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imageapi_optimize.install in Image Optimize (or ImageAPI Optimize) 4.x

Install and update functions for the Image Optimize module.


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 * @file
 * Install and update functions for the Image Optimize module.

 * Remove previously invalid config entities.
function imageapi_optimize_update_8001() {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // These were mis-named, so can never have been in-use by anyone.
  $legacy_pipelines = [
  foreach ($legacy_pipelines as $legacy_pipeline) {
    $config_list = $config_factory
    foreach ($config_list as $config_key) {
      $config = $config_factory

      // Remove the old config entity.

 * Update misnamed config entites.
function imageapi_optimize_update_8002() {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  $config_list = $config_factory
  foreach ($config_list as $config_key) {
    $config = $config_factory

    // Store the raw data for re-saving.
    $data = $config

    // Our config entity prefix changes from processor to pipeline.
    $new_name = 'imageapi_optimize.pipeline.' . substr($config_key, strlen('imageapi_optimize.processor.'));

 * Re-enable sub modules.
function imageapi_optimize_update_8003() {
  $modules = [];
  $pipelines = \Drupal\imageapi_optimize\Entity\ImageAPIOptimizePipeline::loadMultiple();

  /* @var \Drupal\imageapi_optimize\Entity\ImageAPIOptimizePipeline $pipeline */
  foreach ($pipelines as $pipeline) {
    $processors = $pipeline
    foreach ($processors
      ->getInstanceIds() as $id) {
      try {
      } catch (\Drupal\imageapi_optimize\Exception\PluginNotFoundException $e) {
        switch ($e
          ->getPluginId()) {
          case 'advdef':
          case 'advpng':
          case 'jfifremove':
          case 'jpegoptim':
          case 'jpegtran':
          case 'optipng':
          case 'pngcrush':
          case 'pngout':
          case 'pngquant':
            $modules[] = 'imageapi_optimize_binaries';
          case 'resmushit':
            $modules[] = 'imageapi_optimize_resmushit';
          case 'tinypng':
            $modules[] = 'imageapi_optimize_tinypng';

  // Now we might have a list of modules to enable.
  if (!empty($modules)) {


Namesort descending Description
imageapi_optimize_update_8001 Remove previously invalid config entities.
imageapi_optimize_update_8002 Update misnamed config entites.
imageapi_optimize_update_8003 Re-enable sub modules.