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10 calls to i18n_get_lang() in Internationalization 6

i18ntaxonomy_translation_term_tid in i18ntaxonomy/i18ntaxonomy.module
Get translated term's tid.
i18n_API_Tests::testBasicAPI in tests/i18n_api.test
i18n_db_rewrite_sql in ./i18n.module
Implementation of hook_db_rewrite_sql().
i18n_db_rewrite_where in ./i18n.module
Rewrites queries depending on rewriting mode.
i18n_user in ./i18n.module
Implementation of hook_user().
i18n_variable_del in ./i18n.module
Unset a persistent multilingual variable.
i18n_variable_form_submit in ./i18n.module
Save multilingual variables and remove them from form.
i18n_variable_init in ./i18n.module
Initialization of multilingual variables.
i18n_variable_set in ./i18n.module
Set a persistent language dependent variable.
_i18n_variable_exit in ./i18n.module
Save multilingual variables that may have been changed by other methods than settings pages.