17 calls to i18ntaxonomy_vocabulary() in Internationalization 6
- i18ntaxonomy_autocomplete in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.pages.inc - Helper function for autocompletion.
- i18ntaxonomy_form_all_localize in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Localize a taxonomy_form_all() kind of control
- i18ntaxonomy_form_alter in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Implementation of hook_form_alter().
- i18ntaxonomy_help in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Implementation of hook_help().
- i18ntaxonomy_locale_refresh in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Refresh strings.
- i18ntaxonomy_localize_terms in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Localize taxonomy terms for localizable vocabularies.
- i18ntaxonomy_nodeapi in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
- i18ntaxonomy_node_form in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Handle node form taxonomy.
- i18ntaxonomy_preprocess_forums in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Translate forum page.
- i18ntaxonomy_preprocess_forum_list in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Translate forums list.
- i18ntaxonomy_taxonomy in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
- i18ntaxonomy_token_values in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Implementation of hook_token_values().
- i18ntaxonomy_translate_terms in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Translate an array of taxonomy terms.
- i18ntaxonomy_translate_term_name in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Translate term name
- i18n_Taxonomy_Test::testTaxonomyTranslationAPI in tests/
i18n_taxonomy.test - theme_i18ntaxonomy_term_page in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.pages.inc - Render a taxonomy term page HTML output.
- _i18ntaxonomy_translation_tab in i18ntaxonomy/
i18ntaxonomy.module - Menu access callback. Show tab only for full multilingual vocabularies.