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public static function ImageEffectsColor::processImageEffectsColor in Image Effects 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Element/ImageEffectsColor.php \Drupal\image_effects\Element\ImageEffectsColor::processImageEffectsColor()
  2. 8.2 src/Element/ImageEffectsColor.php \Drupal\image_effects\Element\ImageEffectsColor::processImageEffectsColor()

Processes a 'image_effects_color' form element.


array $element: The form element to process. Properties used: '#allow_null' - if set to TRUE, a checkbox is displayed to set the color as a full transparency, In this case, color hex and opacity are hidden, and the value returned is NULL. '#allow_opacity' - if set to TRUE, a textfield is displayed to capture the 'opacity' value, as a percentage.

\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state: The current state of the form.

array $complete_form: The complete form structure.

Return value

array The processed element.


src/Element/ImageEffectsColor.php, line 85


Implements a form element to enable capturing color information.




public static function processImageEffectsColor(array &$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, array &$complete_form) {

  // Make sure element properties are set.
  $element += [
    '#allow_null' => FALSE,
    '#allow_opacity' => FALSE,
    '#description' => NULL,
    '#states' => NULL,
    '#title' => t('Color'),
    '#checkbox_title' => t('Transparent'),

  // In case default value is transparent, set hex and opacity to default
  // values (white, fully opaque) so that if transparency is unchecked,
  // we have a starting value.
  $transparent = empty($element['#default_value']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
  $hex = $transparent ? '#FFFFFF' : Unicode::substr($element['#default_value'], 0, 7);
  $opacity = $transparent ? 100 : ColorUtility::rgbaToOpacity($element['#default_value']);
  $colorPlugin = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.image_effects.color_selector')
  if ($element['#allow_null'] || $element['#allow_opacity']) {

    // More sub-fields are needed to define the color, wrap them in a
    // container fieldset.
    $element['container'] = [
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#description' => $element['#description'],
      '#title' => $element['#title'],
      '#states' => $element['#states'],

    // Checkbox for transparency.
    if ($element['#allow_null']) {
      $element['container']['transparent'] = [
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => $element['#checkbox_title'],
        '#default_value' => $transparent,

    // Color field.
    $element['container']['hex'] = $colorPlugin
      '#default_value' => $hex,

    // States management for color field.
    $element['container']['hex']['#states'] = [
      'visible' => [
        ':input[name="' . $element['#name'] . '[container][transparent]"]' => [
          'checked' => FALSE,

    // Textfield for opacity.
    if ($element['#allow_opacity']) {
      $element['container']['opacity'] = [
        '#type' => 'number',
        '#title' => t('Opacity'),
        '#default_value' => $opacity,
        '#maxlength' => 3,
        '#size' => 2,
        '#field_suffix' => '%',
        '#min' => 0,
        '#max' => 100,
        '#states' => [
          'visible' => [
            ':input[name="' . $element['#name'] . '[container][transparent]"]' => [
              'checked' => FALSE,
  else {

    // No transparency or opacity, straight color field.
    $options = $element;
    $options['#default_value'] = $hex;
    $element['hex'] = $colorPlugin
  unset($element['#description'], $element['#title']);
  return $element;