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public function ImageEffectsTestBase::assertColorsAreClose in Image Effects 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 tests/src/Functional/ImageEffectsTestBase.php \Drupal\Tests\image_effects\Functional\ImageEffectsTestBase::assertColorsAreClose()
  2. 8.2 tests/src/Functional/ImageEffectsTestBase.php \Drupal\Tests\image_effects\Functional\ImageEffectsTestBase::assertColorsAreClose()

Assert two colors are close by RGBA within a tolerance.

Very basic, just compares the sum of the squared differences for each of the R, G, B, A components of two colors against a 'tolerance' value.


int[] $actual: The actual RGBA array.

int[] $expected: The expected RGBA array.

int $tolerance: The acceptable difference between the colors.

6 calls to ImageEffectsTestBase::assertColorsAreClose()
AutoOrientTest::testAutoOrientAllTags in tests/src/Functional/Effect/AutoOrientTest.php
Auto Orientation effect test, all EXIF orientation tags.
ContrastTest::testContrastEffect in tests/src/Functional/Effect/ContrastTest.php
Contrast effect test.
GaussianBlurTest::testGaussianBlurEffect in tests/src/Functional/Effect/GaussianBlurTest.php
Gaussian blur effect test.
ImageEffectsTestBase::assertColorsAreEqual in tests/src/Functional/ImageEffectsTestBase.php
Assert two colors are equal by RGBA.
SetTransparentColorTest::testSetTransparentColorEffect in tests/src/Functional/Effect/SetTransparentColorTest.php
Set transparent color effect test.

... See full list


tests/src/Functional/ImageEffectsTestBase.php, line 301


Base test class for image_effects tests.




public function assertColorsAreClose(array $actual, array $expected, $tolerance) : void {

  // Fully transparent colors are equal, regardless of RGB.
  if ($actual[3] == 127 && $expected[3] == 127) {
  $distance = pow($actual[0] - $expected[0], 2) + pow($actual[1] - $expected[1], 2) + pow($actual[2] - $expected[2], 2) + pow($actual[3] - $expected[3], 2);
    ->assertLessThanOrEqual($tolerance, $distance, "Actual: {" . implode(',', $actual) . "}, Expected: {" . implode(',', $expected) . "}, Distance: " . $distance . ", Tolerance: " . $tolerance);