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9 calls to i18nstrings_get_source() in Internationalization 6

Drupali18nTestCase::i18nstringsSaveTranslation in tests/drupal_i18n_test_case.php
Translate one string into the db
i18ncontent_node_help_source in i18ncontent/i18ncontent.module
Fetch default source for node type help
i18nstrings_add_l10n_client in i18nstrings/i18nstrings.module
Add string to l10n strings if enabled and allowed for this string
i18nstrings_add_string in i18nstrings/i18nstrings.module
Add source string to the locale tables for translation.
i18nstrings_remove_string in i18nstrings/i18nstrings.module
Remove string for a given context.
i18nstrings_remove_translation in i18nstrings/i18nstrings.module
Remove a string translation for a given context and language.
i18nstrings_update_translation in i18nstrings/i18nstrings.module
Update string translation.
i18n_Blocks_Test::testBlockTranslation in tests/i18n_blocks.test
i18n_Strings_Test::stringSaveTranslation in tests/i18n_strings.test
Translate one string into the db