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public function i18n_string_object_wrapper::get_properties in Internationalization 7

Get object translatable properties

This will return a big array indexed by textgroup, object type, object id and string key. Each element is an array with string information, and may have these properties:

  • 'string', the string itself, will be NULL if the object doesn't have that string
  • 'format', string format when needed
  • 'title', string readable name
1 call to i18n_string_object_wrapper::get_properties()
i18n_string_object_wrapper::get_strings in i18n_string/
Get object strings for translation


i18n_string/, line 1154
API for internationalization strings


String object wrapper


public function get_properties() {
  if (!isset($this->properties)) {
    $this->properties = $this

    // Call hook_i18n_string_list_TEXTGROUP_alter(), last chance for modules
    drupal_alter('i18n_string_list_' . $this
      ->get_textgroup(), $this->properties, $this->type, $this->object);
  return $this->properties;