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7 calls to imageapi_optimize_pipelines() in Image Optimize (or ImageAPI Optimize) 7.2

drush_imageapi_optimize_validate in ./
Validation for the imageapi optimize Drush command.
imageapi_optimize_features_export_options in ./
Implements hook_features_export_options().
imageapi_optimize_pipeline_list in ./
Menu callback; Listing of all current image pipelines.
imageapi_optimize_pipeline_load in ./imageapi_optimize.module
Loads a pipeline by pipeline name or ID.
imageapi_optimize_pipeline_name_validate in ./
Element validate function to ensure unique, URL safe pipeline names.
imageapi_optimize_pipeline_options in ./imageapi_optimize.module
Gets an array of image pipelines suitable for using as select list options.
imageapi_optimize_pipeline_usage in ./imageapi_optimize.module
Gets an array of all image styles and if they use a pipeline.