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CHANGELOG.txt in Image 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5.2 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 6 CHANGELOG.txt
Image x.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx

Image 7.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx

Image 6.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx
#868442 by sun, joachim: Code clean-up.
#741484 by joachim: Fixed missing t() on form text.
#705582 by joachim: Fixed image gallery default view showing unpublished nodes.
#412288 by joachim: Changed structure of theming functions for attached images.

Image 6.x-1.0-BETA5, 2010-01-16
#625666 by joachim: Added note about what happens when no image title is given.
#581174 by jonathan1055, joachim | skyredwang: Added ability to limit the number
  of attached images.
#680672 by joachim: Fixed mention of 'upload' when user can't create images.
#680644 by joachim: Cleaned up code in image attach's hook_form_alter().
by joachim: Added tests for image attach.
#580864 by joachim: Fixed new nodes not respecting the 'don't attach existing 
  images' setting.
#273426 by joachim: Added test for image thumbnails in teasers.
#575374 by joachim: Fixed image import allowing selection of too big images. 
#662252 by joachim: Changed description text in image attach form to be plural.

Image 6.x-1.0-BETA4, 2009-12-21
#659182 by jonathan1055, joachim: Fixed removal of first attached image on
  programmatic node save.
#232557 by joachim: Added thumbnails to list on image import page.
#630546 by jonathan1055: Fixed attached image not appearing in teaser preview.
#620234 by unjello: Fixed undefined variable in Views image attach handler.
#602740 by Vin7: Fixed theme function to take $form by value.
#592852 by joachim: Fixed SQL error when View attached images field is empty.
#579320 by joachim: Fixed link to node in attached images block.
#226121 by sp3boy: Fixed bad logic from previous patch to this issue.

Image 6.x-1.0-BETA3, 2009-09-13
#567630 by joachim: Fixed bad call to url() on image gallery settings page.
#544970 by joachim: Added image attach views relationships.
#571434 by joachim: Fixed views gallery count label showing for empty galleries.
#569526 by 2noame: Fixed mistaken commit to image.module from #569258.
by joachim: Changed image attach CCK label to plural.
by joachim: Removed obsolete hook_help module description key.
#561686 by roderik: Fixed VARCHAR in image attach database update.
#569766 by patryk: Fixed views module not loaded in image gallery update.
#561362 by joachim: Fixed attached image CCK weight not being used.

Image 6.x-1.0-BETA2, 2009-09-05
#564488 by joachim: Fixed missing variables in Views image gallery template.
#72579 by David Stosik: Added more granular permissions to image attach, and
  fixed attaching images when 'Attach existing images' is disabled.
#445074 by joachim: Added a theme function for the attached images block.
#569334 by joachim: Fixed security issue with attached images Views field.
by joachim: Added messages for update functions.
#569258 by alanburke: Changed name of Gallery display to 'Gallery page'.
#569198 by David Stosik: Fixed selecting <None> in image attach inserting a 0
  value into $node->iids. Update function cleans up any nonsense data this may 
  have created.
#565774 by alanburke: Fixed thickbox on galleries.
#561362 by David Stosik: Fixed attached image weights to hide if CCK present.
#357793 by joachim: Fixed update from 5 error due to old pre-5 {image} table.
#561832 by joachim: Fixed foreach on empty array in image attach node form.
#569138 by joachim: Moved image_attach_views_handlers() to inc file.
#567226 by joachim: Fixed attached images views field to handle multiple images.
#566642 by joachim: Fixed new default views not getting picked up by clearing
 the view cache on update.
#207557 by Ibn al-Hazardous: Fixed update errors due to duplicate data in 
  Drupal 5 files table.
#568734 by David Stosik: Fixed escaping in update_sql queries in updates.
#568078 by joachim: Moved gallery page code to a new
#568078 by joachim: Moved admin code to a new
#567170 by joachim: Fixed wrong link on attached images on teasers.
#566040 by joachim: Changed formatting of 'None' in the attach form.

Image 6.x-1.0-BETA1, 2009-09-02
#166145 by joachim: Fixed checking of image path on validation not form display.
#225014 by David Stosik: Added ability to import images into galleries 
  corresponding to the directory tree.
#226121 by joachim, sp3boy: Changed image derivative rebuilding so it doesn't 
  happen in admin and batch operations.
#564614 by joachim: Fixed un-t()'d image gallery count string.
#470720 by joachim: Fixed (again) Image Gallery vocabulary broken after 
  re-enabling the module.
#562810 by datune: Fixed error messages from updates on systems that don't have
  the primary keys or indexes present.
#563988 by joachim: Fixed missing paging in image gallery default view.
#561686 by jandd: Fixed bad query in image_attach_update_6101().
#561854 by joachim: Fixed missing note about Views on gallery settings page. 

Image 6.x-1.0-ALPHA6, 2009-08-27
#405456 by joachim: Added views support for image gallery, including image
  gallery style plugin in image module.
#454290 by joachim: Added image size argument to views support.
#555840 by blakehall: Changed theme_image_display() to allow override passed 
  attributes to override alt and title.
#81102 by maulwuff, greg.harvey, sp3boy, et al: Changed image attach to allow
  attaching of multiple images.
#411568 by sp3boy: Fixed paths for derivatives to come from the original, 
  rather than default.
#426724 by joachim: Fixed image attach block not showing in block admin.
#226121 by joachim: Fixed derivative sizes should not be rebuilt in hook_load().
#44057 by sp3boy: Fixed tests broken by earlier #44057 commits.
#470720 by joachim, sun: Fixed Image Gallery vocabulary broken after re-enabling
  the module.
#374423 by joachim: Fixed image_create_node_from() not checking image filesize.
#44057 by sun: Fixed return values of image_access().
by joachim: Code clean-up in Image gallery module.
by joachim: Added PHPdoc headers to functions in Image gallery module.
#518804 by joachim: Fixed image_attach field not linking to attaching node
  or working with relationships.
#524646 by joachim: Changed hook_content_extra_fields() for Image Attach.
#44057 by pebosi: Changed permissions in Image module to match those in core.
#409974 by pebosi: Changed gallery permission from 'administer images' to 
  'administer image galleries'.
by joachim: Added PHPdoc headers to hooks in Image gallery module.
#539388 by joachim: Fixed lack of documentation in Image gallery module.
#543490 by joachim: Fixed wrong path in image_gallery_help().
#524646 by sun: Added hook_content_extra_fields() for Image Attach.
#360643 by Jose Reyero, sun: Added i18n support for sharing images between
#357488 by sun: Fixed gallery front image does not respect sort order.
#158805 by sun: Removed derivative image size rebuild messages.
#403044 by sun: Fixed PHP notice in image gallery when gallery is empty.

Image 6.x-1.0-ALPHA5, 2009-07-11
#496076 by pebosi: Removed unused database query in image_attach.
#458882 by sun: Fixed image nodes are promoted to front page by default.
#455768 by sun: Fixed image_get_sizes() called but not loaded in .install file.
#220295 by joachim: Added Views 2 support.
#368505 by joachim: Added exposure of Image field to CCK.
#228886 by joachim: Fixed missing CSS class on unpublished attached images.
#256195 by dman, sun: Added invocation of hook_file_metadata() to Image Import.
#362818 by sun: Fixed validation/submission of Image Import settings form.
#298702 by sp3boy, smk-ka, sun: Fixed image uploads are not properly validated.
#225024 by sun: Fixed filepaths not always prefixed with file_directory_path().
#185081 by sun: Fixed image_file_download tries to transfer non-existing files.
#357890 by Robbie Sternenberg: Added dynamic expansion of image preset
  configuration form to allow for more than 6 sizes.
#257743 by jandd, sun: Fixed upgrade error: Unknown column 'f.nid' query.
#361230 by justinrandell, sun: Fixed PHP notice if no original image exists.
#360170 by TwoD: Fixed hard-coded field name in Image attach views handler.
#243895 by Hetta: Fixed "selected file could not be copied" errors with
  ImageMagick on some platforms.
#196844 by Hetta, sun: Fixed Image module help text.
#363211 by sun: Fixed help for image import settings not displayed.
#390008 by joachim, sun: Fixed inconsistent node mass-operation title.
#338159 by sun: Fixed improper table aliases in db queries for db_rewrite_sql().
#298644 by smk-ka, sun: Updated tests for SimpleTest 2.x.
#247738 by sun: Removed unused image_submit() function.
#360691 by sun: Fixed image/image_attach table index creation errors when
  upgrading from 5.x-2.x.
#361874 by sun: Fixed Image Gallery uninstall fails if Taxonomy was disabled at
  the same time.
#220281 by sun: Fixed empty width/height attributes in image tags if image size
  detection failed.
#350511 by simon.males, sun: Added option to configure number of images for
  latest/random image blocks.
#280197 by sun: Fixed 'image_default_path' variable must not have a trailing
#299250 by sun: Changed file upload description in image form.
#346289 by sun: Fixed missing primary key and index on image_attach table.
#105739 by sun: Removed colors from default style for image gallery images.
#134395 by sun: Fixed default list bullet style for image gallery images.
#234983 by sun: Performance: Improved image_gallery_page().
#288378 by smk-ka, mustafau, sun: Added primary key and index to image table.
#70396 by bibo, sun: Fixed node image size links are not localized.
#310693 by sun: Updated image_access() for 6.x.
#351552 by hass, sun: Changed Image Gallery's form submit button to "Save".
#196823 by sun: Removed "Rebuild derivatives" option from node/add form.
#310391 by pcorbett, sun: Fixed SQL server/PostGreSQL support for Image Attach.
#309872 by brenda003, sun: Fixed link to Image Import settings page.
#247433 by greenmother: Added Russian translation.


View source
  1. Image x.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx
  2. ------------------------
  3. Image 7.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx
  4. -------------------------
  5. Image 6.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx
  6. -------------------------
  7. #868442 by sun, joachim: Code clean-up.
  8. #741484 by joachim: Fixed missing t() on form text.
  9. #705582 by joachim: Fixed image gallery default view showing unpublished nodes.
  10. #412288 by joachim: Changed structure of theming functions for attached images.
  11. Image 6.x-1.0-BETA5, 2010-01-16
  12. -------------------------------
  13. #625666 by joachim: Added note about what happens when no image title is given.
  14. #581174 by jonathan1055, joachim | skyredwang: Added ability to limit the number
  15. of attached images.
  16. #680672 by joachim: Fixed mention of 'upload' when user can't create images.
  17. #680644 by joachim: Cleaned up code in image attach's hook_form_alter().
  18. by joachim: Added tests for image attach.
  19. #580864 by joachim: Fixed new nodes not respecting the 'don't attach existing
  20. images' setting.
  21. #273426 by joachim: Added test for image thumbnails in teasers.
  22. #575374 by joachim: Fixed image import allowing selection of too big images.
  23. #662252 by joachim: Changed description text in image attach form to be plural.
  24. Image 6.x-1.0-BETA4, 2009-12-21
  25. -------------------------------
  26. #659182 by jonathan1055, joachim: Fixed removal of first attached image on
  27. programmatic node save.
  28. #232557 by joachim: Added thumbnails to list on image import page.
  29. #630546 by jonathan1055: Fixed attached image not appearing in teaser preview.
  30. #620234 by unjello: Fixed undefined variable in Views image attach handler.
  31. #602740 by Vin7: Fixed theme function to take $form by value.
  32. #592852 by joachim: Fixed SQL error when View attached images field is empty.
  33. #579320 by joachim: Fixed link to node in attached images block.
  34. #226121 by sp3boy: Fixed bad logic from previous patch to this issue.
  35. Image 6.x-1.0-BETA3, 2009-09-13
  36. -------------------------------
  37. #567630 by joachim: Fixed bad call to url() on image gallery settings page.
  38. #544970 by joachim: Added image attach views relationships.
  39. #571434 by joachim: Fixed views gallery count label showing for empty galleries.
  40. #569526 by 2noame: Fixed mistaken commit to image.module from #569258.
  41. by joachim: Changed image attach CCK label to plural.
  42. by joachim: Removed obsolete hook_help module description key.
  43. #561686 by roderik: Fixed VARCHAR in image attach database update.
  44. #569766 by patryk: Fixed views module not loaded in image gallery update.
  45. #561362 by joachim: Fixed attached image CCK weight not being used.
  46. Image 6.x-1.0-BETA2, 2009-09-05
  47. -------------------------------
  48. #564488 by joachim: Fixed missing variables in Views image gallery template.
  49. #72579 by David Stosik: Added more granular permissions to image attach, and
  50. fixed attaching images when 'Attach existing images' is disabled.
  51. #445074 by joachim: Added a theme function for the attached images block.
  52. #569334 by joachim: Fixed security issue with attached images Views field.
  53. by joachim: Added messages for update functions.
  54. #569258 by alanburke: Changed name of Gallery display to 'Gallery page'.
  55. #569198 by David Stosik: Fixed selecting in image attach inserting a 0
  56. value into $node->iids. Update function cleans up any nonsense data this may
  57. have created.
  58. #565774 by alanburke: Fixed thickbox on galleries.
  59. #561362 by David Stosik: Fixed attached image weights to hide if CCK present.
  60. #357793 by joachim: Fixed update from 5 error due to old pre-5 {image} table.
  61. #561832 by joachim: Fixed foreach on empty array in image attach node form.
  62. #569138 by joachim: Moved image_attach_views_handlers() to inc file.
  63. #567226 by joachim: Fixed attached images views field to handle multiple images.
  64. #566642 by joachim: Fixed new default views not getting picked up by clearing
  65. the view cache on update.
  66. #207557 by Ibn al-Hazardous: Fixed update errors due to duplicate data in
  67. Drupal 5 files table.
  68. #568734 by David Stosik: Fixed escaping in update_sql queries in updates.
  69. #568078 by joachim: Moved gallery page code to a new
  70. #568078 by joachim: Moved admin code to a new
  71. #567170 by joachim: Fixed wrong link on attached images on teasers.
  72. #566040 by joachim: Changed formatting of 'None' in the attach form.
  73. Image 6.x-1.0-BETA1, 2009-09-02
  74. -------------------------------
  75. #166145 by joachim: Fixed checking of image path on validation not form display.
  76. #225014 by David Stosik: Added ability to import images into galleries
  77. corresponding to the directory tree.
  78. #226121 by joachim, sp3boy: Changed image derivative rebuilding so it doesn't
  79. happen in admin and batch operations.
  80. #564614 by joachim: Fixed un-t()'d image gallery count string.
  81. #470720 by joachim: Fixed (again) Image Gallery vocabulary broken after
  82. re-enabling the module.
  83. #562810 by datune: Fixed error messages from updates on systems that don't have
  84. the primary keys or indexes present.
  85. #563988 by joachim: Fixed missing paging in image gallery default view.
  86. #561686 by jandd: Fixed bad query in image_attach_update_6101().
  87. #561854 by joachim: Fixed missing note about Views on gallery settings page.
  88. Image 6.x-1.0-ALPHA6, 2009-08-27
  89. --------------------------------
  90. #405456 by joachim: Added views support for image gallery, including image
  91. gallery style plugin in image module.
  92. #454290 by joachim: Added image size argument to views support.
  93. #555840 by blakehall: Changed theme_image_display() to allow override passed
  94. attributes to override alt and title.
  95. #81102 by maulwuff, greg.harvey, sp3boy, et al: Changed image attach to allow
  96. attaching of multiple images.
  97. #411568 by sp3boy: Fixed paths for derivatives to come from the original,
  98. rather than default.
  99. #426724 by joachim: Fixed image attach block not showing in block admin.
  100. #226121 by joachim: Fixed derivative sizes should not be rebuilt in hook_load().
  101. #44057 by sp3boy: Fixed tests broken by earlier #44057 commits.
  102. #470720 by joachim, sun: Fixed Image Gallery vocabulary broken after re-enabling
  103. the module.
  104. #374423 by joachim: Fixed image_create_node_from() not checking image filesize.
  105. #44057 by sun: Fixed return values of image_access().
  106. by joachim: Code clean-up in Image gallery module.
  107. by joachim: Added PHPdoc headers to functions in Image gallery module.
  108. #518804 by joachim: Fixed image_attach field not linking to attaching node
  109. or working with relationships.
  110. #524646 by joachim: Changed hook_content_extra_fields() for Image Attach.
  111. #44057 by pebosi: Changed permissions in Image module to match those in core.
  112. #409974 by pebosi: Changed gallery permission from 'administer images' to
  113. 'administer image galleries'.
  114. by joachim: Added PHPdoc headers to hooks in Image gallery module.
  115. #539388 by joachim: Fixed lack of documentation in Image gallery module.
  116. #543490 by joachim: Fixed wrong path in image_gallery_help().
  117. #524646 by sun: Added hook_content_extra_fields() for Image Attach.
  118. #360643 by Jose Reyero, sun: Added i18n support for sharing images between
  119. translations.
  120. #357488 by sun: Fixed gallery front image does not respect sort order.
  121. #158805 by sun: Removed derivative image size rebuild messages.
  122. #403044 by sun: Fixed PHP notice in image gallery when gallery is empty.
  123. Image 6.x-1.0-ALPHA5, 2009-07-11
  124. --------------------------------
  125. #496076 by pebosi: Removed unused database query in image_attach.
  126. #458882 by sun: Fixed image nodes are promoted to front page by default.
  127. #455768 by sun: Fixed image_get_sizes() called but not loaded in .install file.
  128. #220295 by joachim: Added Views 2 support.
  129. #368505 by joachim: Added exposure of Image field to CCK.
  130. #228886 by joachim: Fixed missing CSS class on unpublished attached images.
  131. #256195 by dman, sun: Added invocation of hook_file_metadata() to Image Import.
  132. #362818 by sun: Fixed validation/submission of Image Import settings form.
  133. #298702 by sp3boy, smk-ka, sun: Fixed image uploads are not properly validated.
  134. #225024 by sun: Fixed filepaths not always prefixed with file_directory_path().
  135. #185081 by sun: Fixed image_file_download tries to transfer non-existing files.
  136. #357890 by Robbie Sternenberg: Added dynamic expansion of image preset
  137. configuration form to allow for more than 6 sizes.
  138. #257743 by jandd, sun: Fixed upgrade error: Unknown column 'f.nid' query.
  139. #361230 by justinrandell, sun: Fixed PHP notice if no original image exists.
  140. #360170 by TwoD: Fixed hard-coded field name in Image attach views handler.
  141. #243895 by Hetta: Fixed "selected file could not be copied" errors with
  142. ImageMagick on some platforms.
  143. #196844 by Hetta, sun: Fixed Image module help text.
  144. #363211 by sun: Fixed help for image import settings not displayed.
  145. #390008 by joachim, sun: Fixed inconsistent node mass-operation title.
  146. #338159 by sun: Fixed improper table aliases in db queries for db_rewrite_sql().
  147. #298644 by smk-ka, sun: Updated tests for SimpleTest 2.x.
  148. #247738 by sun: Removed unused image_submit() function.
  149. #360691 by sun: Fixed image/image_attach table index creation errors when
  150. upgrading from 5.x-2.x.
  151. #361874 by sun: Fixed Image Gallery uninstall fails if Taxonomy was disabled at
  152. the same time.
  153. #220281 by sun: Fixed empty width/height attributes in image tags if image size
  154. detection failed.
  155. #350511 by simon.males, sun: Added option to configure number of images for
  156. latest/random image blocks.
  157. #280197 by sun: Fixed 'image_default_path' variable must not have a trailing
  158. slash.
  159. #299250 by sun: Changed file upload description in image form.
  160. #346289 by sun: Fixed missing primary key and index on image_attach table.
  161. #105739 by sun: Removed colors from default style for image gallery images.
  162. #134395 by sun: Fixed default list bullet style for image gallery images.
  163. #234983 by sun: Performance: Improved image_gallery_page().
  164. #288378 by smk-ka, mustafau, sun: Added primary key and index to image table.
  165. #70396 by bibo, sun: Fixed node image size links are not localized.
  166. #310693 by sun: Updated image_access() for 6.x.
  167. #351552 by hass, sun: Changed Image Gallery's form submit button to "Save".
  168. #196823 by sun: Removed "Rebuild derivatives" option from node/add form.
  169. #310391 by pcorbett, sun: Fixed SQL server/PostGreSQL support for Image Attach.
  170. #309872 by brenda003, sun: Fixed link to Image Import settings page.
  171. #247433 by greenmother: Added Russian translation.