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ChangeLog.txt in Image Effects 8.2

Libertine Open Fonts Project --

Changes to version 5.2.8 (2012-04-21)
- Libertine Regular:
did ticket 3522377 »Right curly bracket pieces«
- Biolinum Bold:
FIXED 3521717 	"NT" combination in Biolinum is too wide open

-Libertine (all styles):
- Kerning is now devided by glyph sets (latin, cyrrilic, greek and small caps). 
By this means the list of kernpairs becomes much shorter, thus TTFs tend to load much 
faster and a problem with papyrus text editor is being fixed.

Changes to version 5.2.0 (2011-06-23)

- Small Caps updated for Libertine Semibold and Semibold italic. For SemiboldItalic: Added small caps to GSUB-Table.
- Libertine Bold: Added real bold minuscles to the cyrrilic pane

Changes to version 6.x.x (2011-06-13)
-Libertine Display: Width of ffi-ligature corrected

Changes to version 5.1.3 (2011-06-13)

-Added missing ligatures and/or removed ligature information from the liga-gsub list.
  done for Libertine Bold, BoldItalic, Italic
-Corrected style information for Libertine and Biolinum styles (bug 3307966).
		  This bug caused that bold italic was used as italic style on some systems.
-Semibold style are now recognized as part of the Libertine or Biolinum Family.
-Libertine Bold Italic:
    -  missing numeral sets (old style) added
    -  bold small caps added
    -  bold greek letters added
- Libertine Bold 
    - bold greek letters added
    - improved ligatures

Changes to version 5.1.0 (2011-05-29)

- Bug ID: 3310598 corrected (unicode placement of inferior glyphs uni2095-uni209c)
Thanks Kim for the report
- Libertine R: inferior and superiors: n, r, m, t, u, v, w, p,  improvements and design adaptation 

Changes to version 5.0.1 (2011-05-29)
TrueType Package: Corrected missing style information for LinBiolinum_aS.ttf - LinBiolinum_aSI.ttf
		  This bug caused that these styles could not be installed or used parallely with each other.

Changes to version 5.0.0 (2011-05-20)

Again a lot of improvements, just mentioning the most obvious:

- Improved Libertine Italic
- New Libertine Bold Italic. Former style => Semibold Italic
- m, n, p, r => improvements in upper left serif. It is now more dynamically moving in the vertical stem. 
- New style of the Libertine Regular for high grades (16pt upwards): Libertine Regular Display
- Additional output formats: 
  - WOFF (Web Open Font Format) => you will always find a recent copy to link with your websites at:
    Thanks to Zoltan you may eventually find them on, too.
  - SVG Fonts
- Libertine I and BI: fractions improved
- Additions to the Biolinum Keyboard: Mouse-Symbols (two and three button mice with emphasized one and two finger-click)
- Initials created (Display Glyphs with fine external contour) in range A-Z + some accented glyphs from latin1 encoding

Changes to (unpublished) version 4.8.0 (2010-04-30)
201009 complete redesign of Libertine Bold
all common letters are now further embolded. The former Bold style is now
regarded as Semi-Bold.

- Libertine Bold -> Libertine Semibold
- new Libertine Bold
- A-Z and accented gylphs
- a-z and accented glyphs
- 0-9 and derivates
Libertine stemwidth put into perspective: Regular (80) - Semibold (110) - Bold
- public domain and creative commons sign added 

20100630 Libertine regular:
- k is now wider (as wide as the n)
- s right border increased from 32 -> 40
- c right border increased from 25 -> 30
- y left border decreased from 20 -> 16
- z more organic shape an better grey value
- n,m,h,u 6 EM wider
- Bug #3019031: emacron with wrong accent (mark instead of base)
- Bug #3014435: y.alt adapted to new glyph form and added to opentype
substitution tables "salt" and "alt"
- Hebrew letters improved
- Bug #3004241: opentype substitution -> f.short and dotlessi will now be
substituted by the relating small capital forms
- Bug #3012358: Line spacing problem on windows photoshop. Try: Use
Linespacing-field 0-> 180 (at first only in Libertine Regular for testing)
- T, Z changes to the serifs and more organic shape
- Added A.alt as a test of a more organic A
- improved Hebrew glyphs and mark to base positioning
- numbers scaled up by 5% because many complanied they were to small
- new Indian Rupee symbol uni20A8
- improvements in the Biolinum bold
- moved styleset 04 > 06
- new style set 04: versal eszett and small capital eszett is substituted by
double S (SS) resp. double smal caps ss (ss). Xavier points out, that a small caps qu-ligature is missing. Added to
codepoint uniE094. Added to Libertine Bold
-uni2124 etc. for bold, bolditalic...
- Xi was slightly unsymmetric: corrected

Changes to version 4.7.0 regular(-) & italic(/) & capitals (C) (20100430)

- All styles: Reported bugs fixed.

- Libertine regular:
	- added missing anchors for i, idieresis, ccaron, scaron
	- added missing characters accent uni0364 and glyph uni1D15
	- completed combining accented chars block 0300-036F
	-ij-Ligature more space between the glyphs, dot of j is slightly higher
	-i,j,... more distinctive dotaccent and higher position
	-r,f,j,y changes in the drop, which became more distinctive 
	- h slightl wider
	- e slightly wider
	- moved [a-z].superior from PUA to dedicated Unicode positions
	- crossed form of W for new Wikipedia-logo
	- new capital Eng
	- New extended latin characters
        -issue 3025163fixed: placed the anchor now below the g-bowl. Same for q,
p, and j.
	-180° degree symmetry for the o and O
	- public domain and creative commons sign added 

- Biolinum Bold: numerous improvements in following glyphs:
	- a
	- i, j, ä, ö, ü...
	- w, v
	- e
	- f, ß
	- c
	- m, n
	- b, d
	- s
	- kerning faults corrected
	- numbers 0 - 9
	- komma , hyphen -, numbersign #
	- f
	- A-Z slightly thinner verticals
	- R, P better bows

- added small cyrillic m (uni043C) to Biolinum and some other missing cyrillics
(not yet all done...)
- Inverted Interrobang (uni2E18) added
- Add Substitution/Transposition brackets 2E02-0A
- macroncmb (uni0304) had a wrong positioned mark anchor and was thus flying
much to high
- Problems with Fractions (ID 2665656): without a contextual chaining
substitution fractions like 1/7 or 1/10, that don't have a concrete
Unicode-posistion, were unavailible. Now solved via contextual chaining
- bold: ck, ch-ligature's part characters were a bit close. Now some more space
between them
- diacritic U+031A was wrongly placed. Is now being positioned above-right. New
anchor is called top_rechts
- corrected s_t-ligature in biolinum bold
Ingo Preuss points out thatsome glyphs were wrongly named:
- uni0237 is now called dotlessj (instead of uniF6BE, which was wrongly named 
this way)
- all references to dotlessj now point to uni0237

In the following cases names were corrected, unicode points stayed unchanged
- tcommaaccent (uni0163) is now called tcedilla
- Tcommaaccent (uni0162) is now called Tcedilla
- uni021B is now called tcommaaccent 
- uni021A is now called Tcommaaccent 
- the locl-OpenType-substitution for Romanian wasn't changed, because it already
worked correctly
- orthogonal is now called uni221F
- sun is now called uni263C 
- I had to move that .cap-variants of the accents to the PUA, because they
covered space where Unicode in between defined new characters. So I
systematically moved the .cap-Accents to:
     grave.cap uni0358 -> uniE358 
     acute.cap uni0359 -> uniE359
     circumflex.cap and so forth
     breve.cyrcap 360
(regular, italic)
- new point accent at uni0358
- new Mark for uni0358 in many O/o-characters
- improved support for POJ (Taiwan transcription)
- now kerning for kernclasspair + 
- first use of contextual chaining substitution:
   - when a combining accent follows an i, the dotlessi is used to prevent an
accent crash
   - when one of the accented or leftwarding glyphs such as (ä, V) follow an f,
a short neck version of f (f.alt) is being used for optical reasons
- there was the "space" in a left kern class (together with dot, etc.). This
resulted in too few visible room when a "space" should seperate a word from the
now beginning quotation. 
Italic: Correction of schwa

Changes to version 4.4.1 regular(-) & italic(/) & capitals (C) (20090321)
- First release of Linux Biolinum and its bold variant
- New paragraphs signs (uni00A7 and uni00B6)
- nicer guillemets uni00AB and 00BB as well as the single ones
- improved "copyright"-sign and "registered"-sign
- improved micro-sign
- further improvements in the small capitals set
- superior/inferior h, i, j, n, r has now new serifs, too
- new dotaccent.cap-glyph (slightly bigger than dotaccent) for capital glyphs 
- j slightly improved upper serif (now similar to i)
- improvements in row of IPA-signs (recent serifs etc)
- Asterisk has now f-height (a bit lower than before) and lost bearing left and
- 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 slight improvements
- tilde, slight improvements
- cedilla improved (now somewhat thicker)
- ae improved
- C, c, e, t new finely bulged runner (or however you might call the thin end of
these letters)
- brought some ligatures up to recent baseglyph form
- florin improved
- dansk ring accent improved -> aring
- comma accent improved, in characters with this accent the latter have now the
same vertical position
- roman numbers improved
- and many smaller things I forgot to note
- as well as hopefully all that I marked as "solved" in the bug tracker
- same height for underbar in unicode positions as well in combined chars with
uni0331 (same with italic)
- frac-table: wrong entry "three fraction eight -> fiveeights" corrected
- Glyph-naming synchronized for
Biolinum Re, Biolinum Bd, 
- uni0361 (ligature symbol) and 035C (ligature aubsymbol)added
- uni033B (quadratic subaccent) added
- vertical position of combining-accent-macron and true macron-unicode-glyphs

Changes to version 4.1.8 regular(-) & italic(/) & capitals (C) (20081103)
- finer and more organic serifs for nearly all glyphs
- basic EM-background proportion changed to 726 (above base line) and 472 (below
the baseline) 
- Fonts bounds/linespacing in TTF and OTF adjusted
- E, F: a bit thinner now
- A,V,W,v,w design improvements in diagonals
- some small improvements in spacing of small basic latin charakters
- reduced overshoot for wide-round contours
- a, e: small designchange
- m is a little wider now
- basic working EM is now 1000 instead of 2048
- tz-ligature
- z's diagonal is a bit thicker, the horizontals a bit thinner, now
- new glyphs like curl for bible studies
- shortened few overbounding glyphs
- improvements in polytonic greek
- J, j: change in design of the bow and drop

Changes to version 2.9 (unreleased) regular(-) & italic(/) & capitals (C)
- There was a compiling-problem with the LinLibertine_Re-2.8.14.otf that caused
a unusable GSUB-table. Though outline-information seemed to be unaffected MacOSX
didn’t want to intall it. This version should be without this bug, the reason
for the old bug could not be discovered.
- Change in the OpenType-Substitution table (different order of interpretation:
sups and sinf should be substituted even if oldstyle flag is also set.
/ True Cyrrillic italics for the italic variant
/ new “a” for the italic, also thinner p, n, m and e
/ Some stylistic improvements for italic numbers
/ new @ for the italic
- further kerning
/ improved accented characters in the italic variant 
- Q’s tail is now more harmonic and looks as drawn out of the O and not as just
clipped to the bottom
- Qu (Q_u) has been improved and is now standard ligature
- new form for s_t- and c_t-ligature, Thanks to Nathan!
- OpenType-GSUB-table has been improved. New functionality for Romanian and
Moldavian (comma-accent instead of cedilla), for Turky ( is chosen
when Tyrkish is default language, otherwiese is the small capital form
used; f_i_()-ligatures are set off in Turkish because it hinders the
differenciation of f-i and f-dotlessi in that language.
/ Italic variant now uses the same perfect OpenType-GSUB as the regular.
/ new for the italic. Adding missing sc-glyphs, bring others to the latest

Changes to version 2.8.14 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20080619)

- TTF-Hinting improvements because of better TTF-Instruction of FontForge
- some small kerning improvements
- glyphs U+02BE and U+02BF are no combining charakters > corrected
- kerning problem with 9 in italic corrected
- some small corrections as usual
- slavonic church signs added
- Added cartouches for numbers between 0 and 99 at uniE128 till uniE12A
- Change punctuationspace to width of fullstop (.) It is now 450 of width and
not 350.

Changes to version 2.7.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20071228)

>Inconsistent/incorrect glyph names 2.7.9   	 Private: (?)
>The fonts do not use glyph names consistently. LinLibertineC_Re-2.7.3..ttf
>is currently especially problematic. For example, 
>f_i is called uniE0B8
>f_l uniE0B9
both chars removed (senseless in a caps-font)

>Euro.fitted zero.oldstyle
>Yen.fitted one.oldstyle
>perthousandzero five.oldstyle
>zero.oldstyle six.oldstyle
>one.oldstyle seven.oldstyle
>two.oldstyle uniE022
>three.oldstyle nine.oldstyle
>four.oldstyle uniE024
>five.oldstyle uniE025
>six.oldstyle uniE026
>seven.oldstyle uniE027
>eight.oldstyle uniE028
>nine.oldstyle uniE029
All above corrected

>zero.taboldstyle uniE118
>one.taboldstyle uniE119
>two.taboldstyle uniE11A
>three.taboldstyle uniE11B
>four.taboldstyle uniE11C
>five.taboldstyle uniE11D
>six.taboldstyle uniE11E
>seven.taboldstyle uniE11F
>eight.taboldstyle uniE120
>nine.taboldstyle uniE121
All above corrected

>In LinLibertineU_Re-2.2.7.ttf, for example,
>f_f is called ff
>f_i fi
>f_l fl
>f_f_i ffi
>f_f_l ffl
>s_t st
All above corrected

>In LinLibertine_BI-2.7.2.ttf, for example,
>z.alt is called uniE093
>J.alt uniE094
>and the following names refer to blank glyphs:
All above corrected

>The glyph names listed as "correct" above are based on what the majority of
>the fonts in the family use. (E.g. it would actually be easier if the
>ligatures were named ff, fi, fl etc. but since only a few are named in that
>way, I assume f_f, f_i, f_l etc. are the intended names.)
These are actually the names Adobe defined for ligatures in OpenTypes always

>The inconsistent naming of glyphs and the use of names for blank glyphs
>make installing for use with pdftex significantly more complex and much
>more frustrating than is necessary. 
Yes, this is true. That was of course a bug.

>I don't know how it affects other uses
>of the fonts, however.
Wrong PS-Names affect just OpenType-capable programs. Normal office use is not
>The examples I've given are those which were most
>important to me when preparing metric files and virtual fonts for use with

Changes to version 2.7.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20071228)
- new Hinting! Now it is possible to use Libertine with Word on Windows
properly. The shape on screen should be clearer now on every system!
- new kern pairs for better typography
- some wrong contour directions corrected
- many small corrections
- OT "fina" has been removed from wordend-sigma
- countless small improvements
- kerning for Caps variant
- the conflict (that came up lately with a library update) between underlined
and regular is diminished

Changes to version 2.6.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20070423)

	- Symbols for „page“, „graph“, „picture“ and „table“ added
	- Oldstyle numbers (minuscle numbers) were just contained as
proportionals. Somebody wanted them also as table numbers. Ladder became
standard oldstyles now. Some of these glyphs look somewhat thinner to fit them
on the fixed width.
	-bold italic variant had a wrong style entry which seemed to confuse
Mac's fonthandling, also other style confusions should be fixed now
	-bold italic also had wrong metrics which resulted in a cutoff of glyph
parts and wrong line spacing.

German interests:
	-großes Eszett hinzugefügt (uni1E9E) entsprechend Kapitälchen-Eszett
	-kleines Eszett so verändert, dass es zum großen passt (ſz statt  ſs),
das vorige Eszett ist als germandbls.alt weiterenthalten
	-Im Stilsatz ss03 kann für Schweizer nun automatisch von Eszetts auf ss
umgestellt werden.
	-die dt. ÄÖÜ sind nun von der Alternativposition an die rechte Stelle
gerückt. Für die nichtdeutschsprachige Nutzung empfehlen sich jetzt die (vormals
standart, jetzt aber auf die Alternativposition gewechselten Akzentuierten)

	Due to A. Panovs help hopefully a lot of design impriovements for the
cyrrilic alphabet. 
	Mainly: Є Љ Њ Б З Ф Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Ө (and its small letter derivates) For
		("Ь" in regular typeface has extra contour at left bottom.)

		Lower part of "Ь" and "Ъ" (and for lowercase letters "ь", "ы",
		"ѣ") differ. I think the letter "Ь" (or "ь" for lowercase)
should be
		used as base for others.

		("Ф" is still slightly asymmetric with respect to vertical axis.
It may produce artefacts with rendering.)

		(Middle vertical stems in "Ш", "Щ" have not rounded lower

		("Ш", "ш" are not quite symmetric agains middle vertical axis
		typefaces). "Щ", "щ" must be updated accordingly.)

		(The tongue in "Э" can have two stylistic variants: straight and
		tilde-like. )
		OK, then tilde-like.

		(The designer decides which version should be selected. Some
other letters should follow this decision: U+0472, U+04E8, U+0404, etc.)

		(The capital letters U+0472 and U+04E8 usually are identical,
excepting the case of archaic (before ca. XVIII century) form of U+0472.) 

		(The U+0473 frequently is narrower than "o" and U+04E9. In case
of a tilde-tongue in "Э" a tongue in U+0404 is not flipped, i.e. it has the same
diriction as in "Э".)

Small Caps:
	- Some changes here for better spacing.
	- FO-overlap (due to wrong kerning entry) removed

	- Complete revision of the bold version. Should result in a clearer
shape and better thin-width-contrast

	- Due to better support in the FontForge editor the OpenType-tables have
been completely redefined.

Changes to version 2.5.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20070423)
- countless improvements as usual
- some unicode standard optimizations (NUL-glyph, .notdef, ...)
- U+0180 group of charakters were sometimes not the way the latest unicode wants
them so we changed them. This refers mainly to the differentiation of capital
and small letters
- Vietnamese horned vokals have been changed the way, that the horn is now
always at the same hight. All accented vietnamese glyphs were revised
- some optic improvements in placement of accents
- added a capital variant of hookabove and changed all the capital letters to
this new hookabove form. It is wider and lower for better line-holding
- kerning was greatly improved, i.e.: Kombinations like "f)", "f?", "(j"...
shouldn't overlap anymore. Capital letter words should now be better spaced.
- There was one wrong cyrrilic letter Lje (U+0409). 
And there were some correct objections to the handling of the downgoing serif in
Dzhe/dzhe, De/de, Tse/tse, Shcha/shcha. These now have the same depth and
similar form
- Some small changes in cyrrilics most complex letter Zhe 
but also in Ef 
in the hardening and softening signs (should not look like a reversed P but like
the bud of the B), 
Ya shouldn't look like a flipped R, 
be had a too right tail, 
breve.cyr didn't look cyrrillic enough, 
ef shouldn't be too calligraphic, 
dje/she have now x-hight-bars
- due to a bug U+1fc7 (an accented eta) was missing
- some eagled-eyed person had seen that the U+721 was not at its place
- perthousandzero added at U+E00E for full LaTex-support
- some accented smallcaps added to basic font table for LaTex-support (This
doesn't affect the Caps-version of Libertine, which already had all these
- removed a cyrrilic opentype entry that substituted N-o with the numberligature
because a stupid GNOME environment read out this table entry on a Spanish system
and messed up typography...

Changes to version 2.4.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20070309)
- many countless improvements
- some letters are slimer now: a, k, c, r
this is especially useful for languages with longs words. German in the first
- on screen letters with round parts should now look more equal on screen
-C, D, G, S have now better (shorter) serifs which are more useful for the
standart printing size of 12-10pt
- the thinnest line should now have a width of at least 50 (improvements for
12-10pt printing)
- the whole range from U+180 -> U+01BF has been reworked
-small improvements in the IPA-Extensions
-for better acception of the old greek we changed the inverted breve to a tilde
which is more widely used..., accents also have received some improvements
-The cyrillic alphabeth has had again great changes due to unsatisfied users. We
now have more equal cyrillic serifs, some letters are thinner some wider,
spacing has been renewed
-p,i have now horizontal serifs in the cyrillic
-the bold regular is greatly improved. It's now fatter, looks more elegant
- the curive has also improvements:
   J is now better
   many things are corresponding to the improvements in the regular
-improvements in the capital variant

Changes to version 2.3.2regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060920)
Countless improvements...
-especially for the italic, the kyrillic
-polish accents ogonki are now what they should be
-new: hebrew alphabeth
-accents brought to one hight (some dotted chars weren't)
-Same hight for capitals (already one point difference can the letter look
higher on screen. For print this doesn't play any role...
-superior/inferior numbers improved
-ae looks now different: mor organic. If you don't like this. Theres also an old
variant at the end of the font
-ij ligature isn't connected anymore 
-greek accented chars improved (accents should now be optically at the same
position), kappa improved
-planet signs added
-Sternkreiszeichen hinzugefügt
-male, female,... improved

Changes to version 2.2.0regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060920)
- Viele, viele Änderungen!
- Volle Unterstützung von OpenType:
	Kapitälchen (Small capitals)
	Ziffern -> Tabulare, Proportionale, Mediävale
	Gestrichene Null (slashed Zero)

- Kapitälchen komplett neu entworfen
- Kerning vollständig neu entworfen (nach Klassen)
- neue Ligaturen entworfen: ck, ch, ffb, ffk, fk, fb, fh, ffh, 
- Ampersand überarbeitet, 
- Alternatives Ampersand für Kapitälchen
- E und F überarbeitet
- W und V	"
- M und N (letzteres mit verlängerter Diagonale)
- viele Buchstaben für Type1-Verwendung bereiningt!
- Nummern in Kreisen

Changes to version 2.1.8regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060901)
Viele Überarbeitungen:
- Kyrillisches Alphabet weiter verbessert
- E, F, L, T, M, B, D, A, C, Z, P, R Serifen verbessert
- b
- f Bogen etwas länger und flacher
- h verändert
- uni03d0 und theta1 kleiner gemacht
- Dje verändert (nun nativer)
- Macron von 80 auf 90 verdickt
- kleine römische Ziffern verändert
- ij ist nun eine verbundene Ligatur
- viele, viele kleine Bereinigungen

Changes to version 2.1.6 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (200608024)
- Zeilenabstände und Font-Metrik verbessert, Durchschuss nun geringer.
- becyrillic hat nun angemessene Abstände
- Untere Serifen sind nun 55 dick und breiter -> Gemeine: 436; Versalien: 526
/ Kursive komplett überarbeitet und auf aktuellen Stand gebracht.
und vieles Kleines mehr...

Changes to version 2.1.5 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (200608024)
- Tex-Namen für alle Glyphen
- i-Punkt und . dicker
- Sämtliche Akzente überarbeitet
- Neue, flachere Akzente für Großbuchstaben
- viele Griechische Buchstaben überarbeitet -> dynamischer
- Serifen großteils überarbeitet
- Russischer Akzent jetzt im russischen Stil
- uni041A jetzt wie uni416
- Männlich / Weiblich-Zeichen ist jetzt besser an die Grenzen des Fonts
- viele weitere Änderungen
- Fette Variante heißt jetzt auch wieder Fett -> Problem bei manchen
Betriebsystemen behoben
- Leerzeichen ist nun 512 EM breit, so wie's praktisch Standart ist
!!- Namensproblem bei der Fetten behoben

Changes to version 2.1.3 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060806)
- 6-Problem gelöst
- Phi-Problem gelöst
- Lowcomma neu -> Pinselstil
- epsilon
- und vieles mehr...
- <> kleinergleich, größergleich, und Verwandte auf gleiche Größe
- +, -, = überarbeitet
- Unendlichzeichen
- h und n verbessert (Bogen)
- Serifen der Gemeinen und der Großbuchstaben verbessert

Changes to version 2.1.2 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060806)
- Rückführung der griechischen Akzente auf U+002...
- Macron verbessert, U+02C9 nun positiv
- Abstände der griechischen Buchstaben verbessert u.a.: iota LBearing +40
- eta, sigma, rho, tau, psi und weitere griechische Gemeine verbessert ->
Pinselstilhaftigkeit erhöht

-----------Fertig-nach Tobias Vorschlägen----------------------------
02C4 (MODIFIER LETTER UP ARRORHEAD), * raised articulation (-> 005E ^
circumflex accent, 2303 ^ up arrowhead). Siehe
Wenn ich in die PDF-Datei schaue, sehen 02C2 (<), 02C3 (>), 02C4 (^) und
02C4 (v) größer aus als 02C4 (^) und 02C5 (v). Vielleicht sollte man für
02C2 bis 02C3 einfach ein gedrehtes '<' benutzen?
- Zeichenbreite im Block "SPACE MODIFIER LETTERS (02B0–02FF)"
( ist zum Teil verkehrt.
Diese Zeichen sollen alle eine endliche Breite haben (im Gegensatz zu
den COMBINING DIACRITICAL MARKS (0300-036F), die auf/unter einem Zeichen
sitzen sollen). Insbesondere:
- zu Breit: hochgestellte h, w und y
- viel zu schmall: T, _|_ und + (etc.)
- Zeichenbreite/Position im Block "COMBINING DIACRITICAL MARKS (0300-036F)
Bei den meisten Zeichen stimmt die Breite/Position, bis auf:
- 0306 COMBINING BREVE -> zu weit rechts
- 030B COMBING DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT -> zu weit rechts.
- 0327 COMBINING CEDILLA -> viel, viel zu weit rechts!
-> Ich würde den Strich entweder etwas nach unten verlängern oder nach
etwas nach unten schieben; oder etwas nach links schieben? Jedenfalls
sieht "o" + U0338 (= ca. ø) komisch aus.
- Vielleicht ein klein bißchen zu weit rechts: 0323, 0330, 0331, 0342,
- 0384 GREEK TONOS -> Das Zeichen sollte normal breit sein und kein
"combining" Akzent.
Das Zeichen sollte anders als Sigma aussehen und zwar ohne den Bogen
unten (ca, wie "c", oft spitz zulaufend).
- 03F4 GREEK CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL -> anders als Theta, durchgehender
Strich in der Mitte
- 03F5 GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL = straight epsilon -> Wie der Name
schon sagt ein nicht geschwungenes Epsilon. In der Physik benutzt man
oftmals beide Epsilons das gerade und das geschwungene.
(03F6 GREEK REVERSED LUNATE EPSILON = reversed straight epsilon -> bitte
das gedrehte 03F5 hinzufügen)
- 03F9 GREEK CAPITAL LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL -> sollte anders als Sigma
aussehen, klassischerweise wie "C" (oft ohne Serifen und spitz zulaufend)

- 215F "1/ " -> Man sollte wohl die Breite so ändern, daß "1/" +
tiefgestellte Zahl (2080 bis 2089) gut aussehen.
> Durch Kerning gelöst

- Griechisch-Block: 03DA-03E1 fehlen (Archaische Buchstaben)
(Wieso die in MES-2 sind, weiß ich allerdings nicht)
-> das (Nicht-)Element-von-Symbol finde ich zu groß, es sollte nicht so
groß wie Versalien/Großbuchstaben sein, sondern so groß oder etwas
kleiner als Gemeine/Kleinbuchstaben. Das kleine Element-von-Symbol finde
ich zu klein.

Changes to version 2.1.1 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060729)
- IPA 02D0 Richtung korrigiert
      0258    ''       ''
- Diacritische Zeichen überarbeitet
- i/j ist nun dotlessi/j + dotaccent
- Tux is again @ uniE00E
- MathSymb 2214 corrected wrong contour
- d', l', t'
- OE neu
- iota überarbeitet
- idieresis, edieresis vom Kyrillischen sind nun Verknpf. vom Latein

Changes to version 2.1.0rc regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060729)
- many small unnamed improvements
- implemented the IPA-extensions
- Small numbers -> superiors and inferiors are now bolder
- fractures are greatly improved and some new are added
- We now have proportional numbers and mediävale as some people asked for them
- Kerning for roman Numbers
- Ligatures should now be seen as a combination of different letters in
OpenType-Compliant programs (unfortunately aren't there any compliant programs,
or are there?)
- added lots of greek special charakters
- korrected lots of greek special charakters
- some small extensions in mathematical symbols
- eth, Thorn and thorn were completely renewed
- bearing of o,d,eth,p better
- some smaller things
- geometric forms are now better adapted to the charakter sizes
- added alternative variants for German Umlauts
- Tilde improved
- removed dublicate glyphs uniE001-004
/ f, g, h and u are improved
U now also a bold variant of the underlined
* bolded versions for all updated

Changes to version 2.0.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060401)
- small changes, used new converter (fontforge-20060408) -> may result in
slightly better contours (who knows...)
- first underlined variant
- Bold variant has now better bearings (were to small) now it is what we want!

Changes to version 2.0.8 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060401)
- completely new bold version! 
- first bold-italic variant!
=> the family has therefore now finally all faces it classically needs, juhu!
-further small corrections in all faces
- I created TrueTypeInstructed variants of LinuxLibertine named "LinuxLibertine
T" they can be therefore installed paralelly to the unhinted variants. 
Note 1: I recommend all users of OpenOffice 2.0.x on Linux to use the unhinted
variants. On my linux-systems the unhinted variant is automaticly hinted and
better looking than the hinted! On Windows-Systems -- nevertheless -- the
unhinted variant is ugly on screen. Here you should take the instructed/hinted
Note 2: Hints (in the meaning of TrueTypeInstructions) do not have any effect on

Changes to version 2.0.7 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060227)
Line spacing was again greately improved (I hope)
| many changes
| in cyrillic
| Accented chars optimized (same height for all accents!)
| new accents
| new special characters
| some existing special chars were improved
/ r is now without serif
/ many small changes
and most of it I just forgot

Changes to version 2.0.4 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060202)
| many changes
| in cyrillic
| polish
| additions to arabic diacritics
| small corrections in overlapping paths and wrong contour directions
| all corrections should be suitable for the other variants as well

Changes to version 2.0.3 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060120)
| many small changes
| corrections for Cyrillic glyphs
 Mac-Variant for all fonttypes
/ corrections for Cyrillic glyphs
b corrections for Cyrillic glyphs

Changes to version 2.0.0 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060120)
/ many many great changes in the italic!
| some new symbols and ornaments
| ligatures optimized
| lots of stuff I forgot to write down...
| Oh, yes, the problem with in stalling all variants paralelly on windows is

Changes to version 1.1.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060120)
| numerous changes!
| e.g. LineGap is smaler now -> similar to Times
| some nice decoratives added (oriental leaf, left and right; fleuron, art deco
paragraph end symbol, Tux penguin)
| many new characters for special languages
/ italic updated as well
| bold variant also updated
| many, many other useful additions and bugfixes

Changes to version 1.1.1 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050908)
| many changes, mamy small changes
| Zahlen /numbers sind jetzt fertig
| Korrekturen an Abständen
| Schmälerung des Leerzeichens
| t + f haben jetzt schmalere Querstriche
| r fetter und rechts weniger Abstand
| y neu und besser
| () Klammern überarbeitet, waren zu hoch
| []{} siehe oben
| µ ist ganz  neu
| € auf Zahlenhöhe
| t verändert
| M nach unten noch breiter werdend
| ø und großes O/ pberarbeitet
| Hoch- und Tiefzahlen /Subscripts
| Brüche neu
| Römische Zahlen auf Zahlenhöhe und ganz neu
| und noch viel viel mehr!

Changes to version 1.0.4-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050908)
| weitere Arbeiten an den Zahlen besonders 2,3,5,6,0
| Korrekturen an Abständen von K, A, N, V, W, v, w, a, 
| W und X waren nicht so hoch wie andere Versalien
| Verschmälerung des Leerzeichens von 690 auf 600pt
| Gesäuberte Buchstaben: i, a, l, longs, ß, r, f,

Changes to version 1.0.3-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050908)
| Tabellarische Zahlen fast fertig
| Kern-Paare teils korrigiert

Changes to version 1.0.2-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050412)
| Tabellarische Zahlen (noch in Arbeit)

Changes to version 1.0.1-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050323)
| all Capitals are 60pt less high
| ? question mark is slightly thinner and less high now
| uni022C (O mit tilde und Macron): Das Macron (¯) ist etwas zu weit rechts
| uni022D (o mit Tilde und Macron): dito
| uni0210 (R mit ") die " sind zuweit links
  (beim r und u mit " könnten sie noch ein Tick weiter rechts sein)
| uni0307 (dotaccent) der Punkt könnte etwas höher sein
| uni0308 (dieresis) hat positive Breite
| 0309 (combininghook) ggf. zu hoch, Breite nicht null
| 030C (umgedrehtes ^): positive Breite
| 0327 (cedille): positive Breite
| 0323 combining dot below: vielleicht noch ein bißchen nach links?
Anmerkung: Wenn man jetzt noch die Diacritical Marks verschiebt, dann verändern
sie sich in allen anderen Akzentuierten Zeichen mit, wo sie durch Referenzen
eingebunden sind. Daher habe ich die Verschiebungen ersteinmal nicht
|Beim kleinen psi [03C8] kann ich mich nicht recht an den schrägen Mittelstrich 
| 1E48: Das _ beim N sollte wohl etwas länger sein oder etwas nach links
  verschoben werden
| Bei Greek Extended (1F00 bis 1FFF) ist bei 'E und 'H (allein und mit
  verschiedenen weiteren Akzenten) das ' vor der position 0,  und
  überschreibt somit das vorherige Zeichen. Das ist wohl nicht Absicht,
  oder? Analog bei `I (1FDA).
| uni2102: Das C (für die Menge komplexe Zahlen) sollte einen
  Doppelstrich haben, wie deine H,Q,Z,R
| 213D bis 2149: das gilt auch für die Zeichen hier (gamma, Gamma, Pi,
  Sigma, D, d, e und j)
| 2153 bis 215A: Die Brüche 1/3, 2/3, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 1/6, 5/6
  fehlen; besonders 1/3 und 2/3 wären schön
| 2217 und 2218 sollten witer unten stehen (genaus so hoch wie das Minus
  und der Punkt 2219) da das Multiplikationsoperatoren sind.
| 226A und 226B: Das sind vielgrößer/vielkleiner Zeichen. Ich hätte sie
  aber so nicht erkannt. Nimm einfach << und >> und schiebe sie ein wenig

Changes to version 1.0.0-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050323)
| accented chars corrected
| quotes (simple and doubles) are moved down slightly 

Changes to version 0.9.8-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20041208)
| all normal latin chars are now some points wider (we want to have a 10pt font!
| some special chars bolded as well about stroke 10
| all greek letters and special chars in between are also expanded
| cyrilliy A has now a more popular form
| some other small changes

Changes to version 0.9.6-10ptL regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals(20041201)
- bigger serifs for l,i,j,f,a,b,c,d,e,m,n,p,r,h,k,q,s,u,v,w,x,y,z,ß and many

Changes to version 0.9.5 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20041008)
-r rBearing 49 => 55
-s lBearing 117 => 100
   rBearing 90 => 75
-i lBearing 70 => 80
   rBearing 53 => 65
-t rBearing 
-g ear is now more dominant

Changes to version 0.9.4 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20040802)
- P rBearing -17 => 10
- Px kern pairs redone (to bigger distance)
- w/v-x kern pairs
- many small changes
b] bold typeface iniciated

Changes to version 0.9.3 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20040802)
| z is lighter now
| Eurosign is smarter
| numbers and Bearings edited
| v,w,x,y rBearing 12|22 => 24
| i lBearing 64 => 70
| double-quoteds increased distance about 15pt
| O is lighter
| '`changed accents
| * is now typagraphic (I'm really proud of that one!)
| ? small changes
| fi, ff, ffl, ffi redid ligatures
| changes in accented charackters
| ae changed
| Paragraph sign
| hinting
| þ
| M rBearing 60 => 65
# c
many other small changes

Changes to version 0.9.2 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20040802)
| success in line gap setting:
these are quite useful values. We'll see whether it may be better to reduce

Changes to version 0.9.0 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20040727)
| another try in line gap setting

Changes to version 0.8.8 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20040723)
| improvements and great changes in all numbers
| 1 changed from roman to actual latin
| , (komma) improved slightly
| ) rBearing +
| ? improved slightly
| @ greately improved
| [] bracket improved
| + - at one hight
| ~ improved
| § improved
| breve improved
| c/o and other small things
# Capitals initiated

Changes to version 0.8.7 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040715)
| added uni28F
| did some mathematical symbols
| some other small things

Changes to version 0.8.6 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040715)
LineSpacing is great in other programs than OpenOffice
| t improved slightly
| O improved
| u improved
| 0 improved
| and other small things

Changes to version 0.8.5 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040715)
| another try in correct line-spacing
| m corrected

Changes to version 0.8.4 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040630)
| longs improved
| b improved slightly
| c improved
| O further work
| a greatly improved
| 0 another try

Changes to version 0.8.3 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040630)
| y lBearing -31 => 0
| s again changes
| line gap was still too big
| L rBearing 40 => 60
| u changes in the bow 
| 0 is now rounder
| f edited
| g ear and lower bow corrected
| O changes again

Changes to version 0.8.2 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040630)
| line gap was to huge
| s so new slightly to dark
    worked over
| t worked over
| G edited
| r edited, was to dark
| N rBearing 65 => 70
| O yet another trial

Changes to version 0.8.1 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040630)
| D rBearing 110 => 120
| t rBearing 45 => 60
| H rBearing 55 => 70
| M rBearing 53 => 60
| N rBearing 56 => 65
    diagonal was much to fat, now thinner
| S rBearing 90 => 100
| Z rBearing 35 => 60
| l rBearing 60 => 65
    lBearing 66 => 70
| T some changes (higher top)
| t changes in the bow
| & (ampersand) had great changes
| s great changes, serifs were too complex
| j lBearing -50 => -58
| ! (exclamation mark) shrinked to 99%
| a,e upper bow higher
| a bow
| u upper serifs higher
| O still in work

Changes to version 0.8.0 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040627)
| Set WinAsc/Desc to correct wrong line-spacing in most Applications
| ? (Question Mark) was too big
| e edited
| O edited but I'm not confident yet
| J lBearing -157 => -140

Changes to version 0.7.9 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040604)
| B rBearing  80 => 90
| I rBearing  65 => 72
    lBearing  48 => 60
| t rBearing  32 => 45
| s rBearing 105 => 75 
| e lBearing 183 => 88
| b rBearing  85 => 90
| j lBearing -72 => -50  
    rBearing 153 => 160
| 0 Bearings
| l rBearing 50 => 60
| p rBearing 75 => 80
    bow overworked
| AE overworked
| þ overworked
| o overworked
| oe overworked
| uni434 overworked
| uni310e & f made kursive
| uni2070-209F created
| O edited
| S edited
| t edited

Changes to version 0.7.8 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040604)
| b cleaned 
| c cleaned
| d cleaned
| f cleaned
| g cleaned
| j cleaned
| k cleaned and combined
| m cleaned
| n cleaned
| o cleaned
| p cleaned
| q cleaned
| r cleaned
| u cleaned
| w cleaned and combined
| y cleaned and combined
| O, P, Q, R overworked
| W combined
| Y wider
| ß overworked

Changes to version 0.7.7 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040604)
| nothing that I can remember

Changes to version 0.7.5 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040604)
| S rBearing corrected (was double size)
| All capital letters shrinked to 97%
| D overworked
| J
| T's cap is 20pts wider
| U bow changed 
| X
| a is now lsightly smaller

Changes to version 0.7.4 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040531)
| small changes in diacritical marks
| s overworked
| E,F VStem is now 10 pt wider and therefore as other       capitals
| did a new hinting on all basic letters

Changes to version 0.7.3 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040531)
| removed some overlappings in e.g. A, K. W a.s.f
| uni431 overworked
| uni 432 overworked
| overworked cyrillic
| added some strange chars uni1E0...

Changes to version 0.7.1 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040525)
| copied some greek letters from RC van Dalen' Garogier
| t overworked, wider
| J overworked
| overworked omega
| overworked phi
| overworked eta
| overworked numbers
| k small corrections
| worked over accented charakters
| many accented chars and special chars added
| Cyrillic charakters added (that was quite a horror of     work and it's not
yet finished... spacing leaves to be    done
| B overworked
| C overworked
| G overworked
| O overworked
| U Overworked
| S Overworked

Changes to version 0.7.0 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040522)
| Omicron ist now reference to O
| uni25cb overworked is now reference to Rcircle and others
| Xi overworked
| chi overworked
| gcedilla changed
| k,n,rcedillas changed
| corrected uni21A
and other fixes 

Changes to version 0.6.9 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040519)
| overworked µ
| added 018E
| added 01B6 - 01B9
| added 0283
| overworked 0292
| i,j dot is now better positioned
| created dotlessj
| overworked all accented charakters
| added Tobias' changes, namely:
    Latin Extended-B
    - Added 022E
    - Added 022F
    - Added 01c0
    - Added 01c1
    - Added 01c2
    - Added 0218
    - Added 0219
    - Added 021A
    - Added 021B
    - Added 021E
    - Added 021F

    IPA Symbols:
    - Flipped 025C (reverted epsilon) vertically
    - Added 0287
    - Added 0292

    Combining diacritical marks
    - Added 0307
    - Added 0326

Changes to version 0.6.8 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040517)
| added Tobias' changes

Changes to version 0.6.7 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040513)
| added Tobias' implementations and further ipa-extensions (8 chars)
| added Vienamese special charakters

Changes to version 0.6.6 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040510)
/ updated to recent development stage
many other small things

Changes to version 0.6.5 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040510)
| "" (quoteds) increased the distance between bow commas
| " (quoteds) and kerning
| singlequotes added
| added some mathemagical symbols
| ~n width corrected
| corrections in special characters
| added roman numbers
| all latin standart charakter-lines are now right turning and therefore should
  most Xor-Errors in special chars due to references be corrected now
| updated tobias' corrections

Changes to version 0.6.4 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040508)
| added Tobias' box and arrow symbols
| added a German quoted at uni201F
| U is now 80pt wider and hopefully wide enough now
| kernpair nt, mt 0 => -30
| A serifs shorter

Changes to version 0.6.3 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040415)
| AE corrected
| k rBearing 0 => 25
| t Bearings
| z rBearing 85 => 72
| b bow
| d rBearing 68 => 62
| h lBearing 64 => 58
| m 16pt wider
| x, Bearings 12 => 22
| v,w Bearings 0 => 12
| o smaller
| ,. bigger 103%
| did uni25cf

Changes to version 0.6.2 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
| d has now a new serif
| t changes
| S rBearing 90 => 95
| E rBearing 90 => 100
| z lBearing 95 => 85
| ä,ö,ü a.s.f have bigger dieresis (points)
| k smal changes in the arm
| x l/rBearing 7=> 12
| T kern pairs
| �overworked
| ff overworked
| fi overworked
| dotlessi overworked
| added U+00A0 nonbraking space
        U+014A & B (eng)
	and further uni-charcters to comply MSE-1
        	(European languages standart)

Changes to version 0.6.1 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
| ligatures overworked
| k left bearing changed: 70 => 58
    right bearing changed: -20 => 0
| x left bearing changed: 8 => 6
    right bearing changed: -20 => 6
| - (hyphen) is now thinner
| :; are now bigger
|  overworked
| J rBearing increased
| d lBearing -5pt
| B rBearing 90 => 80
| l lBearing 74 => 66
    rBearing 57 => 50
| v,w,y lBearing -14 => 0
        rBearing -14 => 0
| Z stronger Serifs
| t new bow
| u thicker bow
    changes in all serifs
| r's bow is more contrastive
| V,W,Y kernpairs overworked
| new anstrich for: b,d,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,p,r
| t lBearing 73 => 60

Changes to version 0.6.0 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
| b has now a foot
| new serifs for H,W,V,T,I,J,K,L,E,F,M,N,P,R,U,X,A,B,D,G,Y
| new serifs for f,h,i,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,v.w.x.y
| Xe kernpair -20 => -40
| B is a bit (27pt) wider
| G had some changes
| some more little changes

Changes to version 0.5.9 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
| did the common latin legatures
| �still working on the bows
| e is a now 2% less wide as before
    had some changes
| dashes overworked

Changes to version 0.5.8 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
/ b, �changes
/ f overwork in the bow
- some other changes

Changes to version 0.5.7 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
-N is now 66pt wider
-^ {Ascicircum} is now better
- {exclamdown} is now availible
- {currency} has been added
| "-" hyphen is the same as softhyphen. length is now 510pt
-bars have been made
-many, many unlisted changes in so called "special" chars
| a,b,c,d,e,f had small overwork
| g's ear still had another overwork. Whether this will be better
    we'll see...
| �is now wider
| ... {Ellipsis} had an overwork
| j Beraings + 10/15pt

Changes to version 0.5.6 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040303)
- t's bow is now stronger
| l has moved 5pt to the right
- L rBearing 29 => 40
| kern pair {space}T -75 => -100
-  is now up to date
| r has a finer drop
- Y has been combined
- M rBearing 68 => 75
    lBearing 78 => 75
- H rBearing 80 => 75
    lBearing  => 75
- s rBearing 115 => 105
- V is now 30pt wider
- E,F combined
| C edded Extrema
|  points are now centered
| e added extrema
- K is now ca 50pt wider
| a,c,f added extrema
- S thicker serifs
- �has gained a lot, though
    in italic the subpart is still missing
| # is corrected
/ & corrected
/ v,w a bit more slanted

Changes to version 0.5.5 and 0.5.5i (20040303)
- did a "correct direction" on all chars
- did a autoinstr on all chars
/ Quotesingle korrigiert
/ hopefully all chars slanted now
- ascicircum scaled to 75%

Changes to version 0.5.4 (20040303)
- n,m rBearing had to be reset to 60
- ~ (tilde) is now better
- ff is much better now
- fi as well
- � � , � � �better now
- change to v, w

Changes to version -italic-0.5.4 (20040303)
- do nearly all characters as they have to be
  in an italic
- v in style of Janson italic

Changes to version 0.5.3 (20040228)
- b. kern-pair -10 => -50
- @ got better
- n,m became 28pt wider
- W thin stems became thinner (ca. 4pt)
- u change in the bow
- �corrected
- D became wider
- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 had a major overwork
- C,G wider bows

Changes to version 0.5.2 (20040222)
- b rBearing 90 => 80
- r rBearing 66 => 55
- c,d,e,q have now more similar bows
- p has now a better bow
- a has slight changes
- o has now a thinner band, less dominant
- s had some changes in the curves
- f changes in the bow
- h slight changes
- y is hopefully now what I want it to be
- @ has changed in a good way but the design cannot be
    finished yet
- Tried an italic version

Changes to version 0.5.1 (20040214)
- S ground touching bow had an overwork
- U left stem is now 160pt wide
- u is now wider
- a lBearing 90 => 100
- s rBearing 108 => 115
- z has now round edges
- b change in the bow
- g strong changes in the bows
- t doing a step backwards: lifting bow upper again
- H became 25pt wider
- B,D,K,M,R,T,U got the new serifs
- e hStem moved slightly upwards
- rg kernpair 0 => -25
- X completely reworked, added adequate kern pairs
- c overworked
- Z edge improved
- ? (Questionmark) new designed
- ! (Exklamationmark) new designed
- p,q shortened the Unterl�ge

Changes to version 0.5.0 (20040212)
It showed that most of my critics said that a drop
would be better readably and nicer to look at than
a square in letters like r,c,f,a
result is a major design-shift: we are now doing
charakters like r,f,y,a with drops. I'll try to
conservate old forms for a later splitting in two fonts.
- i still reducing rBearing 70 => 65
- n,m,h enlarging rBearing 50 => 60
- all small: Bearings enlarged by 5pt on each site
- all capitals: Bearings enlarged about 10pt on each site
- r,f overworked the new drop
- J,c have now a drop too
- b changes in the bow
- y greatly overworked
- �desiris corrected
- o had some changes in the round
- P new serifs
- E overworked upper serif
- G overworked upper serif
- g earstem is now slighy bigger

Changes to version 0.4.9 (20040205)
- A longer Serifs
- f #balken hochgeschoben
    balken dnner
- Z rBearing 34 => 40
    now wider
- E,F,L Serifs overworked (more dominant now)
- a thicker in the bow
    rBearing 45 => 38
    two versions as with r
- i reduce rBearing 77 => 70
- h,m,n rBearing 45 => 50
- t changes in the bow
- H hstem changed
- b change in vStem
- q ear changed
- u small change in left part of the bow
- s rBearing 90 => 98
    lBearing 100 => 108
- r rBearing 56 => 60
    great change in the arm, two versions,
    one completely new with drop-end
    old form with edge-end (on )
- d rBearing 86 => 90
- b rBearing 80 => 85
- dieresis, accents a.s.f moved 10pt upwards
- o is now rounder
- M arrow is now slightly round
- y had an overwork
- f change in the bow

Changes to version 0.4.8 (20040202)
- h,m,n rBearing 35 => 45
- v,w RBearing 20 => 27
      lBearing 20 => 24
- u rBearing 70 => 75
    vStem left was 2 pt to wide
    vStem right was 1 pt to wide
- d rBearing 78 => 85
    changes in the bow
    vStem was 1 pt to wide
- H rBearing 64 => 70
- r vStem was 1 pt to wide
- t major overwork
- i reduce rBearing 85 => 78
    lBearing 70 => 75
- e rBearing 77 => 75
- l rBearing 60 => 70
    lBearing 73 => 75
- y search for a better design
- M rBearing 70 => 80
- c changes in the bow
- f has a less dominant bow now
- N has now a spice V-Compound
    new Serifs
- E,F new middle hStem
- a now thicker
    rBearing 48 => 45
- W() kerning reduced to -125
- C rBearing 70 => 80
- all small: vStem wider 142 => 143

Changes to version 0.4.7 (20040124)
- E majority overworked
    new serifs
    thinner hline
    rBearing 30 => 70
- F same as with E
- I rBearing 38 => 65
    new serifs
- M rBearing 40 => 70
- H rBearing 40 => 65
    new serifs
- K rBearing 10 => 25
- L new Serifs
- S rBearing 70 => 80
- b rBearing 70 => 80
- e rBearing 70 => 75
    lBearing 70 => 80
    some changes in the charakter
- a is fatter now
    overworked whole char

- O rBearing 100 => 105
- m,n,h rBearing 24 => 35
- s rBearing 87 => 90
- r rBearing 48 => 55
- v,w completely new designed

Changes to version 0.4.6 (20040124)
- [space] is now wider 595 => 690
- [small] rBeraing, lBearing extended about 3pt each
          enlarged to 102%
- a upper bow is has now a lower beginning
    has now a "a-typical" serif
    has a thicker bauch
- u is 12pt wider
- n is 8pt wider
- m is 15pt wider
- b is 11pt wider
- c open end lifted up
- i reduce a bit backwards rBearing 95 => 85
- d wider about 10pt
    bow is higher
- e more dynamic now
- o overworked
- v big change
- z upper serif had a very small change

Changes to version 0.4.5 (20040114)
- U left arm is thinner now
    changes in the bow
- p bow more dynamic
- d bow now more dynamic
- c slightly thinner now
    more points
- L foot is 30pts wider
- N Trick in the edges has been to strong
    diagonal arm is thinner now
- k lBearing 29 => 22
- po, pe, pd, od, a.s.f kerning 0 => +25
- all small: enlarged Bearings to 105%
- space: enlarged to 595
- a new serifs
- b new serifs
- d new serifs
- h new serifs
- i new serifs (upper and below) to test whether more
    points in serifs makes print-outs and desktop-views better)
    gave more rBearing 66 => 90
    dot is now bigger again (105%)
- j new serifs
- k new serifs
- l new serifs
- m new serifs
    bows are much better now
- n new serifs
    the bow is much better now
- p new serifs
    changes in the bow
- q new serifs
- r new serifs
- u new serifs

Changes to version 0.4.4 (20040108)
- M was a little too extravagant hopefully better now
- c was to huge
    bow was to high
- o rBearing 70 => 65
- P  rBearing 28 => 20
- vo,wo, ve, we kerning -15 => -20
- va,wa kerning -5 => -10
- ow,ov kerning -25 => 20
- ev,ew kerning -25 => 20
- y created kernpairs synonym to v,w
- v-family "v-" kerning 0 => -25
- ro, re kerning -30 => -15
- O slightly thinner
- i hinting now better
- all small: overworked hints

Changes to version 0.4.3 (20031219)
- c some small changes
    lbearing 70 => 75
    rBearing 50 => 45
    changes in the bow
    cedilla some points to the left
- ve, we, wo, vo kerning -30 => -15
- va, wa kerning -15 => -5
- M became more dynamic
    rBearing 60 => 40
- H rBearing 50 => 40
- .,i,j... (dots) were slightly oval
- j rBearing 159 => 140
- k arm raised back again
- V,W rBearing 16 => 10
- Vo, Wo, We, Ve kerning -120 => -140
- Wa, Va kerning -120 => -130
- s upper serif now more vertikal
- b rBearing 72 => 65
    bow had some small changes
- R is a little wider now
    bow is a little better
- g many changes in the bow
    more space between the upper and the down circle
- P constructed a new P from the new R
- y great work but design not yet finished
- u some small changes in first vStem to avoid different thickness in print-outs

Changes to version 0.4.2 (20031217)
Greek Symbols will come:
- Delta added
- Psi added
- Sigmal added
- Phi
- Lambda added
- Omega added
- Xi added
- Gamma added
- te kerning -25 => 0
- t rBearing 65 => 75
- c rBearing 60 => 50
- �rBearing 94 => 70
- �rBearing 59 => 65
-  rBearing 62 => 65
- all round small charakters a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i,j,m,n,o,p,q,r,s
  have grown a bit to get a better text-tape
- g rBearing 60 => 50
- u lBearing 60 => 53

Changes to version 0.4.1 (20031214)
- all rounds to Bearing 75 => 70
  (b, c, d, o, p, q)
- e: rBearing 75 => 65
- letters like i, m,n,r, a.s.f. lBearing:
  65 => 60
- i: 70 => 65
- b: round has been overworked
- Vi, Wi kerning: -70 => -50
- Vo, Ve, Va, Wo, We, Wa  kerning -150 => -120
- t: top is a little lower now
- � major overwork
- S: major overwork
- r: a step back to the r in 0.3.9
- P: Bow is better now
- a: overwork of the bow
- ow, ew, ev, ov kerning => -25
- H, I: rBearing 50
- M rBearing 69 => 60
- yc kerning => -25
- N is wider now
- y: rBearing 24 => 19
- r: rBearing 25 => 28

Changes to version 0.4.0 (20031207)
- a, u rightBearing 59 => 65
- v,w,V,W were to far down -22 => -5
- v,w RBearing 24 => 19
- r thicker bow
- all rounds to Bearing 99 => 75
  (b, c, d, e, o, p, q)
- V,W RBearing 20 => 16
- g rBearing 70 => 60
- t lBearing 86 => 75
- n changes in the bow
- s lBearing 82 => 92
- s rBearing 92 => 80
- tt kerning 40 => 15
- f slightly dominanter bow
- ff -100 => -80
- fb 50 => 80
- t rBearing 80 => 65
- ta kern -10 => 0 (deregister kern pair)
- r rBearing 50 => 25
- g lBearing 79 => 69

Changes to version 0.3.9 (20031113)
- the changes of the last version brought some wrong bearings
  following are corrected now:
  - a,u  right bearing 80 => 65
  - a left 85 => 79
  - d right 80 => 80
  - l rigth 69 => 58
  - tt kernpair_dist -80 => -40
  - s left and rigtht bearing 85 => 90
  - i left and rigtht bearing 69 => 76
  - w, v left and rigtht bearing 22 => 28
  - h left 71 => 68
  - o both 89 => 82
  - t left 96 => 86
  - c left 100=> 90
  - re, ke, ko kern pair [di]: -20 = -30
  - rg kern pair [di]: 0 => -20
  - r. kern pair [di]: 0 => -60
  - H had the same bearing as M but M has longer serifs => H 69=>51

- e seemed to be to domaninant, => shrinked to 98%
- s seemed to small => enlarged to x=102% y=101%
- Q got a connection between tilde and the O
- f bow got a bit longer in right direction
- b change in the bow
- longer serifs for the gemeinen
- N got wider
- h,n got wider
- new cedilla
- ? overworked

Changes to version 0.3.8 (20031102)
- v, w are now wider
- a: grave changes
- i,j: Dot got 10% smaller
- .;:? Dots got 10% smaller
- ? complete newdesigned
- , (Komma) major overwork
- �(German sz) overworked
- t RBearing + 10pt
- u more contras and finer connection
- U now wider and more round bow
- N second trick on the angle of left hstem and diagonal
- K: overworked
- J: better bow
- k: overworked
- b,p, D, B, P: better bow
- h, m, n, u: nicer and more contrative bows
- O, Q better rounds now
- g got new ear
- all letters: RBearing, LBearing + 15%
- e: small changes in the bow

Changes to version 0.3.7 (20031028)
- r seemed to thick (VStem) in small printouts => changes in bow
- h right VStem seemed to thick in small printouts => changes in bow
- u is now what I wanted it to be wider and thinner as well more elegant
- c is now as thinn as the bow of d; small changes in R+LBeering
- g became slightly thinner
- y is slightly better now (less extreme) but still needs a lot of work
- t's RBearing was too small (+10pt)
- k's arm was liftet slightly above the x-height, because it seemed to low
- S became slightly thinner
- T's roof won hight because it looked slightly smaller than other Caps
- p's bow is now like the one of d
- e is now wider
- O slight changes

Changes to version 0.3.6 (20031025)
- Bearings for all Gemeine (small letters) changed!
- g: ear isn't so potent anymore, wider, increased Bearings
- m,n,h overworked the bow
- a overworked the bow

Changes to version 0.3.5 (20031019)
- R: lost fracture from last release removed
- | (pipeline): finer outline
- `' (high commas) inserted
- slashes added
- elipses added
- promille added
- <> (dynamic ones) added
- % new design (efont)
- ! had changes
- & (ampersand) from efont
- '," (inch, geometr. minute/second) are now undynamic
- / smaller
- numbers: new medi�al (OSF) numbers from efont
- @ has a new a in the middle
- v, w: finer, make paralell, anti-block-trick
- V, W: anti-block-trick, make parallel
- N,Z,M,K,Y,k,x,y,z,X: make paralell
- (pound) added
- some more little things

Changes to version 0.3.4 (20031019)
- C has greately changed and is now what I wanted it to be.
- S: slight changes in the upper bow and serif
- h has now more point in its bow
- H, A: HLine is now 80pt thick
- G has greately changed and is now what I wanted it to be
- b, d, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p, r: the upper serif has now a
  certain slight concave bow
- same with a,d,u, just with the under serif
- R got more points
- e: slight changes and new points
- U: more points and wider
- O: slight changes
- Q: RBearing +20pt
- p: slight changes and new points
- Accents are smaller now
- j: changes in the bow
- {},(),[]: new brackets anch important changes in all
- some Bearings slightly corrected

Take this version as a first milestone!
Changes to version 0.3.3 (20031019)
- O, Q became slightly thinner
- P small but important corrections
- d, b better round like already done with p & q
- x had major changes
- s had major changes
- o very light changes
- a, d, u have a walking foot now
- J: slight changes in the bow
- D: major changes in the bow
- B: major changes, grew wider
- c: light changes
- g: light changes
- e: light changes
- stem width of small letters are now 140 instead of 145
- p, q: weniger Unterl�ge
- S: has now more RBearing
- the lBearing and RBearing of the Gemeinen (small letters) have been extended
  about 5pt.
- �(sz, german) had a redesign but still needs a lot of work

Changes to version 0.3.2 (20031018)
- R has been overworked and is now similar to P again
- P has been slightly overworked
- M is now wider
- B had major changes
- T's and Z new serifs had to be reduced a bit again
- z now got the same serif as its father
- r got again more expressiv
- s had an overwork
- x: its thicker leg is now slightly thinner
- l, i, d, b, h, m, n, p, q, r, t, u, k, j, f is now 145pt thick
- H, I, J, E, F is now 160pt thick
- E, F are now wider
- e: slight changes
- C: better but still not like I want it to have
- v, w: feet now beyond groundline
- c is much better now
- o is much better now
- O is much better now
- B is much better now
- S: the upper part is wider now
- q is completely new dedigned. May this be a good example for b, p, d?
- dieresis (german umlaut points) have more space in between themselves
- Q looks wonderful now (at least much much better)
- () are now much better (taken from GPLed efont)
- longs (the old f-like s) has now its real place
- X got the last missing serif of the whole font (!) ;-)

Changes to version 0.3.1 (20031016)
- r's ear has now a lower connection to vStem and looks hopefully better in
small points,
  rightBearing increased
- g is now slightly smaller and generally smarter
- dieresis (namely the two dots that belong onto the german umlauts are smaller
- K: its leg is now doing a step forward
- J has lost its old serif at the ground-line and has other majot changes
- H hStem is not as thick anymore
- A same like with H above
- G's table is now longer
- E,F: hStems are now 85points thick and not 104pt
- D became fat
- T,Z: Serif now grow into the air, hStems are now ca. 85pt
- U has grown wider
- u's left vStem got thinner, rBearing +10
- i: lBearing +10, rightBearing +10
- c: lBearing +
- I: rBearing +
- L: rBearing + and hStem is now ca. 85pt
- dot: lBearing +, rBearing +
- C: it's getting better but much work remains
- a: more contrast in changing line-thickness
- w looks now and again like a real renaissance w
- V gained a serif at his left arm
- W is newly generated from two Vs and now looks again like a real renaissance W
- new kearn pairs for V and W
- y has been newly formed out of v

Changes to version 0.3.0 (20031011)
- big change: All letters became bigger to reduce the lost space above the
latters that no
  PC-Font seems to have normally...
- A has now more right bearing
- r got back the 15 points rightBearing it lost while extending its ear in 0.2.8
- G rightBearing is now 55pt
- e has now more left and right bearing
- v same as e above
- o same as e above
- n has now slightly more lBearing
- d, b now got slightly more bearing at the round side
- u got more rBearing (same as "a")
- ko kern pair was to close together, fixed
- k has now more rBearing (not negative anymore)
- ka is a new kern pair
- a & u more rBearing (+6pt)
- B, M, H, O, D got more rBearing
- "V-" is obviously a kern pair and same with T,W,X,...
- AC, AG, AO, AQ, AT, AU, AV, AW, AY are new kern pairs
- small kerning for round letters and "." e.g.: "o.", "p.",...
- c: major changes
- C: major changes

Changes to version 0.2.9 (20031008)
- Added some arrows you need for chemistry-terms (->, <-, <-->, v, �

Changes to version 0.2.8 (20031005)
- did a little work in kerning of pairs like Vx, Wx, fx, ff
- E,F,k: vertical stem is now 2 points thinner
- n overworked. Major changes: left vertikal stem has now lost sharpness;
    bow from n is now just a connect to the left HStem an no part anymore;
    new character balance on the right
- same like above with h, m, r
- r got mor extrem in bow and ear
- b, d, p similar procedure like above with m, n, r
- i, j, l, k, b, d, h the overlength is now slightly unsharpened
- G is now mor round und more proud

Changes to version 0.2.7 (20031002)
- g got a slightly smaller ear
- fi-ligature has better right bearing (the one of "i" of course)
- n has now less right bearing (20 -> 5)
- m has now more right bearing (-8 -> 5)
- h has now less right bearing (12 -> 5)
- c got a bigger left bearing (54 -> 60)
- b's stem seam to be to thick. I shrinked its width from 42 -> 37
- r: increased right bearing (25 -> 35)
- V got a bigger left vertical
- N got a thinner vertical
- 1 (one) is littler thinner now and again
- . (dot) has now greater right bearing (55 -> 65)
- , (comma) has now greater right bearing (55 -> 65)
- t got bigger right bearing (45 -> 50)
- z: for aesthetical reasons the above horizontal stem seems to must be thinner
than the one at the
base line, so 9points off

Changes to version 0.2.6 (20030930)
- I overworked all serifs! The results are not visible in printing small sizes
in TrueType
but since AutoHinting recognizes the serifs now we should have better printing
results at
good postscript printers in PostScript-Fonts.
- Kerning table has been greately expanded even for pairs like ke, ka... Very
sad that nearly all
Linux-TrueType programs don't care about the kerning table at all! This must
change in future!
- g has been overworked and seems to become pretty at least. Especially the ear
had a good change.
- C had major changes and satisfies me now.
- all numbers had some changes and got for the first all the same bearings left
and right
- fi-ligature had complete redo, looks better but doesn't satisfies me, yet
- r got a little thicker nipple at the right end of its arm that leads to better
printing an
recognition results at small points
- t has a slighly thinner round in its neck now


View source
  1. Libertine Open Fonts Project --
  2. Changes to version 5.2.8 (2012-04-21)
  3. - Libertine Regular:
  4. did ticket 3522377 »Right curly bracket pieces«
  5. - Biolinum Bold:
  6. FIXED 3521717 "NT" combination in Biolinum is too wide open
  7. -Libertine (all styles):
  8. - Kerning is now devided by glyph sets (latin, cyrrilic, greek and small caps).
  9. By this means the list of kernpairs becomes much shorter, thus TTFs tend to load much
  10. faster and a problem with papyrus text editor is being fixed.
  11. Changes to version 5.2.0 (2011-06-23)
  12. - Small Caps updated for Libertine Semibold and Semibold italic. For SemiboldItalic: Added small caps to GSUB-Table.
  13. - Libertine Bold: Added real bold minuscles to the cyrrilic pane
  14. Changes to version 6.x.x (2011-06-13)
  15. -Libertine Display: Width of ffi-ligature corrected
  16. Changes to version 5.1.3 (2011-06-13)
  17. -Added missing ligatures and/or removed ligature information from the liga-gsub list.
  18. done for Libertine Bold, BoldItalic, Italic
  19. -Corrected style information for Libertine and Biolinum styles (bug 3307966).
  20. This bug caused that bold italic was used as italic style on some systems.
  21. -Semibold style are now recognized as part of the Libertine or Biolinum Family.
  22. -Libertine Bold Italic:
  23. - missing numeral sets (old style) added
  24. - bold small caps added
  25. - bold greek letters added
  26. - Libertine Bold
  27. - bold greek letters added
  28. - improved ligatures
  29. Changes to version 5.1.0 (2011-05-29)
  30. - Bug ID: 3310598 corrected (unicode placement of inferior glyphs uni2095-uni209c)
  31. Thanks Kim for the report
  32. - Libertine R: inferior and superiors: n, r, m, t, u, v, w, p, improvements and design adaptation
  33. Changes to version 5.0.1 (2011-05-29)
  34. TrueType Package: Corrected missing style information for LinBiolinum_aS.ttf - LinBiolinum_aSI.ttf
  35. This bug caused that these styles could not be installed or used parallely with each other.
  36. Changes to version 5.0.0 (2011-05-20)
  37. Again a lot of improvements, just mentioning the most obvious:
  38. - Improved Libertine Italic
  39. - New Libertine Bold Italic. Former style => Semibold Italic
  40. - m, n, p, r => improvements in upper left serif. It is now more dynamically moving in the vertical stem.
  41. - New style of the Libertine Regular for high grades (16pt upwards): Libertine Regular Display
  42. - Additional output formats:
  43. - WOFF (Web Open Font Format) => you will always find a recent copy to link with your websites at:
  45. Thanks to Zoltan you may eventually find them on, too.
  46. - SVG Fonts
  47. - Libertine I and BI: fractions improved
  48. - Additions to the Biolinum Keyboard: Mouse-Symbols (two and three button mice with emphasized one and two finger-click)
  49. - Initials created (Display Glyphs with fine external contour) in range A-Z + some accented glyphs from latin1 encoding
  50. Changes to (unpublished) version 4.8.0 (2010-04-30)
  51. 201009 complete redesign of Libertine Bold
  52. all common letters are now further embolded. The former Bold style is now
  53. regarded as Semi-Bold.
  54. - Libertine Bold -> Libertine Semibold
  55. - new Libertine Bold
  56. - A-Z and accented gylphs
  57. - a-z and accented glyphs
  58. - 0-9 and derivates
  59. Libertine stemwidth put into perspective: Regular (80) - Semibold (110) - Bold
  60. (130)
  61. - public domain and creative commons sign added
  62. 20100630 Libertine regular:
  63. - k is now wider (as wide as the n)
  64. - s right border increased from 32 -> 40
  65. - c right border increased from 25 -> 30
  66. - y left border decreased from 20 -> 16
  67. - z more organic shape an better grey value
  68. - n,m,h,u 6 EM wider
  69. - Bug #3019031: emacron with wrong accent (mark instead of base)
  70. - Bug #3014435: y.alt adapted to new glyph form and added to opentype
  71. substitution tables "salt" and "alt"
  72. - Hebrew letters improved
  73. - Bug #3004241: opentype substitution -> f.short and dotlessi will now be
  74. substituted by the relating small capital forms
  75. - Bug #3012358: Line spacing problem on windows photoshop. Try: Use
  76. Linespacing-field 0-> 180 (at first only in Libertine Regular for testing)
  77. - T, Z changes to the serifs and more organic shape
  78. - Added A.alt as a test of a more organic A
  79. - improved Hebrew glyphs and mark to base positioning
  80. - numbers scaled up by 5% because many complanied they were to small
  81. - new Indian Rupee symbol uni20A8
  82. - improvements in the Biolinum bold
  83. - moved styleset 04 > 06
  84. - new style set 04: versal eszett and small capital eszett is substituted by
  85. double S (SS) resp. double smal caps ss (ss).
  86. Xavier points out, that a small caps qu-ligature is missing. Added to
  87. codepoint uniE094. Added to Libertine Bold
  88. -uni2124 etc. for bold, bolditalic...
  89. - Xi was slightly unsymmetric: corrected
  90. Changes to version 4.7.0 regular(-) & italic(/) & capitals (C) (20100430)
  91. - All styles: Reported bugs fixed.
  92. - Libertine regular:
  93. - added missing anchors for i, idieresis, ccaron, scaron
  94. - added missing characters accent uni0364 and glyph uni1D15
  95. - completed combining accented chars block 0300-036F
  96. -ij-Ligature more space between the glyphs, dot of j is slightly higher
  97. -i,j,... more distinctive dotaccent and higher position
  98. -r,f,j,y changes in the drop, which became more distinctive
  99. - h slightl wider
  100. - e slightly wider
  101. - moved [a-z].superior from PUA to dedicated Unicode positions
  102. - crossed form of W for new Wikipedia-logo
  103. - new capital Eng
  104. - New extended latin characters
  105. -issue 3025163fixed: placed the anchor now below the g-bowl. Same for q,
  106. p, and j.
  107. -180° degree symmetry for the o and O
  108. - public domain and creative commons sign added
  109. - Biolinum Bold: numerous improvements in following glyphs:
  110. - a
  111. - i, j, ä, ö, ü...
  112. - w, v
  113. - e
  114. - f, ß
  115. - c
  116. - m, n
  117. - b, d
  118. - s
  119. - kerning faults corrected
  120. - numbers 0 - 9
  121. - komma , hyphen -, numbersign #
  122. - f
  123. - A-Z slightly thinner verticals
  124. - R, P better bows
  125. - added small cyrillic m (uni043C) to Biolinum and some other missing cyrillics
  126. (not yet all done...)
  127. - Inverted Interrobang (uni2E18) added
  128. - Add Substitution/Transposition brackets 2E02-0A
  129. - macroncmb (uni0304) had a wrong positioned mark anchor and was thus flying
  130. much to high
  131. - Problems with Fractions (ID 2665656): without a contextual chaining
  132. substitution fractions like 1/7 or 1/10, that don't have a concrete
  133. Unicode-posistion, were unavailible. Now solved via contextual chaining
  134. substitution.
  135. - bold: ck, ch-ligature's part characters were a bit close. Now some more space
  136. between them
  137. - diacritic U+031A was wrongly placed. Is now being positioned above-right. New
  138. anchor is called top_rechts
  139. - corrected s_t-ligature in biolinum bold
  140. Ingo Preuss points out thatsome glyphs were wrongly named:
  141. - uni0237 is now called dotlessj (instead of uniF6BE, which was wrongly named
  142. this way)
  143. - all references to dotlessj now point to uni0237
  144. In the following cases names were corrected, unicode points stayed unchanged
  145. - tcommaaccent (uni0163) is now called tcedilla
  146. - Tcommaaccent (uni0162) is now called Tcedilla
  147. - uni021B is now called tcommaaccent
  148. - uni021A is now called Tcommaaccent
  149. - the locl-OpenType-substitution for Romanian wasn't changed, because it already
  150. worked correctly
  151. - orthogonal is now called uni221F
  152. - sun is now called uni263C
  153. - I had to move that .cap-variants of the accents to the PUA, because they
  154. covered space where Unicode in between defined new characters. So I
  155. systematically moved the .cap-Accents to:
  156. grave.cap uni0358 -> uniE358
  157. acute.cap uni0359 -> uniE359
  158. circumflex.cap and so forth
  159. caron.cap
  160. breve.cap
  161. hungarumlaut.cap
  162. space_uni030F.cap
  163. breveinvertedcmb.cap
  164. breve.cyrcap 360
  165. breve.cyr
  166. dieresis.cap
  167. hookabovecomb.cap
  168. dotaccent.cap
  169. (regular, italic)
  170. - new point accent at uni0358
  171. - new Mark for uni0358 in many O/o-characters
  172. - improved support for POJ (Taiwan transcription)
  173. - now kerning for kernclasspair +
  174. - first use of contextual chaining substitution:
  175. - when a combining accent follows an i, the dotlessi is used to prevent an
  176. accent crash
  177. - when one of the accented or leftwarding glyphs such as (ä, V) follow an f,
  178. a short neck version of f (f.alt) is being used for optical reasons
  180. - there was the "space" in a left kern class (together with dot, etc.). This
  181. resulted in too few visible room when a "space" should seperate a word from the
  182. now beginning quotation.
  183. Italic: Correction of schwa
  184. Changes to version 4.4.1 regular(-) & italic(/) & capitals (C) (20090321)
  185. - First release of Linux Biolinum and its bold variant
  186. - New paragraphs signs (uni00A7 and uni00B6)
  187. - nicer guillemets uni00AB and 00BB as well as the single ones
  188. - improved "copyright"-sign and "registered"-sign
  189. - improved micro-sign
  190. - further improvements in the small capitals set
  191. - superior/inferior h, i, j, n, r has now new serifs, too
  192. - new dotaccent.cap-glyph (slightly bigger than dotaccent) for capital glyphs
  193. - j slightly improved upper serif (now similar to i)
  194. - improvements in row of IPA-signs (recent serifs etc)
  195. - Asterisk has now f-height (a bit lower than before) and lost bearing left and
  196. right
  197. - 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 slight improvements
  198. - tilde, slight improvements
  199. - cedilla improved (now somewhat thicker)
  200. - ae improved
  201. - C, c, e, t new finely bulged runner (or however you might call the thin end of
  202. these letters)
  203. - brought some ligatures up to recent baseglyph form
  204. - florin improved
  205. - dansk ring accent improved -> aring
  206. - comma accent improved, in characters with this accent the latter have now the
  207. same vertical position
  208. - roman numbers improved
  209. - and many smaller things I forgot to note
  210. - as well as hopefully all that I marked as "solved" in the bug tracker
  211. - same height for underbar in unicode positions as well in combined chars with
  212. uni0331 (same with italic)
  213. - frac-table: wrong entry "three fraction eight -> fiveeights" corrected
  214. - Glyph-naming synchronized for
  215. Biolinum Re, Biolinum Bd,
  216. - uni0361 (ligature symbol) and 035C (ligature aubsymbol)added
  217. - uni033B (quadratic subaccent) added
  218. - vertical position of combining-accent-macron and true macron-unicode-glyphs
  219. equalized
  220. Changes to version 4.1.8 regular(-) & italic(/) & capitals (C) (20081103)
  221. - finer and more organic serifs for nearly all glyphs
  222. - basic EM-background proportion changed to 726 (above base line) and 472 (below
  223. the baseline)
  224. - Fonts bounds/linespacing in TTF and OTF adjusted
  225. - E, F: a bit thinner now
  226. - A,V,W,v,w design improvements in diagonals
  227. - some small improvements in spacing of small basic latin charakters
  228. - reduced overshoot for wide-round contours
  229. - a, e: small designchange
  230. - m is a little wider now
  231. - basic working EM is now 1000 instead of 2048
  232. - tz-ligature
  233. - z's diagonal is a bit thicker, the horizontals a bit thinner, now
  234. - new glyphs like curl for bible studies
  235. - shortened few overbounding glyphs
  236. - improvements in polytonic greek
  237. - J, j: change in design of the bow and drop
  238. Changes to version 2.9 (unreleased) regular(-) & italic(/) & capitals (C)
  239. (20080619)
  240. - There was a compiling-problem with the LinLibertine_Re-2.8.14.otf that caused
  241. a unusable GSUB-table. Though outline-information seemed to be unaffected MacOSX
  242. didn’t want to intall it. This version should be without this bug, the reason
  243. for the old bug could not be discovered.
  244. - Change in the OpenType-Substitution table (different order of interpretation:
  245. sups and sinf should be substituted even if oldstyle flag is also set.
  246. / True Cyrrillic italics for the italic variant
  247. / new “a” for the italic, also thinner p, n, m and e
  248. / Some stylistic improvements for italic numbers
  249. / new @ for the italic
  250. - further kerning
  251. / improved accented characters in the italic variant
  252. - Q’s tail is now more harmonic and looks as drawn out of the O and not as just
  253. clipped to the bottom
  254. - Qu (Q_u) has been improved and is now standard ligature
  255. - new form for s_t- and c_t-ligature, Thanks to Nathan!
  256. - OpenType-GSUB-table has been improved. New functionality for Romanian and
  257. Moldavian (comma-accent instead of cedilla), for Turky ( is chosen
  258. when Tyrkish is default language, otherwiese is the small capital form
  259. used; f_i_()-ligatures are set off in Turkish because it hinders the
  260. differenciation of f-i and f-dotlessi in that language.
  261. / Italic variant now uses the same perfect OpenType-GSUB as the regular.
  262. / new for the italic. Adding missing sc-glyphs, bring others to the latest
  263. design.
  264. Changes to version 2.8.14 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20080619)
  265. - TTF-Hinting improvements because of better TTF-Instruction of FontForge
  266. - some small kerning improvements
  267. - glyphs U+02BE and U+02BF are no combining charakters > corrected
  268. - kerning problem with 9 in italic corrected
  269. - some small corrections as usual
  270. - slavonic church signs added
  271. - Added cartouches for numbers between 0 and 99 at uniE128 till uniE12A
  272. - Change punctuationspace to width of fullstop (.) It is now 450 of width and
  273. not 350.
  274. Changes to version 2.7.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20071228)
  275. >Inconsistent/incorrect glyph names 2.7.9 Private: (?)
  276. >No
  277. >The fonts do not use glyph names consistently. LinLibertineC_Re-2.7.3..ttf
  278. >is currently especially problematic. For example,
  279. >f_i is called uniE0B8
  280. >f_l uniE0B9
  281. both chars removed (senseless in a caps-font)
  282. >Euro.fitted zero.oldstyle
  283. >Yen.fitted one.oldstyle
  284. >perthousandzero five.oldstyle
  285. >zero.oldstyle six.oldstyle
  286. >one.oldstyle seven.oldstyle
  287. >two.oldstyle uniE022
  288. >three.oldstyle nine.oldstyle
  289. >four.oldstyle uniE024
  290. >five.oldstyle uniE025
  291. >six.oldstyle uniE026
  292. >seven.oldstyle uniE027
  293. >eight.oldstyle uniE028
  294. >nine.oldstyle uniE029
  295. All above corrected
  296. >zero.taboldstyle uniE118
  297. >one.taboldstyle uniE119
  298. >two.taboldstyle uniE11A
  299. >three.taboldstyle uniE11B
  300. >four.taboldstyle uniE11C
  301. >five.taboldstyle uniE11D
  302. >six.taboldstyle uniE11E
  303. >seven.taboldstyle uniE11F
  304. >eight.taboldstyle uniE120
  305. >nine.taboldstyle uniE121
  306. All above corrected
  307. >In LinLibertineU_Re-2.2.7.ttf, for example,
  308. >f_f is called ff
  309. >f_i fi
  310. >f_l fl
  311. >f_f_i ffi
  312. >f_f_l ffl
  313. >s_t st
  314. All above corrected
  315. >In LinLibertine_BI-2.7.2.ttf, for example,
  316. >z.alt is called uniE093
  317. >J.alt uniE094
  318. >and the following names refer to blank glyphs:
  319. >f_b
  320. >f_h
  321. >f_j
  322. >f_f_b
  323. >f_f_j
  324. >f_f_k
  325. >f_f_h
  326. >f_f_t
  327. All above corrected
  328. >The glyph names listed as "correct" above are based on what the majority of
  329. >the fonts in the family use. (E.g. it would actually be easier if the
  330. >ligatures were named ff, fi, fl etc. but since only a few are named in that
  331. >way, I assume f_f, f_i, f_l etc. are the intended names.)
  332. These are actually the names Adobe defined for ligatures in OpenTypes always
  333. a_b_c...
  334. >The inconsistent naming of glyphs and the use of names for blank glyphs
  335. >make installing for use with pdftex significantly more complex and much
  336. >more frustrating than is necessary.
  337. Yes, this is true. That was of course a bug.
  338. >I don't know how it affects other uses
  339. >of the fonts, however.
  340. Wrong PS-Names affect just OpenType-capable programs. Normal office use is not
  341. affected.
  342. >The examples I've given are those which were most
  343. >important to me when preparing metric files and virtual fonts for use with
  344. >pdftex.
  345. Changes to version 2.7.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20071228)
  346. - new Hinting! Now it is possible to use Libertine with Word on Windows
  347. properly. The shape on screen should be clearer now on every system!
  348. - new kern pairs for better typography
  349. - some wrong contour directions corrected
  350. - many small corrections
  351. - OT "fina" has been removed from wordend-sigma
  352. - countless small improvements
  353. - kerning for Caps variant
  354. - the conflict (that came up lately with a library update) between underlined
  355. and regular is diminished
  356. Changes to version 2.6.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20070423)
  357. Gernerally:
  358. - Symbols for „page“, „graph“, „picture“ and „table“ added
  359. - Oldstyle numbers (minuscle numbers) were just contained as
  360. proportionals. Somebody wanted them also as table numbers. Ladder became
  361. standard oldstyles now. Some of these glyphs look somewhat thinner to fit them
  362. on the fixed width.
  363. -bold italic variant had a wrong style entry which seemed to confuse
  364. Mac's fonthandling, also other style confusions should be fixed now
  365. -bold italic also had wrong metrics which resulted in a cutoff of glyph
  366. parts and wrong line spacing.
  367. German interests:
  368. -großes Eszett hinzugefügt (uni1E9E) entsprechend Kapitälchen-Eszett
  369. -kleines Eszett so verändert, dass es zum großen passt (ſz statt ſs),
  370. das vorige Eszett ist als germandbls.alt weiterenthalten
  371. -Im Stilsatz ss03 kann für Schweizer nun automatisch von Eszetts auf ss
  372. umgestellt werden.
  373. -die dt. ÄÖÜ sind nun von der Alternativposition an die rechte Stelle
  374. gerückt. Für die nichtdeutschsprachige Nutzung empfehlen sich jetzt die (vormals
  375. standart, jetzt aber auf die Alternativposition gewechselten Akzentuierten)
  376. Cyrillic:
  377. Due to A. Panovs help hopefully a lot of design impriovements for the
  378. cyrrilic alphabet.
  379. Mainly: Є Љ Њ Б З Ф Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Ө (and its small letter derivates) For
  380. details:
  381. ("Ь" in regular typeface has extra contour at left bottom.)
  382. --corrected--
  383. Lower part of "Ь" and "Ъ" (and for lowercase letters "ь", "ы",
  384. "ъ",
  385. "ѣ") differ. I think the letter "Ь" (or "ь" for lowercase)
  386. should be
  387. used as base for others.
  388. ("Ф" is still slightly asymmetric with respect to vertical axis.
  389. It may produce artefacts with rendering.)
  390. --corrected--
  391. (Middle vertical stems in "Ш", "Щ" have not rounded lower
  392. edges.)
  393. --corrected--
  394. ("Ш", "ш" are not quite symmetric agains middle vertical axis
  395. (all
  396. typefaces). "Щ", "щ" must be updated accordingly.)
  397. --corrected--
  398. (The tongue in "Э" can have two stylistic variants: straight and
  399. tilde-like. )
  400. OK, then tilde-like.
  401. (The designer decides which version should be selected. Some
  402. other letters should follow this decision: U+0472, U+04E8, U+0404, etc.)
  403. --corrected--
  404. (The capital letters U+0472 and U+04E8 usually are identical,
  405. excepting the case of archaic (before ca. XVIII century) form of U+0472.)
  406. --corrected--
  407. (The U+0473 frequently is narrower than "o" and U+04E9. In case
  408. of a tilde-tongue in "Э" a tongue in U+0404 is not flipped, i.e. it has the same
  409. diriction as in "Э".)
  410. --corrected--
  411. Small Caps:
  412. - Some changes here for better spacing.
  413. - FO-overlap (due to wrong kerning entry) removed
  414. Bolded:
  415. - Complete revision of the bold version. Should result in a clearer
  416. shape and better thin-width-contrast
  417. OpenType:
  418. - Due to better support in the FontForge editor the OpenType-tables have
  419. been completely redefined.
  420. Changes to version 2.5.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20070423)
  421. - countless improvements as usual
  422. - some unicode standard optimizations (NUL-glyph, .notdef, ...)
  423. - U+0180 group of charakters were sometimes not the way the latest unicode wants
  424. them so we changed them. This refers mainly to the differentiation of capital
  425. and small letters
  426. - Vietnamese horned vokals have been changed the way, that the horn is now
  427. always at the same hight. All accented vietnamese glyphs were revised
  428. - some optic improvements in placement of accents
  429. - added a capital variant of hookabove and changed all the capital letters to
  430. this new hookabove form. It is wider and lower for better line-holding
  431. - kerning was greatly improved, i.e.: Kombinations like "f)", "f?", "(j"...
  432. shouldn't overlap anymore. Capital letter words should now be better spaced.
  433. - There was one wrong cyrrilic letter Lje (U+0409).
  434. And there were some correct objections to the handling of the downgoing serif in
  435. Dzhe/dzhe, De/de, Tse/tse, Shcha/shcha. These now have the same depth and
  436. similar form
  437. - Some small changes in cyrrilics most complex letter Zhe
  438. but also in Ef
  439. in the hardening and softening signs (should not look like a reversed P but like
  440. the bud of the B),
  441. Ya shouldn't look like a flipped R,
  442. be had a too right tail,
  443. breve.cyr didn't look cyrrillic enough,
  444. ef shouldn't be too calligraphic,
  445. dje/she have now x-hight-bars
  446. - due to a bug U+1fc7 (an accented eta) was missing
  447. - some eagled-eyed person had seen that the U+721 was not at its place
  448. - perthousandzero added at U+E00E for full LaTex-support
  449. - some accented smallcaps added to basic font table for LaTex-support (This
  450. doesn't affect the Caps-version of Libertine, which already had all these
  451. glyphs)
  452. - removed a cyrrilic opentype entry that substituted N-o with the numberligature
  453. because a stupid GNOME environment read out this table entry on a Spanish system
  454. and messed up typography...
  455. Changes to version 2.4.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20070309)
  456. - many countless improvements
  457. - some letters are slimer now: a, k, c, r
  458. this is especially useful for languages with longs words. German in the first
  459. place...
  460. - on screen letters with round parts should now look more equal on screen
  461. -C, D, G, S have now better (shorter) serifs which are more useful for the
  462. standart printing size of 12-10pt
  463. - the thinnest line should now have a width of at least 50 (improvements for
  464. 12-10pt printing)
  465. - the whole range from U+180 -> U+01BF has been reworked
  466. -small improvements in the IPA-Extensions
  467. -for better acception of the old greek we changed the inverted breve to a tilde
  468. which is more widely used..., accents also have received some improvements
  469. -The cyrillic alphabeth has had again great changes due to unsatisfied users. We
  470. now have more equal cyrillic serifs, some letters are thinner some wider,
  471. spacing has been renewed
  472. -p,i have now horizontal serifs in the cyrillic
  473. -the bold regular is greatly improved. It's now fatter, looks more elegant
  474. - the curive has also improvements:
  475. J is now better
  476. many things are corresponding to the improvements in the regular
  477. -improvements in the capital variant
  478. Changes to version 2.3.2regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060920)
  479. Countless improvements...
  480. -especially for the italic, the kyrillic
  481. -polish accents ogonki are now what they should be
  482. -new: hebrew alphabeth
  483. -numbers
  484. -accents brought to one hight (some dotted chars weren't)
  485. -Same hight for capitals (already one point difference can the letter look
  486. higher on screen. For print this doesn't play any role...
  487. -superior/inferior numbers improved
  488. -ae looks now different: mor organic. If you don't like this. Theres also an old
  489. variant at the end of the font
  490. -ij ligature isn't connected anymore
  491. -greek accented chars improved (accents should now be optically at the same
  492. position), kappa improved
  493. -planet signs added
  494. -Sternkreiszeichen hinzugefügt
  495. -male, female,... improved
  496. .
  497. .
  498. .
  499. Changes to version 2.2.0regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060920)
  500. - Viele, viele Änderungen!
  501. - Volle Unterstützung von OpenType:
  502. Ligaturen
  503. Kapitälchen (Small capitals)
  504. Ziffern -> Tabulare, Proportionale, Mediävale
  505. Gestrichene Null (slashed Zero)
  506. - Kapitälchen komplett neu entworfen
  507. - Kerning vollständig neu entworfen (nach Klassen)
  508. - neue Ligaturen entworfen: ck, ch, ffb, ffk, fk, fb, fh, ffh,
  509. - Ampersand überarbeitet,
  510. - Alternatives Ampersand für Kapitälchen
  511. - E und F überarbeitet
  512. - W und V "
  513. - M und N (letzteres mit verlängerter Diagonale)
  514. - viele Buchstaben für Type1-Verwendung bereiningt!
  515. - Nummern in Kreisen
  516. Changes to version 2.1.8regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060901)
  517. Viele Überarbeitungen:
  518. - Kyrillisches Alphabet weiter verbessert
  519. - E, F, L, T, M, B, D, A, C, Z, P, R Serifen verbessert
  520. - b
  521. - f Bogen etwas länger und flacher
  522. - h verändert
  523. - uni03d0 und theta1 kleiner gemacht
  524. - Dje verändert (nun nativer)
  525. - Macron von 80 auf 90 verdickt
  526. - kleine römische Ziffern verändert
  527. - ij ist nun eine verbundene Ligatur
  528. - viele, viele kleine Bereinigungen
  529. Changes to version 2.1.6 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (200608024)
  530. - Zeilenabstände und Font-Metrik verbessert, Durchschuss nun geringer.
  531. - becyrillic hat nun angemessene Abstände
  532. - Untere Serifen sind nun 55 dick und breiter -> Gemeine: 436; Versalien: 526
  533. / Kursive komplett überarbeitet und auf aktuellen Stand gebracht.
  534. und vieles Kleines mehr...
  535. Changes to version 2.1.5 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (200608024)
  536. - Tex-Namen für alle Glyphen
  537. - i-Punkt und . dicker
  538. - Sämtliche Akzente überarbeitet
  539. - Neue, flachere Akzente für Großbuchstaben
  540. - viele Griechische Buchstaben überarbeitet -> dynamischer
  541. - Serifen großteils überarbeitet
  542. - Russischer Akzent jetzt im russischen Stil
  543. - uni041A jetzt wie uni416
  544. - Männlich / Weiblich-Zeichen ist jetzt besser an die Grenzen des Fonts
  545. angepasst
  546. - viele weitere Änderungen
  547. - Fette Variante heißt jetzt auch wieder Fett -> Problem bei manchen
  548. Betriebsystemen behoben
  549. - Leerzeichen ist nun 512 EM breit, so wie's praktisch Standart ist
  550. !!- Namensproblem bei der Fetten behoben
  551. Changes to version 2.1.3 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060806)
  552. - 6-Problem gelöst
  553. - Phi-Problem gelöst
  554. - Lowcomma neu -> Pinselstil
  555. - epsilon
  556. - und vieles mehr...
  557. - <> kleinergleich, größergleich, und Verwandte auf gleiche Größe
  558. - +, -, = überarbeitet
  559. - Unendlichzeichen
  560. - h und n verbessert (Bogen)
  561. - Serifen der Gemeinen und der Großbuchstaben verbessert
  562. Changes to version 2.1.2 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060806)
  563. - Rückführung der griechischen Akzente auf U+002...
  564. - Macron verbessert, U+02C9 nun positiv
  565. - Abstände der griechischen Buchstaben verbessert u.a.: iota LBearing +40
  566. - eta, sigma, rho, tau, psi und weitere griechische Gemeine verbessert ->
  567. Pinselstilhaftigkeit erhöht
  568. -----------Fertig-nach Tobias Vorschlägen----------------------------
  569. 02C4 (MODIFIER LETTER UP ARRORHEAD), * raised articulation (-> 005E ^
  570. circumflex accent, 2303 ^ up arrowhead). Siehe
  572. Wenn ich in die PDF-Datei schaue, sehen 02C2 (<), 02C3 (>), 02C4 (^) und
  573. 02C4 (v) größer aus als 02C4 (^) und 02C5 (v). Vielleicht sollte man für
  574. 02C2 bis 02C3 einfach ein gedrehtes '<' benutzen?
  575. - Zeichenbreite im Block "SPACE MODIFIER LETTERS (02B0–02FF)"
  576. ( ist zum Teil verkehrt.
  577. Diese Zeichen sollen alle eine endliche Breite haben (im Gegensatz zu
  578. den COMBINING DIACRITICAL MARKS (0300-036F), die auf/unter einem Zeichen
  579. sitzen sollen). Insbesondere:
  580. - zu Breit: hochgestellte h, w und y
  581. - viel zu schmall: T, _|_ und + (etc.)
  582. - Zeichenbreite/Position im Block "COMBINING DIACRITICAL MARKS (0300-036F)
  584. Bei den meisten Zeichen stimmt die Breite/Position, bis auf:
  585. - 0306 COMBINING BREVE -> zu weit rechts
  586. - 030B COMBING DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT -> zu weit rechts.
  587. - 0327 COMBINING CEDILLA -> viel, viel zu weit rechts!
  589. -> Ich würde den Strich entweder etwas nach unten verlängern oder nach
  590. etwas nach unten schieben; oder etwas nach links schieben? Jedenfalls
  591. sieht "o" + U0338 (= ca. ø) komisch aus.
  592. - Vielleicht ein klein bißchen zu weit rechts: 0323, 0330, 0331, 0342,
  593. - 0384 GREEK TONOS -> Das Zeichen sollte normal breit sein und kein
  594. "combining" Akzent.
  596. Das Zeichen sollte anders als Sigma aussehen und zwar ohne den Bogen
  597. unten (ca, wie "c", oft spitz zulaufend).
  598. - 03F4 GREEK CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL -> anders als Theta, durchgehender
  599. Strich in der Mitte
  600. - 03F5 GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL = straight epsilon -> Wie der Name
  601. schon sagt ein nicht geschwungenes Epsilon. In der Physik benutzt man
  602. oftmals beide Epsilons das gerade und das geschwungene.
  603. (03F6 GREEK REVERSED LUNATE EPSILON = reversed straight epsilon -> bitte
  604. das gedrehte 03F5 hinzufügen)
  605. - 03F9 GREEK CAPITAL LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL -> sollte anders als Sigma
  606. aussehen, klassischerweise wie "C" (oft ohne Serifen und spitz zulaufend)
  608. - 215F "1/ " -> Man sollte wohl die Breite so ändern, daß "1/" +
  609. tiefgestellte Zahl (2080 bis 2089) gut aussehen.
  610. > Durch Kerning gelöst
  611. Fehlten:
  612. - Griechisch-Block: 03DA-03E1 fehlen (Archaische Buchstaben)
  614. (Wieso die in MES-2 sind, weiß ich allerdings nicht)
  625. -> das (Nicht-)Element-von-Symbol finde ich zu groß, es sollte nicht so
  626. groß wie Versalien/Großbuchstaben sein, sondern so groß oder etwas
  627. kleiner als Gemeine/Kleinbuchstaben. Das kleine Element-von-Symbol finde
  628. ich zu klein.
  629. Changes to version 2.1.1 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060729)
  630. - IPA 02D0 Richtung korrigiert
  631. 0258 '' ''
  632. - Diacritische Zeichen überarbeitet
  633. - i/j ist nun dotlessi/j + dotaccent
  634. - Tux is again @ uniE00E
  635. - MathSymb 2214 corrected wrong contour
  636. - d', l', t'
  637. - OE neu
  638. - iota überarbeitet
  639. - idieresis, edieresis vom Kyrillischen sind nun Verknpf. vom Latein
  640. Changes to version 2.1.0rc regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060729)
  641. - many small unnamed improvements
  642. - implemented the IPA-extensions
  643. - Small numbers -> superiors and inferiors are now bolder
  644. - fractures are greatly improved and some new are added
  645. - We now have proportional numbers and mediävale as some people asked for them
  646. - Kerning for roman Numbers
  647. - Ligatures should now be seen as a combination of different letters in
  648. OpenType-Compliant programs (unfortunately aren't there any compliant programs,
  649. or are there?)
  650. - added lots of greek special charakters
  651. - korrected lots of greek special charakters
  652. - some small extensions in mathematical symbols
  653. - eth, Thorn and thorn were completely renewed
  654. - bearing of o,d,eth,p better
  655. - some smaller things
  656. - geometric forms are now better adapted to the charakter sizes
  657. - added alternative variants for German Umlauts
  658. - Tilde improved
  659. - removed dublicate glyphs uniE001-004
  660. / f, g, h and u are improved
  661. U now also a bold variant of the underlined
  662. * bolded versions for all updated
  663. Changes to version 2.0.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060401)
  664. - small changes, used new converter (fontforge-20060408) -> may result in
  665. slightly better contours (who knows...)
  666. - first underlined variant
  667. - Bold variant has now better bearings (were to small) now it is what we want!
  668. Changes to version 2.0.8 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060401)
  669. - completely new bold version!
  670. - first bold-italic variant!
  671. => the family has therefore now finally all faces it classically needs, juhu!
  672. ;-)
  673. -further small corrections in all faces
  674. - I created TrueTypeInstructed variants of LinuxLibertine named "LinuxLibertine
  675. T" they can be therefore installed paralelly to the unhinted variants.
  676. Note 1: I recommend all users of OpenOffice 2.0.x on Linux to use the unhinted
  677. variants. On my linux-systems the unhinted variant is automaticly hinted and
  678. better looking than the hinted! On Windows-Systems -- nevertheless -- the
  679. unhinted variant is ugly on screen. Here you should take the instructed/hinted
  680. variant.
  681. Note 2: Hints (in the meaning of TrueTypeInstructions) do not have any effect on
  682. printing.
  683. Changes to version 2.0.7 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060227)
  684. Line spacing was again greately improved (I hope)
  685. | many changes
  686. | in cyrillic
  687. | Accented chars optimized (same height for all accents!)
  688. | new accents
  689. | new special characters
  690. | some existing special chars were improved
  691. / r is now without serif
  692. / many small changes
  693. and most of it I just forgot
  694. Changes to version 2.0.4 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060202)
  695. | many changes
  696. | in cyrillic
  697. | polish
  698. | additions to arabic diacritics
  699. | small corrections in overlapping paths and wrong contour directions
  700. | all corrections should be suitable for the other variants as well
  701. Changes to version 2.0.3 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060120)
  702. | many small changes
  703. | corrections for Cyrillic glyphs
  704. Mac-Variant for all fonttypes
  705. / corrections for Cyrillic glyphs
  706. b corrections for Cyrillic glyphs
  707. Changes to version 2.0.0 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060120)
  708. / many many great changes in the italic!
  709. | some new symbols and ornaments
  710. | ligatures optimized
  711. | lots of stuff I forgot to write down...
  712. | Oh, yes, the problem with in stalling all variants paralelly on windows is
  713. fixed
  714. Changes to version 1.1.9 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20060120)
  715. | numerous changes!
  716. | e.g. LineGap is smaler now -> similar to Times
  717. | some nice decoratives added (oriental leaf, left and right; fleuron, art deco
  718. paragraph end symbol, Tux penguin)
  719. | many new characters for special languages
  720. / italic updated as well
  721. | bold variant also updated
  722. | many, many other useful additions and bugfixes
  723. Changes to version 1.1.1 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050908)
  724. | many changes, mamy small changes
  725. | Zahlen /numbers sind jetzt fertig
  726. | Korrekturen an Abständen
  727. | Schmälerung des Leerzeichens
  728. | t + f haben jetzt schmalere Querstriche
  729. | r fetter und rechts weniger Abstand
  730. | y neu und besser
  731. | () Klammern überarbeitet, waren zu hoch
  732. | []{} siehe oben
  733. | µ ist ganz neu
  734. | € auf Zahlenhöhe
  735. | t verändert
  736. | M nach unten noch breiter werdend
  737. | ø und großes O/ pberarbeitet
  738. | Hoch- und Tiefzahlen /Subscripts
  739. | Brüche neu
  740. | Römische Zahlen auf Zahlenhöhe und ganz neu
  741. | und noch viel viel mehr!
  742. Changes to version 1.0.4-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050908)
  743. | weitere Arbeiten an den Zahlen besonders 2,3,5,6,0
  744. | Korrekturen an Abständen von K, A, N, V, W, v, w, a,
  745. | W und X waren nicht so hoch wie andere Versalien
  746. | Verschmälerung des Leerzeichens von 690 auf 600pt
  747. | Gesäuberte Buchstaben: i, a, l, longs, ß, r, f,
  748. Changes to version 1.0.3-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050908)
  749. | Tabellarische Zahlen fast fertig
  750. | Kern-Paare teils korrigiert
  751. Changes to version 1.0.2-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050412)
  752. | Tabellarische Zahlen (noch in Arbeit)
  753. Changes to version 1.0.1-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050323)
  754. | all Capitals are 60pt less high
  755. | ? question mark is slightly thinner and less high now
  756. | uni022C (O mit tilde und Macron): Das Macron (¯) ist etwas zu weit rechts
  757. | uni022D (o mit Tilde und Macron): dito
  758. | uni0210 (R mit ") die " sind zuweit links
  759. (beim r und u mit " könnten sie noch ein Tick weiter rechts sein)
  760. | uni0307 (dotaccent) der Punkt könnte etwas höher sein
  761. | uni0308 (dieresis) hat positive Breite
  762. | 0309 (combininghook) ggf. zu hoch, Breite nicht null
  763. | 030C (umgedrehtes ^): positive Breite
  764. | 0327 (cedille): positive Breite
  765. | 0323 combining dot below: vielleicht noch ein bißchen nach links?
  766. Anmerkung: Wenn man jetzt noch die Diacritical Marks verschiebt, dann verändern
  767. sie sich in allen anderen Akzentuierten Zeichen mit, wo sie durch Referenzen
  768. eingebunden sind. Daher habe ich die Verschiebungen ersteinmal nicht
  769. vorgenommen.
  770. |Beim kleinen psi [03C8] kann ich mich nicht recht an den schrägen Mittelstrich
  771. gewöhnen.)
  772. | 1E48: Das _ beim N sollte wohl etwas länger sein oder etwas nach links
  773. verschoben werden
  774. | Bei Greek Extended (1F00 bis 1FFF) ist bei 'E und 'H (allein und mit
  775. verschiedenen weiteren Akzenten) das ' vor der position 0, und
  776. überschreibt somit das vorherige Zeichen. Das ist wohl nicht Absicht,
  777. oder? Analog bei `I (1FDA).
  778. | uni2102: Das C (für die Menge komplexe Zahlen) sollte einen
  779. Doppelstrich haben, wie deine H,Q,Z,R
  780. | 213D bis 2149: das gilt auch für die Zeichen hier (gamma, Gamma, Pi,
  781. Sigma, D, d, e und j)
  782. | 2153 bis 215A: Die Brüche 1/3, 2/3, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 1/6, 5/6
  783. fehlen; besonders 1/3 und 2/3 wären schön
  784. | 2217 und 2218 sollten witer unten stehen (genaus so hoch wie das Minus
  785. und der Punkt 2219) da das Multiplikationsoperatoren sind.
  786. | 226A und 226B: Das sind vielgrößer/vielkleiner Zeichen. Ich hätte sie
  787. aber so nicht erkannt. Nimm einfach << und >> und schiebe sie ein wenig
  788. ineinander.
  789. Changes to version 1.0.0-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20050323)
  790. | accented chars corrected
  791. | quotes (simple and doubles) are moved down slightly
  792. Changes to version 0.9.8-10pt regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (20041208)
  793. | all normal latin chars are now some points wider (we want to have a 10pt font!
  794. :->)
  795. | some special chars bolded as well about stroke 10
  796. | all greek letters and special chars in between are also expanded
  797. | cyrilliy A has now a more popular form
  798. | some other small changes
  799. Changes to version 0.9.6-10ptL regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals(20041201)
  800. - bigger serifs for l,i,j,f,a,b,c,d,e,m,n,p,r,h,k,q,s,u,v,w,x,y,z,ß and many
  801. more
  802. Changes to version 0.9.5 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20041008)
  803. -r rBearing 49 => 55
  804. -s lBearing 117 => 100
  805. rBearing 90 => 75
  806. -i lBearing 70 => 80
  807. rBearing 53 => 65
  808. -t rBearing
  809. -g ear is now more dominant
  810. Changes to version 0.9.4 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20040802)
  811. - P rBearing -17 => 10
  812. - Px kern pairs redone (to bigger distance)
  813. - w/v-x kern pairs
  814. - many small changes
  815. b] bold typeface iniciated
  816. Changes to version 0.9.3 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20040802)
  817. | z is lighter now
  818. | Eurosign is smarter
  819. | numbers and Bearings edited
  820. | v,w,x,y rBearing 12|22 => 24
  821. | i lBearing 64 => 70
  822. | double-quoteds increased distance about 15pt
  823. | O is lighter
  824. | '`changed accents
  825. | * is now typagraphic (I'm really proud of that one!)
  826. | ? small changes
  827. | fi, ff, ffl, ffi redid ligatures
  828. | changes in accented charackters
  829. | ae changed
  830. | Paragraph sign
  831. | hinting
  832. | þ
  833. | M rBearing 60 => 65
  834. # c
  835. many other small changes
  836. Changes to version 0.9.2 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20040802)
  837. | success in line gap setting:
  838. winAscent=1900
  839. winDescent=500
  840. linegap=0
  841. these are quite useful values. We'll see whether it may be better to reduce
  842. winAscent.
  843. Changes to version 0.9.0 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20040727)
  844. | another try in line gap setting
  845. Changes to version 0.8.8 regular(|) & italic(/) & capitals (#)(20040723)
  846. | improvements and great changes in all numbers
  847. | 1 changed from roman to actual latin
  848. | , (komma) improved slightly
  849. | ) rBearing +
  850. | ? improved slightly
  851. | @ greately improved
  852. | [] bracket improved
  853. | + - at one hight
  854. | ~ improved
  855. | § improved
  856. | breve improved
  857. | c/o and other small things
  858. # Capitals initiated
  859. Changes to version 0.8.7 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040715)
  860. | added uni28F
  861. | did some mathematical symbols
  862. | some other small things
  863. Changes to version 0.8.6 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040715)
  864. LineSpacing is great in other programs than OpenOffice
  865. | t improved slightly
  866. | O improved
  867. | u improved
  868. | 0 improved
  869. | and other small things
  870. Changes to version 0.8.5 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040715)
  871. | another try in correct line-spacing
  872. | m corrected
  873. Changes to version 0.8.4 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040630)
  874. | longs improved
  875. | b improved slightly
  876. | c improved
  877. | O further work
  878. | a greatly improved
  879. | 0 another try
  880. Changes to version 0.8.3 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040630)
  881. | y lBearing -31 => 0
  882. | s again changes
  883. | line gap was still too big
  884. | L rBearing 40 => 60
  885. | u changes in the bow
  886. | 0 is now rounder
  887. | f edited
  888. | g ear and lower bow corrected
  889. | O changes again
  890. Changes to version 0.8.2 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040630)
  891. | line gap was to huge
  892. | s so new slightly to dark
  893. worked over
  894. | t worked over
  895. | G edited
  896. | r edited, was to dark
  897. | N rBearing 65 => 70
  898. | O yet another trial
  899. Changes to version 0.8.1 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040630)
  900. | D rBearing 110 => 120
  901. | t rBearing 45 => 60
  902. | H rBearing 55 => 70
  903. | M rBearing 53 => 60
  904. | N rBearing 56 => 65
  905. diagonal was much to fat, now thinner
  906. | S rBearing 90 => 100
  907. | Z rBearing 35 => 60
  908. | l rBearing 60 => 65
  909. lBearing 66 => 70
  910. | T some changes (higher top)
  911. | t changes in the bow
  912. | & (ampersand) had great changes
  913. | s great changes, serifs were too complex
  914. | j lBearing -50 => -58
  915. | ! (exclamation mark) shrinked to 99%
  916. | a,e upper bow higher
  917. | a bow
  918. | u upper serifs higher
  919. | O still in work
  920. Changes to version 0.8.0 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040627)
  921. | Set WinAsc/Desc to correct wrong line-spacing in most Applications
  922. | ? (Question Mark) was too big
  923. | e edited
  924. | O edited but I'm not confident yet
  925. | J lBearing -157 => -140
  926. Changes to version 0.7.9 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040604)
  927. | B rBearing 80 => 90
  928. | I rBearing 65 => 72
  929. lBearing 48 => 60
  930. | t rBearing 32 => 45
  931. | s rBearing 105 => 75
  932. | e lBearing 183 => 88
  933. | b rBearing 85 => 90
  934. | j lBearing -72 => -50
  935. rBearing 153 => 160
  936. | 0 Bearings
  937. | l rBearing 50 => 60
  938. | p rBearing 75 => 80
  939. bow overworked
  940. | AE overworked
  941. | þ overworked
  942. | o overworked
  943. | oe overworked
  944. | uni434 overworked
  945. | uni310e & f made kursive
  946. | uni2070-209F created
  947. | O edited
  948. | S edited
  949. | t edited
  950. Changes to version 0.7.8 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040604)
  951. | b cleaned
  952. | c cleaned
  953. | d cleaned
  954. | f cleaned
  955. | g cleaned
  956. | j cleaned
  957. | k cleaned and combined
  958. | m cleaned
  959. | n cleaned
  960. | o cleaned
  961. | p cleaned
  962. | q cleaned
  963. | r cleaned
  964. | u cleaned
  965. | w cleaned and combined
  966. | y cleaned and combined
  967. | O, P, Q, R overworked
  968. | W combined
  969. | Y wider
  970. | ß overworked
  971. Changes to version 0.7.7 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040604)
  972. | nothing that I can remember
  973. Changes to version 0.7.5 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040604)
  974. | S rBearing corrected (was double size)
  975. | All capital letters shrinked to 97%
  976. | D overworked
  977. | J
  978. | T's cap is 20pts wider
  979. | U bow changed
  980. | X
  981. | a is now lsightly smaller
  982. Changes to version 0.7.4 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040531)
  983. | small changes in diacritical marks
  984. | s overworked
  985. | E,F VStem is now 10 pt wider and therefore as other capitals
  986. | did a new hinting on all basic letters
  987. Changes to version 0.7.3 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040531)
  988. | removed some overlappings in e.g. A, K. W a.s.f
  989. | uni431 overworked
  990. | uni 432 overworked
  991. | overworked cyrillic
  992. | added some strange chars uni1E0...
  993. Changes to version 0.7.1 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040525)
  994. | copied some greek letters from RC van Dalen' Garogier
  995. | t overworked, wider
  996. | J overworked
  997. | overworked omega
  998. | overworked phi
  999. | overworked eta
  1000. | overworked numbers
  1001. | k small corrections
  1002. | worked over accented charakters
  1003. | many accented chars and special chars added
  1004. | Cyrillic charakters added (that was quite a horror of work and it's not
  1005. yet finished... spacing leaves to be done
  1006. | B overworked
  1007. | C overworked
  1008. | G overworked
  1009. | O overworked
  1010. | U Overworked
  1011. | S Overworked
  1012. Changes to version 0.7.0 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040522)
  1013. | Omicron ist now reference to O
  1014. | uni25cb overworked is now reference to Rcircle and others
  1015. | Xi overworked
  1016. | chi overworked
  1017. | gcedilla changed
  1018. | k,n,rcedillas changed
  1019. | corrected uni21A
  1020. and other fixes
  1021. Changes to version 0.6.9 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040519)
  1022. | overworked µ
  1023. | added 018E
  1024. | added 01B6 - 01B9
  1025. | added 0283
  1026. | overworked 0292
  1027. | i,j dot is now better positioned
  1028. | created dotlessj
  1029. | overworked all accented charakters
  1030. | added Tobias' changes, namely:
  1031. Latin Extended-B
  1032. - Added 022E
  1033. - Added 022F
  1034. - Added 01c0
  1035. - Added 01c1
  1036. - Added 01c2
  1037. - Added 0218
  1038. - Added 0219
  1039. - Added 021A
  1040. - Added 021B
  1041. - Added 021E
  1042. - Added 021F
  1043. IPA Symbols:
  1044. - Flipped 025C (reverted epsilon) vertically
  1045. - Added 0287
  1046. - Added 0292
  1047. Combining diacritical marks
  1048. - Added 0307
  1049. - Added 0326
  1050. Changes to version 0.6.8 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040517)
  1051. | added Tobias' changes
  1052. Changes to version 0.6.7 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040513)
  1053. | added Tobias' implementations and further ipa-extensions (8 chars)
  1054. | added Vienamese special charakters
  1055. Changes to version 0.6.6 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040510)
  1056. / updated to recent development stage
  1057. many other small things
  1058. Changes to version 0.6.5 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040510)
  1059. | "" (quoteds) increased the distance between bow commas
  1060. | " (quoteds) and kerning
  1061. | singlequotes added
  1062. | added some mathemagical symbols
  1063. | ~n width corrected
  1064. | corrections in special characters
  1065. | added roman numbers
  1066. | all latin standart charakter-lines are now right turning and therefore should
  1067. most Xor-Errors in special chars due to references be corrected now
  1068. | updated tobias' corrections
  1069. Changes to version 0.6.4 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040508)
  1070. | added Tobias' box and arrow symbols
  1071. | added a German quoted at uni201F
  1072. | U is now 80pt wider and hopefully wide enough now
  1073. | kernpair nt, mt 0 => -30
  1074. | A serifs shorter
  1075. Changes to version 0.6.3 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040415)
  1076. | AE corrected
  1077. | k rBearing 0 => 25
  1078. | t Bearings
  1079. | z rBearing 85 => 72
  1080. | b bow
  1081. | d rBearing 68 => 62
  1082. | h lBearing 64 => 58
  1083. | m 16pt wider
  1084. | x, Bearings 12 => 22
  1085. | v,w Bearings 0 => 12
  1086. | o smaller
  1087. | ,. bigger 103%
  1088. | did uni25cf
  1089. Changes to version 0.6.2 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
  1090. | d has now a new serif
  1091. | t changes
  1092. | S rBearing 90 => 95
  1093. | E rBearing 90 => 100
  1094. | z lBearing 95 => 85
  1095. | ä,ö,ü a.s.f have bigger dieresis (points)
  1096. | k smal changes in the arm
  1097. | x l/rBearing 7=> 12
  1098. | T kern pairs
  1099. | �overworked
  1100. | ff overworked
  1101. | fi overworked
  1102. | dotlessi overworked
  1103. | added U+00A0 nonbraking space
  1104. U+014A & B (eng)
  1105. and further uni-charcters to comply MSE-1
  1106. (European languages standart)
  1107. florin
  1108. Changes to version 0.6.1 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
  1109. | ligatures overworked
  1110. | k left bearing changed: 70 => 58
  1111. right bearing changed: -20 => 0
  1112. | x left bearing changed: 8 => 6
  1113. right bearing changed: -20 => 6
  1114. | - (hyphen) is now thinner
  1115. | :; are now bigger
  1116. | overworked
  1117. | J rBearing increased
  1118. | d lBearing -5pt
  1119. | B rBearing 90 => 80
  1120. | l lBearing 74 => 66
  1121. rBearing 57 => 50
  1122. | v,w,y lBearing -14 => 0
  1123. rBearing -14 => 0
  1124. | Z stronger Serifs
  1125. | t new bow
  1126. | u thicker bow
  1127. changes in all serifs
  1128. | r's bow is more contrastive
  1129. | V,W,Y kernpairs overworked
  1130. | new anstrich for: b,d,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,p,r
  1131. | t lBearing 73 => 60
  1132. Changes to version 0.6.0 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
  1133. | b has now a foot
  1134. | new serifs for H,W,V,T,I,J,K,L,E,F,M,N,P,R,U,X,A,B,D,G,Y
  1135. | new serifs for f,h,i,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,v.w.x.y
  1136. | Xe kernpair -20 => -40
  1137. | B is a bit (27pt) wider
  1138. | G had some changes
  1139. | some more little changes
  1140. Changes to version 0.5.9 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
  1141. | did the common latin legatures
  1142. | �still working on the bows
  1143. | e is a now 2% less wide as before
  1144. had some changes
  1145. | dashes overworked
  1146. Changes to version 0.5.8 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
  1147. / b, �changes
  1148. / f overwork in the bow
  1149. - some other changes
  1150. Changes to version 0.5.7 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040315)
  1151. -N is now 66pt wider
  1152. -^ {Ascicircum} is now better
  1153. - {exclamdown} is now availible
  1154. - {currency} has been added
  1155. | "-" hyphen is the same as softhyphen. length is now 510pt
  1156. -bars have been made
  1157. -many, many unlisted changes in so called "special" chars
  1158. | a,b,c,d,e,f had small overwork
  1159. | g's ear still had another overwork. Whether this will be better
  1160. we'll see...
  1161. | �is now wider
  1162. | ... {Ellipsis} had an overwork
  1163. | j Beraings + 10/15pt
  1164. Changes to version 0.5.6 regular(|) & italic(/) (20040303)
  1165. - t's bow is now stronger
  1166. | l has moved 5pt to the right
  1167. - L rBearing 29 => 40
  1168. | kern pair {space}T -75 => -100
  1169. - is now up to date
  1170. | r has a finer drop
  1171. - Y has been combined
  1172. - M rBearing 68 => 75
  1173. lBearing 78 => 75
  1174. - H rBearing 80 => 75
  1175. lBearing => 75
  1176. - s rBearing 115 => 105
  1177. - V is now 30pt wider
  1178. - E,F combined
  1179. | C edded Extrema
  1180. | points are now centered
  1181. | e added extrema
  1182. - K is now ca 50pt wider
  1183. | a,c,f added extrema
  1184. - S thicker serifs
  1185. - �has gained a lot, though
  1186. in italic the subpart is still missing
  1187. | # is corrected
  1188. / & corrected
  1189. / v,w a bit more slanted
  1190. Changes to version 0.5.5 and 0.5.5i (20040303)
  1191. - did a "correct direction" on all chars
  1192. - did a autoinstr on all chars
  1193. / Quotesingle korrigiert
  1194. / hopefully all chars slanted now
  1195. - ascicircum scaled to 75%
  1196. Changes to version 0.5.4 (20040303)
  1197. - n,m rBearing had to be reset to 60
  1198. - ~ (tilde) is now better
  1199. - ff is much better now
  1200. - fi as well
  1201. - � � , � � �better now
  1202. - change to v, w
  1203. Changes to version -italic-0.5.4 (20040303)
  1204. - do nearly all characters as they have to be
  1205. in an italic
  1206. - v in style of Janson italic
  1207. Changes to version 0.5.3 (20040228)
  1208. - b. kern-pair -10 => -50
  1209. - @ got better
  1210. - n,m became 28pt wider
  1211. - W thin stems became thinner (ca. 4pt)
  1212. - u change in the bow
  1213. - �corrected
  1214. - D became wider
  1215. - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 had a major overwork
  1216. - C,G wider bows
  1217. Changes to version 0.5.2 (20040222)
  1218. - b rBearing 90 => 80
  1219. - r rBearing 66 => 55
  1220. - c,d,e,q have now more similar bows
  1221. - p has now a better bow
  1222. - a has slight changes
  1223. - o has now a thinner band, less dominant
  1224. - s had some changes in the curves
  1225. - f changes in the bow
  1226. - h slight changes
  1227. - y is hopefully now what I want it to be
  1228. - @ has changed in a good way but the design cannot be
  1229. finished yet
  1230. - Tried an italic version
  1231. Changes to version 0.5.1 (20040214)
  1232. - S ground touching bow had an overwork
  1233. - U left stem is now 160pt wide
  1234. - u is now wider
  1235. - a lBearing 90 => 100
  1236. - s rBearing 108 => 115
  1237. - z has now round edges
  1238. - b change in the bow
  1239. - g strong changes in the bows
  1240. - t doing a step backwards: lifting bow upper again
  1241. - H became 25pt wider
  1242. - B,D,K,M,R,T,U got the new serifs
  1243. - e hStem moved slightly upwards
  1244. - rg kernpair 0 => -25
  1245. - X completely reworked, added adequate kern pairs
  1246. - c overworked
  1247. - Z edge improved
  1248. - ? (Questionmark) new designed
  1249. - ! (Exklamationmark) new designed
  1250. - p,q shortened the Unterl�ge
  1251. Changes to version 0.5.0 (20040212)
  1252. It showed that most of my critics said that a drop
  1253. would be better readably and nicer to look at than
  1254. a square in letters like r,c,f,a
  1255. result is a major design-shift: we are now doing
  1256. charakters like r,f,y,a with drops. I'll try to
  1257. conservate old forms for a later splitting in two fonts.
  1258. - i still reducing rBearing 70 => 65
  1259. - n,m,h enlarging rBearing 50 => 60
  1260. - all small: Bearings enlarged by 5pt on each site
  1261. - all capitals: Bearings enlarged about 10pt on each site
  1262. - r,f overworked the new drop
  1263. - J,c have now a drop too
  1264. - b changes in the bow
  1265. - y greatly overworked
  1266. - �desiris corrected
  1267. - o had some changes in the round
  1268. - P new serifs
  1269. - E overworked upper serif
  1270. - G overworked upper serif
  1271. - g earstem is now slighy bigger
  1272. Changes to version 0.4.9 (20040205)
  1273. - A longer Serifs
  1274. - f #balken hochgeschoben
  1275. balken dnner
  1276. - Z rBearing 34 => 40
  1277. now wider
  1278. - E,F,L Serifs overworked (more dominant now)
  1279. - a thicker in the bow
  1280. rBearing 45 => 38
  1281. two versions as with r
  1282. - i reduce rBearing 77 => 70
  1283. - h,m,n rBearing 45 => 50
  1284. - t changes in the bow
  1285. - H hstem changed
  1286. - b change in vStem
  1287. - q ear changed
  1288. - u small change in left part of the bow
  1289. - s rBearing 90 => 98
  1290. lBearing 100 => 108
  1291. - r rBearing 56 => 60
  1292. great change in the arm, two versions,
  1293. one completely new with drop-end
  1294. old form with edge-end (on )
  1295. - d rBearing 86 => 90
  1296. - b rBearing 80 => 85
  1297. - dieresis, accents a.s.f moved 10pt upwards
  1298. - o is now rounder
  1299. - M arrow is now slightly round
  1300. - y had an overwork
  1301. - f change in the bow
  1302. Changes to version 0.4.8 (20040202)
  1303. - h,m,n rBearing 35 => 45
  1304. - v,w RBearing 20 => 27
  1305. lBearing 20 => 24
  1306. - u rBearing 70 => 75
  1307. vStem left was 2 pt to wide
  1308. vStem right was 1 pt to wide
  1309. - d rBearing 78 => 85
  1310. changes in the bow
  1311. vStem was 1 pt to wide
  1312. - H rBearing 64 => 70
  1313. - r vStem was 1 pt to wide
  1314. - t major overwork
  1315. - i reduce rBearing 85 => 78
  1316. lBearing 70 => 75
  1317. - e rBearing 77 => 75
  1318. - l rBearing 60 => 70
  1319. lBearing 73 => 75
  1320. - y search for a better design
  1321. - M rBearing 70 => 80
  1322. - c changes in the bow
  1323. - f has a less dominant bow now
  1324. - N has now a spice V-Compound
  1325. new Serifs
  1326. - E,F new middle hStem
  1327. - a now thicker
  1328. rBearing 48 => 45
  1329. - W() kerning reduced to -125
  1330. - C rBearing 70 => 80
  1331. - all small: vStem wider 142 => 143
  1332. Changes to version 0.4.7 (20040124)
  1333. - E majority overworked
  1334. new serifs
  1335. thinner hline
  1336. wider
  1337. rBearing 30 => 70
  1338. - F same as with E
  1339. - I rBearing 38 => 65
  1340. new serifs
  1341. hinted
  1342. - M rBearing 40 => 70
  1343. - H rBearing 40 => 65
  1344. new serifs
  1345. hinted
  1346. - K rBearing 10 => 25
  1347. - L new Serifs
  1348. hinted
  1349. - S rBearing 70 => 80
  1350. - b rBearing 70 => 80
  1351. hinted
  1352. - e rBearing 70 => 75
  1353. lBearing 70 => 80
  1354. hinted
  1355. some changes in the charakter
  1356. - a is fatter now
  1357. overworked whole char
  1358. - O rBearing 100 => 105
  1359. - m,n,h rBearing 24 => 35
  1360. - s rBearing 87 => 90
  1361. - r rBearing 48 => 55
  1362. - v,w completely new designed
  1363. Changes to version 0.4.6 (20040124)
  1364. - [space] is now wider 595 => 690
  1365. - [small] rBeraing, lBearing extended about 3pt each
  1366. enlarged to 102%
  1367. - a upper bow is has now a lower beginning
  1368. has now a "a-typical" serif
  1369. has a thicker bauch
  1370. - u is 12pt wider
  1371. - n is 8pt wider
  1372. - m is 15pt wider
  1373. - b is 11pt wider
  1374. - c open end lifted up
  1375. - i reduce a bit backwards rBearing 95 => 85
  1376. - d wider about 10pt
  1377. bow is higher
  1378. - e more dynamic now
  1379. wider
  1380. - o overworked
  1381. - v big change
  1382. - z upper serif had a very small change
  1383. Changes to version 0.4.5 (20040114)
  1384. - U left arm is thinner now
  1385. changes in the bow
  1386. - p bow more dynamic
  1387. - d bow now more dynamic
  1388. - c slightly thinner now
  1389. more points
  1390. - L foot is 30pts wider
  1391. - N Trick in the edges has been to strong
  1392. diagonal arm is thinner now
  1393. - k lBearing 29 => 22
  1394. - po, pe, pd, od, a.s.f kerning 0 => +25
  1395. - all small: enlarged Bearings to 105%
  1396. - space: enlarged to 595
  1397. - a new serifs
  1398. - b new serifs
  1399. - d new serifs
  1400. - h new serifs
  1401. - i new serifs (upper and below) to test whether more
  1402. points in serifs makes print-outs and desktop-views better)
  1403. gave more rBearing 66 => 90
  1404. dot is now bigger again (105%)
  1405. - j new serifs
  1406. - k new serifs
  1407. - l new serifs
  1408. - m new serifs
  1409. bows are much better now
  1410. - n new serifs
  1411. the bow is much better now
  1412. - p new serifs
  1413. changes in the bow
  1414. - q new serifs
  1415. - r new serifs
  1416. - u new serifs
  1417. Changes to version 0.4.4 (20040108)
  1418. - M was a little too extravagant hopefully better now
  1419. - c was to huge
  1420. bow was to high
  1421. - o rBearing 70 => 65
  1422. - P rBearing 28 => 20
  1423. - vo,wo, ve, we kerning -15 => -20
  1424. - va,wa kerning -5 => -10
  1425. - ow,ov kerning -25 => 20
  1426. - ev,ew kerning -25 => 20
  1427. - y created kernpairs synonym to v,w
  1428. - v-family "v-" kerning 0 => -25
  1429. - ro, re kerning -30 => -15
  1430. - O slightly thinner
  1431. - i hinting now better
  1432. - all small: overworked hints
  1433. Changes to version 0.4.3 (20031219)
  1434. - c some small changes
  1435. lbearing 70 => 75
  1436. rBearing 50 => 45
  1437. changes in the bow
  1438. cedilla some points to the left
  1439. - ve, we, wo, vo kerning -30 => -15
  1440. - va, wa kerning -15 => -5
  1441. - M became more dynamic
  1442. rBearing 60 => 40
  1443. - H rBearing 50 => 40
  1444. - .,i,j... (dots) were slightly oval
  1445. - j rBearing 159 => 140
  1446. - k arm raised back again
  1447. - V,W rBearing 16 => 10
  1448. - Vo, Wo, We, Ve kerning -120 => -140
  1449. - Wa, Va kerning -120 => -130
  1450. - s upper serif now more vertikal
  1451. - b rBearing 72 => 65
  1452. bow had some small changes
  1453. - R is a little wider now
  1454. bow is a little better
  1455. - g many changes in the bow
  1456. more space between the upper and the down circle
  1457. - P constructed a new P from the new R
  1458. - y great work but design not yet finished
  1459. - u some small changes in first vStem to avoid different thickness in print-outs
  1460. Changes to version 0.4.2 (20031217)
  1461. Greek Symbols will come:
  1462. - Delta added
  1463. - Psi added
  1464. - Sigmal added
  1465. - Phi
  1466. - Lambda added
  1467. - Omega added
  1468. - Xi added
  1469. - Gamma added
  1470. - te kerning -25 => 0
  1471. - t rBearing 65 => 75
  1472. - c rBearing 60 => 50
  1473. - �rBearing 94 => 70
  1474. - �rBearing 59 => 65
  1475. - rBearing 62 => 65
  1476. - all round small charakters a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i,j,m,n,o,p,q,r,s
  1477. have grown a bit to get a better text-tape
  1478. - g rBearing 60 => 50
  1479. - u lBearing 60 => 53
  1480. Changes to version 0.4.1 (20031214)
  1481. - all rounds to Bearing 75 => 70
  1482. (b, c, d, o, p, q)
  1483. - e: rBearing 75 => 65
  1484. - letters like i, m,n,r, a.s.f. lBearing:
  1485. 65 => 60
  1486. - i: 70 => 65
  1487. - b: round has been overworked
  1488. - Vi, Wi kerning: -70 => -50
  1489. - Vo, Ve, Va, Wo, We, Wa kerning -150 => -120
  1490. - t: top is a little lower now
  1491. - � major overwork
  1492. - S: major overwork
  1493. - r: a step back to the r in 0.3.9
  1494. - P: Bow is better now
  1495. - a: overwork of the bow
  1496. - ow, ew, ev, ov kerning => -25
  1497. - H, I: rBearing 50
  1498. - M rBearing 69 => 60
  1499. - yc kerning => -25
  1500. - N is wider now
  1501. - y: rBearing 24 => 19
  1502. - r: rBearing 25 => 28
  1503. Changes to version 0.4.0 (20031207)
  1504. - a, u rightBearing 59 => 65
  1505. - v,w,V,W were to far down -22 => -5
  1506. - v,w RBearing 24 => 19
  1507. - r thicker bow
  1508. - all rounds to Bearing 99 => 75
  1509. (b, c, d, e, o, p, q)
  1510. - V,W RBearing 20 => 16
  1511. - g rBearing 70 => 60
  1512. - t lBearing 86 => 75
  1513. - n changes in the bow
  1514. - s lBearing 82 => 92
  1515. - s rBearing 92 => 80
  1516. - tt kerning 40 => 15
  1517. - f slightly dominanter bow
  1518. - ff -100 => -80
  1519. - fb 50 => 80
  1520. - t rBearing 80 => 65
  1521. - ta kern -10 => 0 (deregister kern pair)
  1522. - r rBearing 50 => 25
  1523. - g lBearing 79 => 69
  1524. Changes to version 0.3.9 (20031113)
  1525. - the changes of the last version brought some wrong bearings
  1526. following are corrected now:
  1527. - a,u right bearing 80 => 65
  1528. - a left 85 => 79
  1529. - d right 80 => 80
  1530. - l rigth 69 => 58
  1531. - tt kernpair_dist -80 => -40
  1532. - s left and rigtht bearing 85 => 90
  1533. - i left and rigtht bearing 69 => 76
  1534. - w, v left and rigtht bearing 22 => 28
  1535. - h left 71 => 68
  1536. - o both 89 => 82
  1537. - t left 96 => 86
  1538. - c left 100=> 90
  1539. - re, ke, ko kern pair [di]: -20 = -30
  1540. - rg kern pair [di]: 0 => -20
  1541. - r. kern pair [di]: 0 => -60
  1542. - H had the same bearing as M but M has longer serifs => H 69=>51
  1543. - e seemed to be to domaninant, => shrinked to 98%
  1544. - s seemed to small => enlarged to x=102% y=101%
  1545. - Q got a connection between tilde and the O
  1546. - f bow got a bit longer in right direction
  1547. - b change in the bow
  1548. - longer serifs for the gemeinen
  1549. - N got wider
  1550. - h,n got wider
  1551. - new cedilla
  1552. - ? overworked
  1553. Changes to version 0.3.8 (20031102)
  1554. - v, w are now wider
  1555. - a: grave changes
  1556. - i,j: Dot got 10% smaller
  1557. - .;:? Dots got 10% smaller
  1558. - ? complete newdesigned
  1559. - , (Komma) major overwork
  1560. - �(German sz) overworked
  1561. - t RBearing + 10pt
  1562. - u more contras and finer connection
  1563. - U now wider and more round bow
  1564. - N second trick on the angle of left hstem and diagonal
  1565. - K: overworked
  1566. - J: better bow
  1567. - k: overworked
  1568. - b,p, D, B, P: better bow
  1569. - h, m, n, u: nicer and more contrative bows
  1570. - O, Q better rounds now
  1571. - g got new ear
  1572. - all letters: RBearing, LBearing + 15%
  1573. - e: small changes in the bow
  1574. Changes to version 0.3.7 (20031028)
  1575. - r seemed to thick (VStem) in small printouts => changes in bow
  1576. - h right VStem seemed to thick in small printouts => changes in bow
  1577. - u is now what I wanted it to be wider and thinner as well more elegant
  1578. - c is now as thinn as the bow of d; small changes in R+LBeering
  1579. - g became slightly thinner
  1580. - y is slightly better now (less extreme) but still needs a lot of work
  1581. - t's RBearing was too small (+10pt)
  1582. - k's arm was liftet slightly above the x-height, because it seemed to low
  1583. - S became slightly thinner
  1584. - T's roof won hight because it looked slightly smaller than other Caps
  1585. - p's bow is now like the one of d
  1586. - e is now wider
  1587. - O slight changes
  1588. Changes to version 0.3.6 (20031025)
  1589. - Bearings for all Gemeine (small letters) changed!
  1590. - g: ear isn't so potent anymore, wider, increased Bearings
  1591. - m,n,h overworked the bow
  1592. - a overworked the bow
  1593. Changes to version 0.3.5 (20031019)
  1594. - R: lost fracture from last release removed
  1595. - | (pipeline): finer outline
  1596. - `' (high commas) inserted
  1597. - slashes added
  1598. - elipses added
  1599. - promille added
  1600. - <> (dynamic ones) added
  1601. - % new design (efont)
  1602. - ! had changes
  1603. - & (ampersand) from efont
  1604. - '," (inch, geometr. minute/second) are now undynamic
  1605. - / smaller
  1606. - numbers: new medi�al (OSF) numbers from efont
  1607. - @ has a new a in the middle
  1608. - v, w: finer, make paralell, anti-block-trick
  1609. - V, W: anti-block-trick, make parallel
  1610. - N,Z,M,K,Y,k,x,y,z,X: make paralell
  1611. - (pound) added
  1612. - some more little things
  1613. Changes to version 0.3.4 (20031019)
  1614. - C has greately changed and is now what I wanted it to be.
  1615. - S: slight changes in the upper bow and serif
  1616. - h has now more point in its bow
  1617. - H, A: HLine is now 80pt thick
  1618. - G has greately changed and is now what I wanted it to be
  1619. - b, d, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p, r: the upper serif has now a
  1620. certain slight concave bow
  1621. - same with a,d,u, just with the under serif
  1622. - R got more points
  1623. - e: slight changes and new points
  1624. - U: more points and wider
  1625. - O: slight changes
  1626. - Q: RBearing +20pt
  1627. - p: slight changes and new points
  1628. - Accents are smaller now
  1629. - j: changes in the bow
  1630. - {},(),[]: new brackets anch important changes in all
  1631. - some Bearings slightly corrected
  1632. Take this version as a first milestone!
  1633. Changes to version 0.3.3 (20031019)
  1634. - O, Q became slightly thinner
  1635. - P small but important corrections
  1636. - d, b better round like already done with p & q
  1637. - x had major changes
  1638. - s had major changes
  1639. - o very light changes
  1640. - a, d, u have a walking foot now
  1641. - J: slight changes in the bow
  1642. - D: major changes in the bow
  1643. - B: major changes, grew wider
  1644. - c: light changes
  1645. - g: light changes
  1646. - e: light changes
  1647. - stem width of small letters are now 140 instead of 145
  1648. - p, q: weniger Unterl�ge
  1649. - S: has now more RBearing
  1650. - the lBearing and RBearing of the Gemeinen (small letters) have been extended
  1651. about 5pt.
  1652. - �(sz, german) had a redesign but still needs a lot of work
  1653. Changes to version 0.3.2 (20031018)
  1654. - R has been overworked and is now similar to P again
  1655. - P has been slightly overworked
  1656. - M is now wider
  1657. - B had major changes
  1658. - T's and Z new serifs had to be reduced a bit again
  1659. - z now got the same serif as its father
  1660. - r got again more expressiv
  1661. - s had an overwork
  1662. - x: its thicker leg is now slightly thinner
  1663. - l, i, d, b, h, m, n, p, q, r, t, u, k, j, f is now 145pt thick
  1664. - H, I, J, E, F is now 160pt thick
  1665. - E, F are now wider
  1666. - e: slight changes
  1667. - C: better but still not like I want it to have
  1668. - v, w: feet now beyond groundline
  1669. - c is much better now
  1670. - o is much better now
  1671. - O is much better now
  1672. - B is much better now
  1673. - S: the upper part is wider now
  1674. - q is completely new dedigned. May this be a good example for b, p, d?
  1675. - dieresis (german umlaut points) have more space in between themselves
  1676. - Q looks wonderful now (at least much much better)
  1677. - () are now much better (taken from GPLed efont)
  1678. - longs (the old f-like s) has now its real place
  1679. - X got the last missing serif of the whole font (!) ;-)
  1680. Changes to version 0.3.1 (20031016)
  1681. - r's ear has now a lower connection to vStem and looks hopefully better in
  1682. small points,
  1683. rightBearing increased
  1684. - g is now slightly smaller and generally smarter
  1685. - dieresis (namely the two dots that belong onto the german umlauts are smaller
  1686. (85%)
  1687. - K: its leg is now doing a step forward
  1688. - J has lost its old serif at the ground-line and has other majot changes
  1689. - H hStem is not as thick anymore
  1690. - A same like with H above
  1691. - G's table is now longer
  1692. - E,F: hStems are now 85points thick and not 104pt
  1693. - D became fat
  1694. - T,Z: Serif now grow into the air, hStems are now ca. 85pt
  1695. - U has grown wider
  1696. - u's left vStem got thinner, rBearing +10
  1697. - i: lBearing +10, rightBearing +10
  1698. - c: lBearing +
  1699. - I: rBearing +
  1700. - L: rBearing + and hStem is now ca. 85pt
  1701. - dot: lBearing +, rBearing +
  1702. - C: it's getting better but much work remains
  1703. - a: more contrast in changing line-thickness
  1704. - w looks now and again like a real renaissance w
  1705. - V gained a serif at his left arm
  1706. - W is newly generated from two Vs and now looks again like a real renaissance W
  1707. - new kearn pairs for V and W
  1708. - y has been newly formed out of v
  1709. Changes to version 0.3.0 (20031011)
  1710. - big change: All letters became bigger to reduce the lost space above the
  1711. latters that no
  1712. PC-Font seems to have normally...
  1713. - A has now more right bearing
  1714. - r got back the 15 points rightBearing it lost while extending its ear in 0.2.8
  1715. - G rightBearing is now 55pt
  1716. - e has now more left and right bearing
  1717. - v same as e above
  1718. - o same as e above
  1719. - n has now slightly more lBearing
  1720. - d, b now got slightly more bearing at the round side
  1721. - u got more rBearing (same as "a")
  1722. - ko kern pair was to close together, fixed
  1723. - k has now more rBearing (not negative anymore)
  1724. - ka is a new kern pair
  1725. - a & u more rBearing (+6pt)
  1726. - B, M, H, O, D got more rBearing
  1727. - "V-" is obviously a kern pair and same with T,W,X,...
  1728. - AC, AG, AO, AQ, AT, AU, AV, AW, AY are new kern pairs
  1729. - small kerning for round letters and "." e.g.: "o.", "p.",...
  1730. - c: major changes
  1731. - C: major changes
  1732. Changes to version 0.2.9 (20031008)
  1733. - Added some arrows you need for chemistry-terms (->, <-, <-->, v, �
  1734. Changes to version 0.2.8 (20031005)
  1735. - did a little work in kerning of pairs like Vx, Wx, fx, ff
  1736. - E,F,k: vertical stem is now 2 points thinner
  1737. - n overworked. Major changes: left vertikal stem has now lost sharpness;
  1738. bow from n is now just a connect to the left HStem an no part anymore;
  1739. new character balance on the right
  1740. - same like above with h, m, r
  1741. - r got mor extrem in bow and ear
  1742. - b, d, p similar procedure like above with m, n, r
  1743. - i, j, l, k, b, d, h the overlength is now slightly unsharpened
  1744. - G is now mor round und more proud
  1745. Changes to version 0.2.7 (20031002)
  1746. - g got a slightly smaller ear
  1747. - fi-ligature has better right bearing (the one of "i" of course)
  1748. - n has now less right bearing (20 -> 5)
  1749. - m has now more right bearing (-8 -> 5)
  1750. - h has now less right bearing (12 -> 5)
  1751. - c got a bigger left bearing (54 -> 60)
  1752. - b's stem seam to be to thick. I shrinked its width from 42 -> 37
  1753. - r: increased right bearing (25 -> 35)
  1754. - V got a bigger left vertical
  1755. - N got a thinner vertical
  1756. - 1 (one) is littler thinner now and again
  1757. - . (dot) has now greater right bearing (55 -> 65)
  1758. - , (comma) has now greater right bearing (55 -> 65)
  1759. - t got bigger right bearing (45 -> 50)
  1760. - z: for aesthetical reasons the above horizontal stem seems to must be thinner
  1761. than the one at the
  1762. base line, so 9points off
  1763. Changes to version 0.2.6 (20030930)
  1764. - I overworked all serifs! The results are not visible in printing small sizes
  1765. in TrueType
  1766. but since AutoHinting recognizes the serifs now we should have better printing
  1767. results at
  1768. good postscript printers in PostScript-Fonts.
  1769. - Kerning table has been greately expanded even for pairs like ke, ka... Very
  1770. sad that nearly all
  1771. Linux-TrueType programs don't care about the kerning table at all! This must
  1772. change in future!
  1773. - g has been overworked and seems to become pretty at least. Especially the ear
  1774. had a good change.
  1775. - C had major changes and satisfies me now.
  1776. - all numbers had some changes and got for the first all the same bearings left
  1777. and right
  1778. - fi-ligature had complete redo, looks better but doesn't satisfies me, yet
  1779. - r got a little thicker nipple at the right end of its arm that leads to better
  1780. printing an
  1781. recognition results at small points
  1782. - t has a slighly thinner round in its neck now