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22 calls to i18n_get_lang() in Internationalization 5

i18nblocks_block in i18nblocks/i18nblocks.module
Implementation of hook_block()
i18nprofile_categories in i18nprofile/i18nprofile.module
Returns translated categories
i18nprofile_fields in i18nprofile/i18nprofile.module
Returns field translations
i18nprofile_view_profile in i18nprofile/i18nprofile.module
Show user profile with translated fields and categories
i18n_db_rewrite_where in ./i18n.module
Rewrites queries depending on rewriting mode
i18n_form_alter in ./i18n.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter
i18n_get_main_lang in ./i18n.module
Returns main language, two letter code
i18n_init in ./i18n.module
Implementation of hook_init()
i18n_language_rtl in ./i18n.module
Check whether language is RTL
i18n_nodeapi in ./i18n.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
i18n_url_rewrite in ./i18n.module
Rewrites path with current language and removes prefix if searching for source path
i18n_user in ./i18n.module
Implementation of hook_user()
i18n_variable_form_submit in ./i18n.module
Save multilingual variables and remove them from form
theme_i18n_link in ./i18n.module
Produces a language link with the right flag
translation_admin_content in translation/translation.module
Menu callback: administration page for node translations
translation_admin_nodes in translation/translation.module
Form builder. Administrative form for node translations
translation_get_links in translation/translation.module
Returns an array of links for all languages
translation_link in translation/translation.module
Implementation of hook_link().
translation_node_nid in translation/translation.module
Get translated node's nid
translation_term_tid in translation/translation.module
Get translated term's tid
tt in experimental/i18nstrings.module
Translate configurable string
ttext_field in experimental/ttext.module
Implementation of hook_field().