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function Drupali18nTestCase::createStringTranslation in Internationalization 7

Create translation for string in textgroup


$translations: Optional array of langcode => translation. If not present, it will be generated.

8 calls to Drupali18nTestCase::createStringTranslation()
i18nBlocksTestCase::i18nTranslateBlock in i18n_block/i18n_block.test
Translate block fields to all languages
i18nBlocksTestCase::testBlockTranslation in i18n_block/i18n_block.test
i18nFieldTestCase::testListFieldTranslation in i18n_field/i18n_field.test
Test the translation of list fields, including allowed values.
i18nFieldTestCase::testTextFieldTranslation in i18n_field/i18n_field.test
Test the translation of text fields, including default values.
i18nMenuTestCase::testNodeMenuItems in i18n_menu/i18n_menu.test
Test menu items for nodes.

... See full list


./i18n.test, line 314
Base class for Internationalization tests


@file Base class for Internationalization tests


function createStringTranslation($textgroup, $name, $translations = NULL) {

  // Generate translations if not found, they will be the same length as source string
  if (!$translations) {
    $length = strlen($name);
    foreach ($this
      ->getOtherLanguages() as $language) {
      $translations[$language->language] = $this

  // This is the language indicator on the translation search screen for
  // untranslated strings. Copied straight from
  $language_indicator = "<em class=\"locale-untranslated\">";

  // Search for the name and translate it.
  $search = array(
    'string' => $name,
    'language' => 'all',
    'translation' => 'all',
    'group' => $textgroup,
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/translate/translate', $search, t('Filter'));

  // assertText() seems to remove the input field where $name always could be
  // found, so this is not a false assert. See how assertNoText succeeds
  // later.
    ->assertText(check_plain($name), t('Search found the name.'));
    ->assertRaw($language_indicator, t('Name is untranslated.'));

  // Assume this is the only result, given the random name.

  // We save the lid from the path.
  $matches = array();
  preg_match('!admin/config/regional/translate/edit/(\\d+)!', $this
    ->getUrl(), $matches);
  $lid = $matches[1];

  // No t() here, it's surely not translated yet.
    ->assertText(check_plain($name), t('name found on edit screen.'));
  foreach ($translations as $langcode => $translation) {
    $edit["translations[{$langcode}]"] = $translation;
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save translations'));
    ->assertText(t('The string has been saved.'), t('The string has been saved.'));
    ->getUrl(), url('admin/config/regional/translate/translate', array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
  )), t('Correct page redirection.'));
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/translate/translate', $search, t('Filter'));

  // The indicator should not be here.
    ->assertNoRaw($language_indicator, t('String is translated.'));
  return $translations;