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14 calls to image_get_sizes() in Image 5

image_admin_settings in ./image.module
Admin settings callback.
image_attach_block in contrib/image_attach/image_attach.module
Implementation of hook_block().
image_attach_form_alter in contrib/image_attach/image_attach.module
implementation of hook_form_alter()
image_create_node_from in ./image.module
Function to other modules to use to create image nodes.
image_form in ./image.module
Implementation of hook_form
image_get_derivative_sizes in ./image.module
Determine which sizes of derivative images need to be built for this image.
image_link in ./image.module
Implementation of hook_link.
image_load in ./image.module
Implementation of hook_load
image_prepare in ./image.module
Implementation of hook_prepare().
image_settings_sizes_submit in ./image.module
Make changes to the settings before passing them off to system_settings_form_submit().
image_view in ./image.module
Implementation of hook_view
theme_image_gallery in contrib/image_gallery/image_gallery.module
Theme a gallery page
_image_build_derivatives in ./image.module
Generate image derivatives.
_image_get_sizes in ./image.module
Helper function to preserve backwards compatibility. This has been deprecated in favor of image_get_sizes().