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7 string references to 'i18n_select' in Internationalization 7

i18nForumTestCase::setUp in i18n_forum/i18n_forum.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
I18NSelectAdminViewsAjax::setUp in i18n_select/i18n_select.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
i18nSelectTestCase::setUp in i18n_select/i18n_select.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
i18n_select_check_query in i18n_select/i18n_select.module
Check whether we should apply language conditions here:
i18n_select_query_node_access_alter in i18n_select/i18n_select.module
Implementation of hook_query_node_access_alter().
i18n_select_query_term_access_alter in i18n_select/i18n_select.module
Implementation of hook_query_term_access_alter().
_i18n_taxonomy_autocomplete in i18n_taxonomy/
Helper function for autocompletion