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image-effects-text-overlay-summary.html.twig in Image Effects 8.3

Default theme implementation for a summary of a Text Overlay effect.

Available variables:

  • data: The effect configuration, including:

    • text_string: The text associated with this effect, can include tokens
    • font: The font data, including:
      • name: Font name
      • uri: Font file URI
      • size: Font size
      • angle: Font orientation
      • color: Font color
      • stroke_mode: Type of stroke (outline/shadow)
      • stroke_color: Color of the stroke
      • outline_top: Outline px on the top
      • outline_right: Outline px on the right
      • outline_bottom: Outline px on the bottom
      • outline_left: Outline px on the left
      • shadow_x_offset: Shadow horizontal offset in px
      • shadow_y_offset: Shadow vertical offset in px
      • shadow_width: Shadow width in px
      • shadow_height: Shadow height in px
    • layout: The text layout information, including:
      • padding_top: Padding top in px
      • padding_right: Padding right in px
      • padding_bottom: Padding bottom in px
      • padding_left: Padding left in px
      • x_pos: Placement on canvas, horizontal
      • y_pos: Placement on canvas, vertical
      • x_offset: Placement on canvas, horizontal, offset
      • y_offset: Placement on canvas, vertical, offset
      • background_color: Color of bounding box
      • overflow_action: Action when text wrapper overflows canvas
      • extended_color: Color to be used when extending the underlying image
    • text: The text information, including:
      • maximum_width: Maximum width in px
      • fixed_width: Fixed width flag
      • align: Text alignment
      • line_spacing: Line spacing in px
      • case_format: Text format conversion
  • effect: The effect information, including:
    • id: The effect identifier.
    • label: The effect name.
    • description: The effect description.


View source
  1. {#
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Default theme implementation for a summary of a Text Overlay effect.
  5. *
  6. * Available variables:
  7. * - data: The effect configuration, including:
  8. * - text_string: The text associated with this effect, can include tokens
  9. * - font: The font data, including:
  10. * - name: Font name
  11. * - uri: Font file URI
  12. * - size: Font size
  13. * - angle: Font orientation
  14. * - color: Font color
  15. * - stroke_mode: Type of stroke (outline/shadow)
  16. * - stroke_color: Color of the stroke
  17. * - outline_top: Outline px on the top
  18. * - outline_right: Outline px on the right
  19. * - outline_bottom: Outline px on the bottom
  20. * - outline_left: Outline px on the left
  21. * - shadow_x_offset: Shadow horizontal offset in px
  22. * - shadow_y_offset: Shadow vertical offset in px
  23. * - shadow_width: Shadow width in px
  24. * - shadow_height: Shadow height in px
  25. * - layout: The text layout information, including:
  26. * - padding_top: Padding top in px
  27. * - padding_right: Padding right in px
  28. * - padding_bottom: Padding bottom in px
  29. * - padding_left: Padding left in px
  30. * - x_pos: Placement on canvas, horizontal
  31. * - y_pos: Placement on canvas, vertical
  32. * - x_offset: Placement on canvas, horizontal, offset
  33. * - y_offset: Placement on canvas, vertical, offset
  34. * - background_color: Color of bounding box
  35. * - overflow_action: Action when text wrapper overflows canvas
  36. * - extended_color: Color to be used when extending the underlying image
  37. * - text: The text information, including:
  38. * - maximum_width: Maximum width in px
  39. * - fixed_width: Fixed width flag
  40. * - align: Text alignment
  41. * - line_spacing: Line spacing in px
  42. * - case_format: Text format conversion
  43. * - effect: The effect information, including:
  44. * - id: The effect identifier.
  45. * - label: The effect name.
  46. * - description: The effect description.
  47. *
  48. * @ingroup themeable
  49. */
  50. #}
  51. {% apply spaceless %}
  52. - {{ 'Font'|t }}: {{ }} - {{ 'Size'|t }}: {{ data.font.size }}
  53. {% if data.font.angle %}
  54. - {{ 'Rotate'|t }}: {{ data.font.angle }}°
  55. {% endif %}
  56. - {{ 'Color'|t }}: {{ data.font_color_detail }}
  57. {% if data.stroke_mode %}
  58. - {{ data.stroke_mode }}: {{ data.stroke_color_detail }}
  59. {% endif %}
  60. {% if data.background_color_detail %}
  61. - {{ 'Background color'|t }}: {{ data.background_color_detail }}
  62. {% endif %}
  63. {% endapply %}