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13 uses of IMAGE_ORIGINAL in Image 6

image_admin_settings_submit in ./
Form submit handler for image admin settings form.
image_admin_settings_validate in ./
Form validation handler for image admin settings form.
image_create_node_from in ./image.module
Function to other modules to use to create image nodes.
image_fetch in ./image.module
Fetches an image file, allows "shorthand" image urls such of the form: image/view/$nid/$label (e.g. image/view/25/thumbnail or image/view/14)
image_form_validate in ./image.module
image_gallery_page in contrib/image_gallery/
Image gallery callback, displays an image gallery
image_generate_nodeapi in contrib/image_generate/image_generate.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
image_get_derivative_sizes in ./image.module
Determine which sizes of derivative images need to be built for this image.
image_insert in ./image.module
Implementation of hook_insert().
image_update in ./image.module
Implementation of hook_update().
image_view in ./image.module
Implementation of hook_view
_image_filename in ./image.module
Creates an image filename.
_image_is_required_size in ./image.module
Is a given size a built-in, required size?