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image_effects.schema.yml in Image Effects 8



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  1. # image_effects module schema
  2. # Schema for module settings.
  3. image_effects.settings:
  4. type: config_object
  5. label: 'Image Effects settings'
  6. mapping:
  7. color_selector:
  8. type: mapping
  9. label: 'Color selector plugin'
  10. mapping:
  11. plugin_id:
  12. type: string
  13. label: 'Selected plugin id'
  14. plugin_settings:
  15. type: sequence
  16. label: 'Plugin settings'
  17. sequence:
  18. type: image_effects.plugin.color_selector.[%key]
  19. image_selector:
  20. type: mapping
  21. label: 'Image selector plugin'
  22. mapping:
  23. plugin_id:
  24. type: string
  25. label: 'Selected plugin id'
  26. plugin_settings:
  27. type: sequence
  28. label: 'Plugins settings'
  29. sequence:
  30. type: image_effects.plugin.image_selector.[%key]
  31. font_selector:
  32. type: mapping
  33. label: 'Font selector plugin'
  34. mapping:
  35. plugin_id:
  36. type: string
  37. label: 'Selected plugin id'
  38. plugin_settings:
  39. type: sequence
  40. label: 'Plugins settings'
  41. sequence:
  42. type: image_effects.plugin.font_selector.[%key]
  43. # Schema for image_effects plugins settings.
  44. image_effects.plugin.color_selector.*:
  45. type: mapping
  46. label: 'Color selector plugin settings'
  47. image_effects.plugin.color_selector.html_color:
  48. type: mapping
  49. label: 'HTML color element'
  50. image_effects.plugin.color_selector.farbtastic:
  51. type: mapping
  52. label: 'Farbtastic color picker'
  53. image_effects.plugin.image_selector.*:
  54. type: mapping
  55. label: 'Image selector plugin settings'
  56. image_effects.plugin.image_selector.basic:
  57. type: mapping
  58. label: 'Basic'
  59. image_effects.plugin.image_selector.dropdown:
  60. type: mapping
  61. label: 'Dropdown'
  62. mapping:
  63. path:
  64. type: string
  65. label: 'Path where image files can be found'
  66. image_effects.plugin.font_selector.*:
  67. type: mapping
  68. label: 'Font selector plugin settings'
  69. image_effects.plugin.font_selector.basic:
  70. type: mapping
  71. label: 'Basic'
  72. image_effects.plugin.font_selector.dropdown:
  73. type: mapping
  74. label: 'Dropdown'
  75. mapping:
  76. path:
  77. type: string
  78. label: 'Path where font files can be found'
  79. # Image effects settings
  80. image.effect.image_effects_auto_orient:
  81. type: mapping
  82. label: 'Automatically correct orientation'
  83. mapping:
  84. scan_exif:
  85. type: boolean
  86. label: 'Scan EXIF data when calculating styled image dimensions'
  87. image.effect.image_effects_background:
  88. type: mapping
  89. label: 'Background image effect'
  90. mapping:
  91. background_image:
  92. type: string
  93. label: 'Background image path'
  94. background_image_width:
  95. type: string
  96. label: 'Background image width in px'
  97. background_image_height:
  98. type: string
  99. label: 'Background image height in px'
  100. placement:
  101. type: string
  102. label: 'Position of the source image on the background image'
  103. x_offset:
  104. type: integer
  105. label: 'X offset of the source image vs placement'
  106. y_offset:
  107. type: integer
  108. label: 'Y offset of the source image vs placement'
  109. opacity:
  110. type: integer
  111. label: 'Opacity of the source image'
  112. image.effect.image_effects_brightness:
  113. type: mapping
  114. label: 'Adjust image brightness'
  115. mapping:
  116. level:
  117. type: integer
  118. label: 'Level'
  119. image.effect.image_effects_color_shift:
  120. type: mapping
  121. label: 'Shift image colors'
  122. mapping:
  123. RGB:
  124. type: string
  125. label: 'RGB color shift'
  126. image.effect.image_effects_contrast:
  127. type: mapping
  128. label: 'Adjust image contrast'
  129. mapping:
  130. level:
  131. type: integer
  132. label: 'Level'
  133. image.effect.image_effects_gaussian_blur:
  134. type: mapping
  135. label: 'Blur the image with a Gaussian operator'
  136. mapping:
  137. radius:
  138. type: integer
  139. label: 'Radius'
  140. sigma:
  141. type: float
  142. label: 'Sigma'
  143. image.effect.image_effects_imagemagick_arguments:
  144. type: mapping
  145. label: 'Directly enter ImageMagick command line arguments'
  146. mapping:
  147. command_line:
  148. type: text
  149. label: 'Command line arguments'
  150. dimensions_method:
  151. type: string
  152. label: 'Method for determining dimensions'
  153. width:
  154. type: string
  155. label: 'Width in px or %'
  156. height:
  157. type: string
  158. label: 'Height in px or %'
  159. # The image invert effect has no settings.
  160. image.effect.image_effects_invert:
  161. type: sequence
  162. image.effect.image_effects_mask:
  163. type: mapping
  164. label: 'Apply a mask to the image'
  165. mapping:
  166. mask_image:
  167. type: string
  168. label: 'Mask image path'
  169. mask_width:
  170. type: string
  171. label: 'Mask image horizontal resizing'
  172. mask_height:
  173. type: string
  174. label: 'Mask image vertical resizing'
  175. placement:
  176. type: string
  177. label: 'Position of the mask image on the image'
  178. x_offset:
  179. type: string
  180. label: 'X offset of the mask image vs placement'
  181. y_offset:
  182. type: string
  183. label: 'Y offset of the mask image vs placement'
  184. image.effect.image_effects_mirror:
  185. type: mapping
  186. label: 'Mirror the image horizontally and/or vertically'
  187. mapping:
  188. x_axis:
  189. type: boolean
  190. label: 'Flop the source image horizontally'
  191. y_axis:
  192. type: boolean
  193. label: 'Flip the source image vertically'
  194. image.effect.image_effects_opacity:
  195. type: mapping
  196. label: 'Adjust image transparency level'
  197. mapping:
  198. opacity:
  199. type: integer
  200. label: 'Opacity % of the source image'
  201. image.effect.image_effects_resize_percentage:
  202. type: mapping
  203. label: 'Resize based on percentage'
  204. mapping:
  205. width:
  206. type: string
  207. label: 'Width in px or %'
  208. height:
  209. type: string
  210. label: 'Height in px or %'
  211. image.effect.image_effects_scale_and_smart_crop:
  212. type: mapping
  213. label: 'Similar to Scale and Crop, but preserves the portion of the image with the most entropy.'
  214. mapping:
  215. width:
  216. type: string
  217. label: 'Width in px or %'
  218. height:
  219. type: string
  220. label: 'Height in px or %'
  221. upscale:
  222. type: boolean
  223. label: 'Upscale'
  224. simulate:
  225. type: boolean
  226. label: 'Simulate'
  227. algorithm:
  228. type: string
  229. label: 'Calculation algorithm'
  230. image.effect.image_effects_set_canvas:
  231. type: mapping
  232. label: 'Set canvas image effect'
  233. mapping:
  234. canvas_size:
  235. type: string
  236. label: 'Canvas sizing, exact or relative'
  237. canvas_color:
  238. type: string
  239. label: 'RGBA color of the canvas'
  240. exact:
  241. type: mapping
  242. mapping:
  243. width:
  244. type: string
  245. label: 'Exact width in px'
  246. height:
  247. type: string
  248. label: 'Exact height in px'
  249. placement:
  250. type: string
  251. label: 'Position of the source image on the canvas'
  252. x_offset:
  253. type: integer
  254. label: 'x offset vs placement'
  255. y_offset:
  256. type: integer
  257. label: 'y offset vs placement'
  258. relative:
  259. type: mapping
  260. mapping:
  261. left:
  262. type: integer
  263. label: 'Left margin in px'
  264. right:
  265. type: integer
  266. label: 'Right margin in px'
  267. top:
  268. type: integer
  269. label: 'Top margin in px'
  270. bottom:
  271. type: integer
  272. label: 'Bottom margin in px'
  273. image.effect.image_effects_set_transparent_color:
  274. type: mapping
  275. label: 'Set transparent color'
  276. mapping:
  277. transparent_color:
  278. type: string
  279. label: 'RGB color'
  280. image.effect.image_effects_smart_crop:
  281. type: mapping
  282. label: 'Similar to Crop, but preserves the portion of the image with the most entropy.'
  283. mapping:
  284. width:
  285. type: string
  286. label: 'Width in px or %'
  287. height:
  288. type: string
  289. label: 'Height in px or %'
  290. square:
  291. type: boolean
  292. label: 'Make width/height the same if one dimension is not specified'
  293. simulate:
  294. type: boolean
  295. label: 'Simulate'
  296. algorithm:
  297. type: string
  298. label: 'Calculation algorithm'
  299. # The strip metadata effect has no settings.
  300. image.effect.image_effects_strip_metadata:
  301. type: sequence
  302. image.effect.image_effects_text_overlay:
  303. type: mapping
  304. label: 'Text overlay effect'
  305. mapping:
  306. text_string:
  307. type: text
  308. label: 'Text associated with this effect, can include tokens'
  309. font:
  310. type: mapping
  311. mapping:
  312. name:
  313. type: string
  314. label: 'Font name'
  315. uri:
  316. type: string
  317. label: 'Font file URI'
  318. size:
  319. type: integer
  320. label: 'Font size'
  321. angle:
  322. type: integer
  323. label: 'Font orientation'
  324. color:
  325. type: color_hex
  326. label: 'Font color'
  327. stroke_mode:
  328. type: string
  329. label: 'Type of stroke (outline/shadow)'
  330. stroke_color:
  331. type: color_hex
  332. label: 'Color of the stroke'
  333. outline_top:
  334. type: integer
  335. label: 'Outline px on the top'
  336. outline_right:
  337. type: integer
  338. label: 'Outline px on the right'
  339. outline_bottom:
  340. type: integer
  341. label: 'Outline px on the bottom'
  342. outline_left:
  343. type: integer
  344. label: 'Outline px on the left'
  345. shadow_x_offset:
  346. type: integer
  347. label: 'Shadow horizontal offset in px'
  348. shadow_y_offset:
  349. type: integer
  350. label: 'Shadow vertical offset in px'
  351. shadow_width:
  352. type: integer
  353. label: 'Shadow width in px'
  354. shadow_height:
  355. type: integer
  356. label: 'Shadow height in px'
  357. layout:
  358. type: mapping
  359. mapping:
  360. padding_top:
  361. type: integer
  362. label: 'Padding top in px'
  363. padding_right:
  364. type: integer
  365. label: 'Padding right in px'
  366. padding_bottom:
  367. type: integer
  368. label: 'Padding bottom in px'
  369. padding_left:
  370. type: integer
  371. label: 'Padding left in px'
  372. x_pos:
  373. type: string
  374. label: 'Placement on canvas, horizontal'
  375. y_pos:
  376. type: string
  377. label: 'Placement on canvas, vertical'
  378. x_offset:
  379. type: integer
  380. label: 'Placement on canvas, horizontal, offset'
  381. y_offset:
  382. type: integer
  383. label: 'Placement on canvas, vertical, offset'
  384. background_color:
  385. type: color_hex
  386. label: 'Color of bounding box'
  387. overflow_action:
  388. type: string
  389. label: 'Action when text wrapper overflows canvas'
  390. extended_color:
  391. type: color_hex
  392. label: 'Color to be used when extending the underlying image'
  393. text:
  394. type: mapping
  395. mapping:
  396. strip_tags:
  397. type: boolean
  398. label: 'Strip HTML tags'
  399. decode_entities:
  400. type: boolean
  401. label: 'Decode HTML entities'
  402. maximum_chars:
  403. type: integer
  404. label: 'Maximum characters threshold'
  405. excess_chars_text:
  406. type: text
  407. label: 'Text to append at the end of the trimmed text string when it exceeded maximum characters threshold'
  408. maximum_width:
  409. type: integer
  410. label: 'Maximum width in px'
  411. fixed_width:
  412. type: boolean
  413. label: 'Fixed width flag'
  414. align:
  415. type: string
  416. label: 'Text alignment'
  417. line_spacing:
  418. type: integer
  419. label: 'Line spacing in px'
  420. case_format:
  421. type: string
  422. label: 'Text format conversion'
  423. image.effect.image_effects_watermark:
  424. type: mapping
  425. label: 'Watermark image effect'
  426. mapping:
  427. watermark_image:
  428. type: string
  429. label: 'Watermark image path'
  430. watermark_width:
  431. type: string
  432. label: 'Watermark image horizontal resizing'
  433. watermark_height:
  434. type: string
  435. label: 'Watermark image vertical resizing'
  436. placement:
  437. type: string
  438. label: 'Position of the watermark image on the canvas'
  439. x_offset:
  440. type: string
  441. label: 'X offset of the watermark image vs placement'
  442. y_offset:
  443. type: string
  444. label: 'Y offset of the watermark image vs placement'
  445. opacity:
  446. type: integer
  447. label: 'opacity'
  448. image.effect.image_effects_convolution:
  449. type: mapping
  450. label: 'Filter image using convolution'
  451. mapping:
  452. kernel:
  453. type: sequence
  454. label: 'Kernel'
  455. sequence:
  456. type: sequence
  457. label: 'Row'
  458. sequence:
  459. type: integer
  460. label: 'Column'
  461. divisor:
  462. type: integer
  463. label: 'Divisor'
  464. offset:
  465. type: integer
  466. label: 'Offset'
  467. label:
  468. type: string
  469. label: 'Label'
  470. image.effect.image_effects_convolution_sharpen:
  471. type: mapping
  472. label: 'Sharpen image using convolution'
  473. mapping:
  474. level:
  475. type: integer
  476. label: 'Level'
  477. image.effect.image_effects_interlace:
  478. type: mapping
  479. label: 'Adjust interlace type'
  480. mapping:
  481. type:
  482. type: string
  483. label: 'Type'
  484. image.effect.image_effects_aspect_switcher:
  485. type: mapping
  486. label: 'Allows to choose image styles to apply based on orientation (portrait or landscape)'
  487. mapping:
  488. landscape_image_style:
  489. type: string
  490. label: 'Image style machine_name for landscape orientation'
  491. portrait_image_style:
  492. type: string
  493. label: 'Image style machine_name for portrait orientation'
  494. ratio_adjustment:
  495. type: float
  496. label: 'This allows you to bend the rules for how different the proportions need to be to trigger the switch'