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7 calls to i18n_select() in Internationalization 7

i18n_menu_parent_options in i18n_menu/
Return a list of menu items that are valid possible parents for the given menu item.
i18n_select_block_list_alter in i18n_select/i18n_select.module
Implements hook_block_list_alter().
i18n_select_init in i18n_select/i18n_select.module
Implements hook_init().
i18n_select_mode in i18n_select/i18n_select.module
Get current mode for i18n selection
i18n_sync_node_translation in i18n_sync/
Synchronizes fields for node translation.
i18n_translation_set::get_objects in i18n_translation/
Get translations as i18n objects, indexed by language
_i18n_node_references in i18n_node/
Find node title matches.