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public function i18n_string_textgroup_default::multiple_translate in Internationalization 7

Translate array of source strings


$context: Context array with placeholders (*)

$strings: Optional array of source strings indexed by the placeholder property

Return value

array Array of string objects (with translation) indexed by the placeholder field


i18n_string/, line 1031
API for internationalization strings


Textgroup handler for i18n_string API


public function multiple_translate($context, $strings = array(), $options = array()) {

  // First, build conditions and identify the variable field
  $search = $context = array_combine(array(
  ), $context);
  $langcode = isset($options['langcode']) ? $options['langcode'] : i18n_langcode();

  // If we've got keyed source strings set the array of keys on the placeholder field
  // or if not, remove that condition so we search all strings with that keys.
  foreach ($search as $field => $value) {
    if ($value === '*') {
      $property = $field;
      if ($strings) {
        $search[$field] = array_keys($strings);

  // Now we'll add the language code to conditions and get the translations indexed by the property field
  $result = $this
    ->multiple_translation_search($search, $langcode);

  // Remap translations using property field. If we've got strings it is important that they are in the same order.
  $translations = $strings;
  foreach ($result as $key => $i18nstring) {
    $translations[$i18nstring->{$property}] = $i18nstring;

  // Set strings as source or create
  foreach ($strings as $key => $source) {
    if (isset($translations[$key]) && is_object($translations[$key])) {
    else {

      // Not found any string for this property, create it to map in the response
      // But make sure we set this language's translation to FALSE so we don't search again
      $newcontext = $context;
      $newcontext[$property] = $key;
      $translations[$key] = $this
        ->set_translation(FALSE, $langcode);
  return $translations;