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6 calls to ImageWidgetCropManager::getImageStylesByCrop() in Image Widget Crop 8

ImageWidgetCropManager::applyCrop in src/ImageWidgetCropManager.php
Create new crop entity with user properties.
ImageWidgetCropManager::buildCropToEntity in src/ImageWidgetCropManager.php
Fetch all fields FileField and use "image_crop" element on an entity.
ImageWidgetCropManager::buildCropToForm in src/ImageWidgetCropManager.php
Fetch all form elements using image_crop element.
ImageWidgetCropManager::deleteCrop in src/ImageWidgetCropManager.php
Delete the crop when user delete it.
ImageWidgetCropManager::getAvailableCropType in src/ImageWidgetCropManager.php
Verify if the crop is used by a ImageStyle.
ImageWidgetCropManager::updateCrop in src/ImageWidgetCropManager.php
Update old crop with new properties choose in UI.