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6 calls to BinaryTestCase::getLoggerMock() in Image Optimize Binaries 8

AdvDefTest::testDefaultConfig in tests/src/Unit/AdvDefTest.php
Test that the default config of the plugin is set.
AdvDefTest::testOnlyApplyToPNG in tests/src/Unit/AdvDefTest.php
Test that the AdvDef plugin does not run on JPGs
AdvDefTest::testPNGOptimized in tests/src/Unit/AdvDefTest.php
@dataProvider advdefProvider
AdvPngTest::testDefaultConfig in tests/src/Unit/AdvPngTest.php
Test that the default config of the plugin is set.
AdvPngTest::testOnlyApplyToPNG in tests/src/Unit/AdvPngTest.php
Test that the AdvPng plugin does not run on JPGs
AdvPngTest::testPNGOptimized in tests/src/Unit/AdvPngTest.php
@dataProvider advpngProvider