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Functions in Icon API 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
icon_render_hooks ./icon.module Returns information about icons render hooks. 3 2
icon_reset_static_cache includes/ Clears all static caches used by the icon module. 1
icon_schema ./icon.install Implements hook_schema().
icon_set_module_weight ./icon.install Set module weight. 1
icon_theme includes/ Implements hook_theme().
icon_themes_disabled includes/ Implements hook_themes_disabled().
icon_themes_enabled includes/ Implements hook_themes_disabled().
icon_wrapper_options ./icon.module Provides the list of permitted wrapper options. 3
template_preprocess_icon includes/ Implements hook_preprocess_icon().
theme_icon includes/ Theming responsibility is always passed to the bundle provider.
theme_icon_bundle_overview_form includes/ Theme implementation for 'icon_bundle_overview_form'.
theme_icon_image includes/ Implements theme_icon_RENDER_HOOK().
theme_icon_RENDER_HOOK ./icon.api.php Implements theme_icon_RENDER_HOOK().
theme_icon_sprite includes/ Implements theme_icon_RENDER_HOOK().
_icon_field_get_bundle_options modules/icon_field/ Get the bundle options form options. 2
_icon_filter modules/icon_filter/icon_filter.module Process callback for icon filter. 1
_icon_filter_tips modules/icon_filter/icon_filter.module Tips callback for icon filter. 1
_icon_menu_form_alter modules/icon_menu/icon_menu.module Add the icon configuration to a menu item edit form. 2
_icon_selector_element_info ./icon.api.php Implements the icon_selector input element.
_icon_states_selector includes/ Generates a #states selector to be used.


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