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public function ImageWidgetCropTest::testImageWidgetCrop in Image Widget Crop 8

Test Image Widget Crop.


src/Tests/ImageWidgetCropTest.php, line 94


Minimal test case for the image_widget_crop module.




public function testImageWidgetCrop() {

  // Test that crop widget works properly.
    ->createImageField('field_image_crop_test', 'crop_test', 'image_widget_crop', [], [], [
    'crop_list' => [
      'crop_16_9' => 'crop_16_9',

  // Assert that there is no crop widget, neither 'Alternative text' text
  // filed nor 'Remove' button yet.
  $raw = '<summary role="button" aria-controls="edit-field-image-crop-test-0-image-crop-crop-wrapper" aria-expanded="false" aria-pressed="false">Crop image</summary>';
    ->assertNoText('Alternative text');

  // Upload an image in field_image_crop_test_0.
  $image['files[field_image_crop_test_0]'] = $this->container
    ->drupalPostAjaxForm(NULL, $image, $this
    ->getButtonName('//input[@type="submit" and @value="Upload" and @data-drupal-selector="edit-field-image-crop-test-0-upload-button"]'));

  // Assert that now crop widget and 'Alternative text' text field appear and
  // that 'Remove' button exists.
    ->assertText('Alternative text');

  // Set title and 'Alternative text' text field and save.
  $title = $this
  $edit = [
    'title[0][value]' => $title,
    'field_image_crop_test[0][alt]' => $this
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');
    ->assertText('Crop test ' . $title . ' has been created.');
  $url = $this
  $nid = substr($url, -1, strrpos($url, '/'));

  // Edit crop image.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $nid . '/edit');

  // Verify that the 'Remove' button works properly.
    ->assertText('Alternative text');
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, NULL, 'Remove');
    ->assertNoText('Alternative text');

  // Re-upload the image and set the 'Alternative text'.
    ->drupalPostAjaxForm(NULL, $image, $this
    ->getButtonName('//input[@type="submit" and @value="Upload" and @data-drupal-selector="edit-field-image-crop-test-0-upload-button"]'));

  // Verify that the 'Preview' button works properly.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Preview');
    ->assertLink('Back to content editing');
    ->clickLink('Back to content editing');

  // Verify that there is an image style preview.
    ->assertFieldByName('field_image_crop_test[0][width]', '40');
    ->assertFieldByName('field_image_crop_test[0][height]', '20');