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11 calls to image_display() in Image 6

image_attach_form_alter in contrib/image_attach/image_attach.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
image_form_add_thumbnail in ./image.module
image_gallery_handler_field_gallery_cover_thumbnail::render in contrib/image_gallery/views/
Returns field html.
image_handler_field_image_node_image::render_html in views/
Return image html, using image_load() and image_display().
theme_image_attach_attached_images in contrib/image_attach/image_attach.module
Generic theme function for any set of attached images.
theme_image_block_latest in ./image.module
Theme a latest block
theme_image_block_random in ./image.module
Theme a random block
theme_image_body in ./image.module
Theme a body
theme_image_gallery in contrib/image_gallery/
Theme a gallery page
theme_image_gallery_img in contrib/image_gallery/
Theme a gallery image.
theme_image_teaser in ./image.module
Theme a teaser