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AutoOrientTest.php in Image Effects 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\image_effects\Functional\Effect;

use Drupal\Tests\image_effects\Functional\ImageEffectsTestBase;

 * Auto Orientation effect test.
 * @group Image Effects
class AutoOrientTest extends ImageEffectsTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    static::$modules = array_merge(static::$modules, [

   * Auto Orientation effect test.
   * @param string $toolkit_id
   *   The id of the toolkit to set up.
   * @param string $toolkit_config
   *   The config object of the toolkit to set up.
   * @param array $toolkit_settings
   *   The settings of the toolkit to set up.
   * @dataProvider providerToolkits
  public function testAutoOrientEffect($toolkit_id, $toolkit_config, array $toolkit_settings) {
      ->changeToolkit($toolkit_id, $toolkit_config, $toolkit_settings);

    // Add Auto Orient effect to the test image style.
    $effect = [
      'id' => 'image_effects_auto_orient',
      'data' => [
        'scan_exif' => TRUE,

    // Add a scale effect too.
    $effect = [
      'id' => 'image_scale',
      'data' => [
        'width' => 200,
        'upscale' => TRUE,
    $test_data = [
      // Test a JPEG image with EXIF data.
        'test_file' => $this
          ->getTestImageCopyUri('/tests/images/portrait-painting.jpg', 'image_effects'),
        'original_width' => 640,
        'original_height' => 480,
        'derivative_width' => 200,
        'derivative_height' => 267,
      // Test a JPEG image without EXIF data.
        'test_file' => $this
          ->getTestImageCopyUri('/files/image-test.jpg', 'simpletest'),
        'original_width' => 40,
        'original_height' => 20,
        'derivative_width' => 200,
        'derivative_height' => 100,
      // Test a non-EXIF image.
        'test_file' => $this
          ->getTestImageCopyUri('/files/image-1.png', 'simpletest'),
        'original_width' => 360,
        'original_height' => 240,
        'derivative_width' => 200,
        'derivative_height' => 133,
    foreach ($test_data as $data) {

      // Get URI of test file.
      $original_uri = $data['test_file'];

      // Test source image dimensions.
      $image = $this->imageFactory
        ->assertEqual($data['original_width'], $image
        ->assertEqual($data['original_height'], $image

      // Get expected derivative URL.
      $derivative_url = file_url_transform_relative($this->testImageStyle

      // Check that ::transformDimensions returns expected dimensions.
      $variables = [
        '#theme' => 'image_style',
        '#style_name' => 'image_effects_test',
        '#uri' => $original_uri,
        '#width' => $image
        '#height' => $image
        ->assertEqual('<img src="' . $derivative_url . '" width="' . $data['derivative_width'] . '" height="' . $data['derivative_height'] . '" alt="" class="image-style-image-effects-test" />', $this

      // Check that ::applyEffect generates image with expected dimensions.
      $derivative_uri = $this->testImageStyle
        ->createDerivative($original_uri, $derivative_uri);
      $image = $this->imageFactory
        ->assertEqual($data['derivative_width'], $image
        ->assertEqual($data['derivative_height'], $image

   * Auto Orientation effect test, all EXIF orientation tags.
   * @param string $toolkit_id
   *   The id of the toolkit to set up.
   * @param string $toolkit_config
   *   The config object of the toolkit to set up.
   * @param array $toolkit_settings
   *   The settings of the toolkit to set up.
   * @dataProvider providerToolkits
  public function testAutoOrientAllTags($toolkit_id, $toolkit_config, array $toolkit_settings) {
      ->changeToolkit($toolkit_id, $toolkit_config, $toolkit_settings);

    // Add Auto Orient effect to the test image style.
    $effect = [
      'id' => 'image_effects_auto_orient',
      'data' => [
        'scan_exif' => TRUE,
    $test_data = [];
    for ($i = 1; $i < 9; $i++) {
      $test_data[$i]['test_file'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'image_effects') . "/tests/images/image-test-exif-orientation-{$i}.jpeg";
    foreach ($test_data as $data) {

      // Get URI of test file.
      $original_uri = $data['test_file'];

      // Check that ::applyEffect generates image with expected dimensions and
      // colors at corners.
      $derivative_uri = $this->testImageStyle
        ->createDerivative($original_uri, $derivative_uri);
      $image = $this->imageFactory
        ->get($derivative_uri, 'gd');
        ->assertEqual(120, $image
        ->assertEqual(60, $image
        ->assertColorsAreClose($this->red, $this
        ->getPixelColor($image, 0, 0), 10);
        ->assertColorsAreClose($this->green, $this
        ->getPixelColor($image, 119, 0), 10);
        ->assertColorsAreClose($this->yellow, $this
        ->getPixelColor($image, 0, 59), 10);
        ->assertColorsAreClose($this->blue, $this
        ->getPixelColor($image, 119, 59), 10);



Namesort descending Description
AutoOrientTest Auto Orientation effect test.