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8 calls to i18nstrings_remove_string() in Internationalization 6

i18nblocks_block_delete_submit in i18nblocks/i18nblocks.module
Remove strings for deleted custom blocks.
i18nprofile_field_delete_submit in i18nprofile/i18nprofile.module
Delte field profile related strings
i18nstrings_add_string in i18nstrings/i18nstrings.module
Add source string to the locale tables for translation.
i18nstrings_remove in i18nstrings/i18nstrings.module
Remove source and translations for user defined string.
i18nstrings_update in i18nstrings/i18nstrings.module
Update / create translation source for user defined strings.
i18nstrings_update_string in i18nstrings/i18nstrings.module
Update / create / remove string.
i18ntaxonomy_taxonomy in i18ntaxonomy/i18ntaxonomy.module
Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
_i18nmenu_delete_item in i18nmenu/i18nmenu.module
Delete a menu item translation.