
    '#description' => t('File may be in the "files/" folder, or relative to the Drupal siteroot.'),
    '#element_validate' => array(
  $form['dimensions'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('final dimensions'),
    '#default_value' => $action['dimensions'],
    '#options' => array(
      'original' => 'original (dimensions are retained)',
      'background' => 'background (image will be forced to match the size of the background)',
      'minimum' => 'minimum (image may be cropped)',
      'maximum' => 'maximum (image may end up with gaps)',
    '#description' => t('What to do when the background image is a different size from the source image. Backgrounds are not tiled, but may be arbitrarily large.'),
  return $form;

 * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module
function theme_canvasactions_canvas2file($element) {
  $data = $element['#value'];
  $filepath = $data['path'];
  if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
    $filepath = file_create_path($data['path']);
  $file_url = url($filepath);
  return "xpos:{$data['xpos']} , ypos:{$data['ypos']} alpha:{$data['alpha']}%. file path: <a href='{$file_url}'>" . basename($data['path']) . "</a>, dimensions:{$data['dimensions']}";

 * Place the source image on the current background
 * Implementation of hook_image()
 * Note - this is currently incompatable with imagemagick, due to the way it
 * addresses $image->resource directly - a gd only thing.
 * @param $image
 * @param $action
function canvasactions_canvas2file_image(&$image, $action = array()) {

  // Search for full (siteroot) paths, then file dir paths, then relative to the current theme
  $filepath = $action['path'];
  if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
    $filepath = file_create_path($action['path']);
  if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
    trigger_error("Failed to load underlay image {$filepath}.", E_USER_ERROR);
    return FALSE;
  $underlay = imageapi_image_open($filepath, $image->toolkit);

  // To handle odd sizes, we will resize/crop the background image to the desired dimensions before
  // starting the merge. The built-in imagecopymerge, and the watermark library both do not
  // allow overlays to be bigger than the target.
  // Adjust size
  $crop_rules = array(
    'left' => 0,
    'top' => 0,
  if (empty($action['dimensions'])) {
    $action['dimensions'] = 'original';
  switch ($action['dimensions']) {
    case 'original':

      // If the underlay is smaller than the target size,
      // then when preparing the underlay by cropping it,
      // the offsets may need to be negative
      // which will produce a 'cropped' image larger than the original
      // In this case, we need to calculate the position of the bg image
      // in relation to the space it will occupy under the top layer

      #$crop_rules['xoffset'] = $underlay->info['width'] - $image->info['width'] ;
      $crop_rules['width'] = $image->info['width'];
      $crop_rules['height'] = $image->info['height'];
    case 'background':
      $crop_rules['width'] = $underlay->info['width'];
      $crop_rules['height'] = $underlay->info['height'];
    case 'minimum':
      $crop_rules['width'] = min($underlay->info['width'], $image->info['width']);
      $crop_rules['height'] = min($underlay->info['height'], $image->info['height']);
    case 'maximum':
      $crop_rules['width'] = max($underlay->info['width'], $image->info['width']);
      $crop_rules['height'] = max($underlay->info['height'], $image->info['height']);

  // imageapi crop assumes upsize is legal.

  // ensure the library is loaded.
  // Crop both before processing to avoid unwanted processing.
  imagecache_crop_image($underlay, $crop_rules);

  # BUG - this doesn't position either

  // Actually this fails because imagecache_crop fills it with solid color when 'cropping' to a larger size.

  #imagecache_crop_image($image, $crop_rules);


  // This func modifies the underlay image by ref, placing the current canvas on it
  if (imageapi_image_overlay($underlay, $image, $action['xpos'], $action['ypos'], $action['alpha'], TRUE)) {

    #$image->resource = $underlay->resource;
    $image = $underlay;
    return TRUE;


 * Place a given image on top of the current canvas
 * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
 * @param $action array of settings for this action
 * @return a form definition
function canvasactions_file2canvas_form($action) {
  if (imageapi_default_toolkit() != 'imageapi_gd') {
    drupal_set_message('Overlays are not currently supported by using imagemagick. This effect requires GD image toolkit only.', 'warning');
  $defaults = array(
    'xpos' => '',
    'ypos' => '',
    'alpha' => '100',
    'path' => '',
  $action = array_merge($defaults, (array) $action);
  $form = array(
    'help' => array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#value' => t('Note that using a transparent overlay that is larger than the source image may result in unwanted results - a solid background.'),
  $form += imagecache_actions_pos_form($action);
  $form['alpha'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('opacity'),
    '#default_value' => $action['alpha'],
    '#size' => 6,
    '#description' => t('Opacity: 0-100. <b>Warning:</b> Due to a limitation in the GD toolkit, using an opacity other than 100% requires the system to use an algorithm that\'s much slower than the built-in functions. If you want partial transparency, you are better to use an already-transparent png as the overlay source image.'),
  $form['path'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('file name'),
    '#default_value' => $action['path'],
    '#description' => t('File may be in the "files/" folder, or relative to the Drupal siteroot.'),
    '#element_validate' => array(
  return $form;

 * Check if the named file is available
function canvasactions_file2canvas_validate_file(&$element, &$form_status) {
  if (!file_exists($element['#value']) && !file_exists(file_create_path($element['#value']))) {
    form_error($element, t("Unable to find the named file '%filepath' in either the site or the files directory. Please check the path. Use relative paths only.", array(
      '%filepath' => $element['#value'],

 * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module
function theme_canvasactions_file2canvas($element) {
  $action = $element['#value'];
  return '<strong>' . basename($action['path']) . '</strong> x:' . $action['xpos'] . ', y:' . $action['ypos'] . ' alpha:' . (@$action['alpha'] ? $action['alpha'] : 100) . '%';

 * Place the source image on the current background
 * Implementation of hook_image()
 * @param $image
 * @param $action
function canvasactions_file2canvas_image(&$image, $action = array()) {

  // search for full (siteroot) paths, then file dir paths, then relative to the current theme
  if (file_exists($action['path'])) {
    $overlay = imageapi_image_open($action['path'], $image->toolkit);
  else {
    if (file_exists(file_create_path($action['path']))) {
      $overlay = imageapi_image_open(file_create_path($action['path']), $image->toolkit);
  if (!isset($overlay) || !$overlay) {
    trigger_error(t("Failed to find overlay image %path for imagecache_actions file-to-canvas action. File was not found in the sites 'files' path or the current theme folder.", array(
      '%path' => $action['path'],
    )), E_USER_WARNING);

    // return FALSE;
    // Warn, but continue anyway
    return TRUE;
  if (!isset($action['alpha'])) {
    $action['alpha'] = 100;
  return imageapi_image_overlay($image, $overlay, $action['xpos'], $action['ypos'], $action['alpha']);


 * Place the source image on top of the current canvas    
 * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
 * @param $action array of settings for this action   
 * @return a form definition    
function canvasactions_source2canvas_form($action) {
  $defaults = array(
    'xpos' => '',
    'ypos' => '',
    'alpha' => '100',
    'path' => '',
  $action = array_merge($defaults, (array) $action);
  $form = imagecache_actions_pos_form($action);
  $form['alpha'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('opacity'),
    '#default_value' => $action['alpha'],
    '#size' => 6,
    '#description' => t('Opacity: 0-100.'),
  return $form;

 * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module    
function theme_canvasactions_source2canvas($element) {
  $data = $element['#value'];
  return 'xpos:' . $data['xpos'] . ', ypos:' . $data['ypos'] . ' alpha:' . $data['alpha'] . '%';

 * Place the source image on the current background   
 * Implementation of hook_image()   
 * @param $image    
 * @param $action   
function canvasactions_source2canvas_image(&$image, $action = array()) {
  $overlay = imageapi_image_open($image->source);

  // this probably means opening the image twice. c'est la vie
  return imageapi_image_overlay($image, $overlay, $action['xpos'], $action['ypos'], $action['alpha']);



 * Switch between presets depending on logic
 * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
 * @param $action array of settings for this action
 * @return a form definition
function canvasactions_aspect_form($action) {
  $defaults = array(
    'ratio_adjustment' => 1,
    'portrait' => NULL,
    'landscape' => NULL,
  $action = array_merge($defaults, (array) $action);
  $form = array(
    'help' => array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#value' => t('You must create the two presets to use <em>before</em> enabling this process.'),
  $presets = array();
  foreach (imagecache_presets(TRUE) as $preset) {
    $presets[$preset['presetname']] = $preset['presetname'];
  $form['portrait'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Preset to use if the image is portrait (vertical)'),
    '#default_value' => $action['portrait'],
    '#options' => $presets,
  $form['landscape'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Preset to use if the image is landscape (horizontal)'),
    '#default_value' => $action['landscape'],
    '#options' => $presets,
  $form['ratio_adjustment'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Ratio Adjustment (advanced)'),
    '#size' => 3,
    '#default_value' => $action['ratio_adjustment'],
    '#description' => t("\nThis allows you to bend the rules for how different the proportions need to be to trigger the switch.  \n<br/>If the (width/height)*n is greater than 1, use 'landscape', otherwise use 'portrait'.\n<br/>When n = 1 (the default) it will switch between portrait and landscape modes.\n<br/>If n > 1, images that are slightly wide will still be treated as portraits.\nIf n < 1 then blunt portraits will be treated as landscape.\n    "),
  return $form;

 * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module
function theme_canvasactions_aspect($element) {
  $action = $element['#value'];
  $presets = imagecache_presets(TRUE);
  $ratio_adjustment = '';
  if ($action['ratio_adjustment'] != 1) {
    $ratio_adjustment = " (switch at 1:{$action['ratio_adjustment']})";
  return 'Portrait size: <strong>' . $action['portrait'] . '</strong>. Landscape size: <strong>' . $action['landscape'] . '</strong>' . $ratio_adjustment;

 * Choose the action and trigger that.
 * Implementation of hook_image()
 * @param $image
 * @param $action
function canvasactions_aspect_image(&$image, $action = array()) {
  $ratio_adjustment = 0 + $action['ratio_adjustment'];
  if (!$ratio_adjustment) {
    $ratio_adjustment = 1;
  $aspect = $image->info['width'] / $image->info['height'];

  // width / height * adjustment. If > 1, it's wide.
  $preset_name = $aspect * $ratio_adjustment > 1 ? $action['landscape'] : $action['portrait'];
  $preset = imagecache_preset_by_name($preset_name);
  if (empty($preset)) {

    // Required preset has gone missing?
    watchdog('imagecache_canvasactions', "When running 'aspect' action, I was unable to load sub-action %preset_name. Either it's been deleted or the DB needs an update", array(
      '%preset_name' => $preset_name,
    return FALSE;

  // Run the preset actions ourself. Cannot invoke a preset from the top as it handles filenames, not image objects.
  // ripped from imagecache_build_derivative()
  foreach ($preset['actions'] as $sub_action) {

    // _imagecache_apply_action requires some of the values to be pre-cooked
    // Identified in
    // These actions really should interpret the parameters themselves.
    foreach (array(
    ) as $param) {
      if (isset($sub_action['data'][$param])) {
        $sub_action['data'][$param] = _imagecache_percent_filter($sub_action['data'][$param], $image->info[$param]);
    foreach (array(
      'xoffset' => 'width',
      'yoffset' => 'height',
    ) as $param => $direction) {
      if (isset($sub_action['data'][$param])) {
        $sub_action['data'][$param] = _imagecache_keyword_filter($sub_action['data'][$param], $image->info[$direction], $sub_action['data'][$direction]);
    _imagecache_apply_action($sub_action, $image);
  return TRUE;



Namesort descending Description
canvasactions_aspect_form Switch between presets depending on logic
canvasactions_aspect_image Choose the action and trigger that.
canvasactions_canvas2file_form Place a given image under the current canvas
canvasactions_canvas2file_image Place the source image on the current background
canvasactions_definecanvas_form Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
canvasactions_definecanvas_image Implementation of hook_image()
canvasactions_file2canvas_form Place a given image on top of the current canvas
canvasactions_file2canvas_image Place the source image on the current background
canvasactions_file2canvas_validate_file Check if the named file is available
canvasactions_imagemask_form Use a given image to mask the current canvas
canvasactions_imagemask_image Apply the given image file to the canvas as a mask
canvasactions_source2canvas_form Place the source image on top of the current canvas
canvasactions_source2canvas_image Place the source image on the current background
imageapi_gd_image_definecanvas Draw a color (or transparency) behind an image
imageapi_gd_image_imagemask Convert the image to PNG and apply an image-based transparency mask using GD
imageapi_imagemagick_image_definecanvas Draw a color (or transparency) behind an image $targetsize is an array expected to contain a width,height and a left,top offset.
imageapi_imagemagick_image_imagemask Convert the image to PNG and apply an image-based transparency mask using ImageMagick
theme_canvasactions_aspect Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module
theme_canvasactions_canvas2file Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module
theme_canvasactions_definecanvas Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module
theme_canvasactions_file2canvas Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module
theme_canvasactions_imagemask Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module
theme_canvasactions_source2canvas Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module