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SetCanvasTest.php in Image Effects 8.3


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namespace Drupal\Tests\image_effects\Functional\Effect;

use Drupal\Tests\image_effects\Functional\ImageEffectsTestBase;

 * Set canvas effect test.
 * @group Image Effects
class SetCanvasTest extends ImageEffectsTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function providerToolkits() {
    $toolkits = parent::providerToolkits();

    // @todo This effect does not work on GraphicsMagick.
    return $toolkits;

   * Set canvas effect test.
   * @param string $toolkit_id
   *   The id of the toolkit to set up.
   * @param string $toolkit_config
   *   The config object of the toolkit to set up.
   * @param array $toolkit_settings
   *   The settings of the toolkit to set up.
   * @dataProvider providerToolkits
  public function testSetCanvasEffect($toolkit_id, $toolkit_config, array $toolkit_settings) {
      ->changeToolkit($toolkit_id, $toolkit_config, $toolkit_settings);
    $original_uri = $this
    $derivative_uri = $this->testImageStyle

    // Test EXACT size canvas.
    $effect = [
      'id' => 'image_effects_set_canvas',
      'data' => [
        'canvas_size' => 'exact',
        'canvas_color][container][transparent' => FALSE,
        'canvas_color][container][hex' => '#FF00FF',
        'canvas_color][container][opacity' => 100,
        'exact][width][c0][c1][value' => 200,
        'exact][width][c0][c1][uom' => 'perc',
        'exact][height][c0][c1][value' => 200,
        'exact][height][c0][c1][uom' => 'perc',
    $uuid = $this

    // Check that ::transformDimensions returns expected dimensions.
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->assertEquals(40, $image
      ->assertEquals(20, $image
    $derivative_url = file_url_transform_relative($this->testImageStyle
    $variables = [
      '#theme' => 'image_style',
      '#style_name' => 'image_effects_test',
      '#uri' => $original_uri,
      '#width' => $image
      '#height' => $image
      ->assertRegExp("/\\<img src=\"" . preg_quote($derivative_url, '/') . "\" width=\"80\" height=\"40\" alt=\"\" .*class=\"image\\-style\\-image\\-effects\\-test\" \\/\\>/", $this

    // Check that ::applyEffect generates image with expected canvas.
      ->createDerivative($original_uri, $derivative_uri);
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->get($derivative_uri, 'gd');
      ->assertEquals(80, $image
      ->assertEquals(40, $image
      ->assertColorsAreEqual($this->fuchsia, $this
      ->getPixelColor($image, 0, 0));
      ->assertColorsAreEqual($this->fuchsia, $this
      ->getPixelColor($image, 79, 0));
      ->assertColorsAreEqual($this->fuchsia, $this
      ->getPixelColor($image, 0, 39));
      ->assertColorsAreEqual($this->fuchsia, $this
      ->getPixelColor($image, 79, 39));

    // Remove effect.

    // Test RELATIVE size canvas.
    $effect = [
      'id' => 'image_effects_set_canvas',
      'data' => [
        'canvas_size' => 'relative',
        'canvas_color][container][transparent' => FALSE,
        'canvas_color][container][hex' => '#FFFF00',
        'canvas_color][container][opacity' => 100,
        'relative][right' => 10,
        'relative][left' => 20,
        'relative][top' => 30,
        'relative][bottom' => 40,
    $uuid = $this

    // Check that ::transformDimensions returns expected dimensions.
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->assertEquals(40, $image
      ->assertEquals(20, $image
    $derivative_url = file_url_transform_relative($this->testImageStyle
    $variables = [
      '#theme' => 'image_style',
      '#style_name' => 'image_effects_test',
      '#uri' => $original_uri,
      '#width' => $image
      '#height' => $image
      ->assertRegExp("/\\<img src=\"" . preg_quote($derivative_url, '/') . "\" width=\"70\" height=\"90\" alt=\"\" .*class=\"image\\-style\\-image\\-effects\\-test\" \\/\\>/", $this

    // Check that ::applyEffect generates image with expected canvas.
      ->createDerivative($original_uri, $derivative_uri);
    $image = $this->imageFactory
      ->get($derivative_uri, 'gd');
      ->assertEquals(70, $image
      ->assertEquals(90, $image
      ->assertColorsAreEqual($this->yellow, $this
      ->getPixelColor($image, 0, 0));
      ->assertColorsAreEqual($this->yellow, $this
      ->getPixelColor($image, 69, 0));
      ->assertColorsAreEqual($this->yellow, $this
      ->getPixelColor($image, 0, 89));
      ->assertColorsAreEqual($this->yellow, $this
      ->getPixelColor($image, 69, 89));

    // Remove effect.



Namesort descending Description
SetCanvasTest Set canvas effect test.